How to Reduce Mobile Phone Tower Radiation
Enormous installation of mobile phone towers in thickly-populated areas of many cities throughout the world has raised health concerns due to the existence of high-level electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of these towers. Let us learn the techniques to reduce these radiations
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh
Wireless telecommunication systems use a large number of mobile phone towers in order to provide telecom facilities to their subscribers spread across different geographical locations. These towers employ multiple antennae that radiate electromagnetic waves. There is a strong perception relating to the existence of a high level of electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of these towers, which may cause adverse biological effects. In the absence of suitable policy directives for these tower installations, monitoring, effective control and execution at all levels by governmental bodies, such mushrooming of mobile phone towers could create a sense of panic amongst general public.
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As the mobile phone base and various wireless technologies (such as WiMAX, WiBro, iBurst, EV-DO Advanced, LTE-Advanced, etc) are rapidly expanding and evolving, the requirement for such towers will also grow. It is therefore high time that a strict regulatory regime is established, as early as possible, to avoid possible fallout.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), INTERPHONE (a 13-country coordinated case-control study), independent expert group on mobile phones (IEGMP) and scientific committee on emerging and newly-identified health risks (SCENIHR) study researches, it has been found that electromagnetic radiation can contribute to health deficiency, including an increased risk of brain tumours, eye cancer, salivary gland tumours, testicular cancer and leukaemia. Several surveys have found a variety of self-reported symptoms for people who live close to base stations. Collectively, they have not provided evidence of a relationship, but they have had sufficient limitations to leave the question unresolved. International commission on non-ionising radiation protection (ICNIRP) study has concluded that exposure levels due to mobile phone base stations are generally around one-ten-thousandth of the guideline levels. Moreover, WHO has classified mobile phone radiation on the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) scale into Group 2B—possibly carcinogenic to humans. This means that there could be some risk of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones/wireless technologies needs to be conducted.
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There is need for not only controlling the haphazard installation of towers but also undertaking systematic study for measurement of radiation levels in some selected high-population-density urban areas to ensure that power density levels are well below prescribed threshold limits. The results need to be made available for public education and scrutiny. Further, it is better to take preventive measures and even try to mitigate radiation levels to provide greater protection to general public and workers. In India, the present threshold limits prescribed by the government are considered to be rather too generous (one of the highest in the world), and hence there is a need to review and remedy the situation and not wait until it becomes the subject matter of a public-interest petition in light of possible environmental adverse effects.
Electromagnetic radiation and standards
Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy, exhibiting wave-like behaviour as it travels through space. It has both electric and magnetic field components, which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation. Fig. 1 shows the different forms of electromagnetic energy in the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, with the range of frequencies, sources, their energies and effects.
Technically, all radiation and fields of the electromagnetic spectrum that do not normally have sufficient energy to produce ionisation in matter, characterised by energy per photon less than about 12 electron volts (eV), wavelengths greater than 100 nanometres (nm) and frequencies lower than 3×1015Hz, is termed as non-ionising radiation. Clearly, radiation that has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate or pump an electron to a higher energy state, but not enough to remove electrons, is termed as non-ionising radiation.
Extremely-low frequency (ELF) radio waves, microwaves, infra-red, visible light and near ultraviolet are all examples of non-ionising radiation. Here, it is noteworthy that static fields do not radiate and the light from the Sun is also largely composed of non-ionising radiation, with notable exception of some ultraviolet rays.
On the other hand, ionising radiation has enough energy to remove tightly-bound electrons from atoms and thus creating ions. High-frequency ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays are examples of ionising radiation and have enough high energy to strip-off electrons or even break-up the nucleus of atoms and thereby releasing huge amount of energy, which may disrupt the chemical bond and ultimately result in ionisation in the human body.
Exposure to very high levels of RF radiation can be harmful due to the ability of RF energy to rapidly heat biological tissues. Adverse effects (tissue damage) in humans could occur during exposure to high-RF levels because of the body’s inability to cope with or dissipate excessive heat that could be generated. The eyes, kneecaps and testes are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because of the relative lack of blood flow in these organs to dissipate excessive heat.
