Thursday, April 23, 2015



Anonymous said...

Can you say, what you put out you get back, what goes around comes around, karma, etc.? Maybe if Christians would quit killing people that they don't agree with, the killee's might quit killing back. We have American military going around the world killing anybody they deem to be a terrorist. Personally I believe that our own military is the biggest terrorist organization in the world and I'm an ex-marine.

Freewill said...

I agree completely! Do not infringe upon anyone's rights!

Anonymous said...

Who would pay $1.00 to watch Beck?

Anonymous said...

I agree with both statements. The only bullying being done is the Corporate USA and the media being complicit along with the attacks to our countries.

Anonymous said...

WRONG! The USA / UN / NATO / NWO military is NOT of, by and for the people of America. The USA corporation military belongs to and serves the UN / NWO / NATO - it is NOT the military of these united States. Those who join up for the most part are NOT aware of nor informed about this. They are given all sorts of promises, benefits and scenarios about how their joining will provide them with benefits when their tour of duty is completed, yet when that occurs these kids receive nothing but flack and refusal to assist them. When they are shipped to other nations and are ordered to commit various crimes against humanity, they are shocked. When they refuse the orders, most all are murdered on the spot - by their own troops at the command of those in charge. The 'American' military is a misnomer - call it what it is - THE NWO ORDER MILITARY - because that IS what it is. The sooner Americans realize this, the sooner they will STOP joining up and instead join the militias on our home front and train and prepare to defend their own nation. We do NOT have our TRUE government but a private corporation that is financed by and serves solely the satanic Illuminati NWO. This is NOT 'our' military! It IS the 'terrorists' via the NWO / UN/ NATO which now owns and controls the USA military that both sponsors and fights against THEIR OWN CREATION - THE SO CALLED 'TERRORISTS'. They CREATE "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS" - the USA MILITARY IS PART OF THAT CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION THAT DOES BOTH OF THESE. The united States has NO 'military' at this time - only those who are equipped and defend via the militias and Oath Keepers along with the rural and neighborhood grannies and grandpas and others willing to give their lives to defend this nation from THE ENEMY WITHIN. Please rethink through what both of you - 12:16 PM and 12:28 PM have stated. May the Lord God Creator bless and keep those who are His.

Anonymous said...

MANY WILL pay! Like Beck or not, Beck is one who is trying his best to inform and teach the people of this nation, all of which have been lied to and have 'learned' those lies throughout their 'schooling'. The $1.00 is to view the information he has put together today PRIOR to the airing tonight - perhaps because of jobs or schooling or family responsibilities. Don't pay $1.00 if YOU don't want to! Beck is making information available in an attempt to turn this nation around!!! Don't condemn others if they DO pay the $1.00 because they want to hear and learn. It might do YOU some GOOD if you paid the $1.00 and listened and learned instead of being so small as to criticize and condemn Beck and others because they DO. One major reason this nation is in such trouble is because there are those who think THEY have all the answers and that THEY have the 'right' to criticize others. How about putting behind you the division attitude and join forces with us who desire to unite and win? United we stand and divided we fall.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 2:34 - Coming on kind of strong, aren't you? Your attitude is bringing division to the table. How dare you force your opinion on someone you don't even know. I am entitled to my opinion. I wouldn't listen to Beck if he paid me to. Beck is a traitor. Good luck to you surviving the coming events.

Olive Oyl said...

"Coming on kind of strong, aren't you? Division to the table?" YOU ARE KIDDING, AREN'T YOU? YOU are the one bringing the 'division to the table' here. You won't accept the opinions of anyone who doesn't agree with yours. You sound like the A-HO that frequents this site doing just what you are doing right now - bringing the accusations and negativism to the comments. If you believe YOU have the RIGHT to comment with your accusatory statements, then wake up because others also have a right to freely express their comments and opinions. Grow up. No one is 'forcing' opinions on anyone BUT YOU!!! If you choose to feel this way, that is your right but you don't have the right to claim this on behalf of other readers. "Good luck to you surviving the coming events"? This really is a good laugh!! What the hell do you mean by that one? You BET I WILL SURVIVE - I CAN DELETE YOU ANY TIME I PLEASE ASSHOLE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Olive! This 'person' is something else. Sounds exactly like one of the trolls that frequents some of the other blogs and does his best to create arguments and divisions among readers. Guess he doesn't have anything else to do? He must be getting well paid to do this, or else he is mentally ill !!! This idiot will be one of the first 'to go' when the SHTF!! He will run with his tail between his legs like the traitor and BS artist that he is. Good for you standing up against this jerk!!!! I stand with you. Now, hopefully we can put this to rest. This jerk isn't work anyone's time to respond to - which is exactly what he is looking for - creating strife. Easy to determine what 'spirits' are behind this and which he serves.

Anonymous said...

This post is NOT about Beck! It IS about the information Beck is trying to bring forth to Americans so they will be better informed, especially at this time with the exposure of Jade Helm 15 and all that is coming up with it. Bravo for Beck's efforts to serve his country and its people. To be targeting Beck is ridiculous and missing the point of what he is trying to bring to the people. Easy enough to see who would be doing this. Thanks Olive Oyl for your hard work on this blog!!! Seems you and Popeye don't receive much recognition for your time and efforts, but we DO notice and we thank you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I didn't know this was a private club. You are narrow minded and crude, too.

Freewill said...

This sure became quite interesting...

Freewill said...

Beck can be an idiot at times, also can be great. I have seen both good I formation from him and some not so good info. But as a few commenters stated, this post is about info, not Beck. Same can be said about Alex Jones. The best we can do is depict what feels right.