Fig. 3: Radiation field-regions of an antenna
After examining the problems arising from non-ionising radiations, ICNIRP has developed international guidelines on exposure limits. These reference limits are tabulated in Table I for the frequencies of interest. Here, ‘occupational’ refers to operational and maintenance staff.
Thus, the reference levels for general public and occupational exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields can be easily found for GSM, UMTS, CDMA and WiMAX from Table I. It is noteworthy that these communication systems are strongly time-dependent, so it is required to take average of the measured quantity over a defined period and measurements should be made during time of peak-usage. For example, ICNIRP reference (i.e., field) limits are to be averaged over any six-minute period below 10GHz and over a 68/(1000f)1.05-minute period for frequencies exceeding 10GHz (where f is the frequency in MHz).
In any particular exposure situation, measured or calculated values of any of these quantities can be compared with the appropriate reference level. Compliance with the reference level will ensure compliance with relevant quantities like current density (electric/magnetic field intensity), specific absorption rate (SAR) and power density. If the measured or calculated value exceeds the reference level, it is necessary to test compliance with the relevant field quantity and to determine whether additional protective measures are necessary.Based on the reference levels set by ICNIRP, compliance distances from base-station antenna have been calculated with the help of equivalent isotropically-radiated power in the direction of maximum antenna gain (eirp, in watts) (Table II). The eirp is the product of the power supplied to the antenna and the maximum antenna gain relative to an isotropic antenna. It should always be assured that for distances greater than the compliance distance, the radiation level is under the limit. Thus, three types of exposure zones have been identified:
1. Compliance zone (potential exposure to EMF is below applicable limits)
2. Occupational zone (potential exposure to EMF is below the limits for occupational exposure, but exceeds the limits for general public exposure)
3. Exceedance zone (potential exposure to EMF exceeds the limits for both, occupational and general public exposure)It should always be ensured that for distances greater than the compliance distance, the radiation level is under the limit. It means that if a lower amount of data concerning a radiating source is available, then the higher overestimation of compliance distances is required.
Assessment of exposure levels
The real source of electromagnetic radiation is the transmitting antenna and not the transmitter itself. The transmitting antenna is the main source that determines electromagnetic field distribution in the vicinity of a transmitting station. So, it is required to consider the appropriate region of the field of an antenna.
The space surrounding an antenna is generally subdivided into four regions: reactive near field, reactive-radiating near field, radiating (Fresnel) near field and radiating far field. Radial distance of the reactive near field is 0.62(D3/λ)1/2, where D is the largest dimension of the antenna and λ is the wavelength (to be valid, D must be large compared to the wavelength). Radial limit of the radiating near field is 2D2/λ. The field region beyond radiating near field (distance ≥ 2D2/λ) is radiating far field, where the field pattern is essentially independent of the distance from the antenna. Thus, assessment of exposure level in any field region for mobile phone frequency bands of interest can be easily done.
For assessment of the exposure level, it is required to measure field quantities such as electric field intensity (E), magnetic field intensity (H) and specific absorption rate (SAR). Selection of the field quantity to be measured depends on where (near or far field region) the observer is and on the field impedance. In the reactive near field, it is required to measure both E and H components or evaluate SAR. Determining SAR instead of field measurement is preferable at positions located very close to the antenna. In reactive radiating near field, if no information on the field impedance is available, it is suggested to measure both E and H fields. If information on field impedance is available, it is possible to measure only one field component. If E/H>120π (high-impedance EMF), measurement of component E is required and if E/H<120π (low-impedance EMF), measurement of component H will suffice.
Now, in radiating near field, it is suggested to measure only component E with the impedance taken equal to free-space impedance (Z0). In the radiating far-field region, it is possible to measure either the electric or magnetic field component and determine the equivalent power density. However, measurement devices for the electric field component (E) are usually preferred. The equivalent power density within the far-field region is obtained from the measured field by calculation.
Further, multi-path reflections can create non-uniform field distributions. Therefore, to assess the correct exposure level, an averaging process is required and field values should be determined at several points (p) as shown in Fig. 4. Three points are basically recommended (Fig. 4a), but if accuracy is required the number can be increased to six (Fig. 4b), nine (Fig. 4c), 20 (Fig. 4d), etc, for more accurate results. In case of multiple sources, the measurement area should be divided into a grid of about one square metre and measurements should be performed at individual grid points.
The spatially-averaged field value is given by:
In most cases, a typical transmitting station contains many transmitting systems operating on many frequencies. In this scenario, all operating frequencies must be considered in a weighted sum, where each individual source is pre-rated according to the limit applicable to its frequency. For simultaneous exposure to fields at different frequencies of our interest (GSM, CDMA, 3G, WiMAX, etc), the compliance with exposure limits is evaluated as:
where, Ei is the electric field strength at frequency i, El,i is the reference limit at frequency i, c = 610/f (f in MHz) for occupational exposure and (87/f)1/2 for general-public exposure.Assessment of exposure levels can be done either by measurement or by numerical calculations or by electromagnetic software simulations. All these methods have almost similar level of uncertainty and accuracy, depending on the method and equipment or software used.
Radiation mitigation techniques
If the electromagnetic radiation level in any area accessible to people is higher than prescribed limits, it is strongly required to take necessary action to reduce the radiation level. To achieve the required reduction of radiation level, several mitigation techniques may be applied, either individually or simultaneously.
1. Transmitter power reduction. The transmitter power is directly related to the power density and square of the electric field strength/magnetic field strength. So, reduction in transmitter power would result in reduction of radiation level. But, this method also leads to reduction of the coverage area.
2. Increase in antenna height. The power density at any observation point is the function of antenna height. If the antenna height is increased, then the power density/field strength at the observation point is reduced due to an increase in the distance to the point of observation. The reduction of radiation level is even greater because at the same time elevation angles to the considered area are moved to another part of the vertical radiation pattern of the antenna.
3. Decrease in VRP downtilt. The vertical radiation pattern (VRP) of an antenna is very important for performance improvement. All energy radiated above the horizontal plane is lost, and this loss can be managed by reducing the VRP and downtilting the beam. The main beam is tilted downward in order to limit the coverage area, which also increases the possibility of frequency re-use. Moreover, the radiation level also increases in the proximity of antenna. So, it is advised to decrease VRP downtilt in order to reduce the radiation level. The downtilt of the main beam can be achieved by either mechanically or electrically-operated motor mechanism.
4. Increase in antenna gain. Gain of an antenna is a key performance figure that combines the antenna’s directivity and electrical efficiency (G=ηD(θ,φ)). It specifies how well the antenna converts input power into electromagnetic waves headed in a specified direction and to limit the radiation in other directions. So, it is possible to limit the radiation level in the area accessible to the people with the control of the directivity (ultimately gain) of the antenna. Again, the directivity of the antenna is related to horizontal radiation pattern (HRP) and vertical radiation pattern (VRP). In order to protect people against radiation, HRP of the antenna can be altered but it will always affect the coverage area.
Fig. 5: Signage for placement at mobile phone tower site
On the other hand, VRP determines radiation as a function of distance to the antenna. So, antenna gain (or more precisely VRP) can be utilised (increased gain/sharp main lobe) to limit the radiation level in close proximity of the antenna without affecting the coverage area. This can be achieved by feeding a high-gain antenna with a low-power transmitter, which will result in the same amount of equivalent radiated power (ERP). So, it is recommended to use a low-power transmitter with a high-gain antenna (narrower VRP beam width) for attaining a low-level of radiation.
5. Changes in VRP. VRP is a function of elevation angle (i.e., in a vertical plane) and represents the distribution of energy in a vertical plane. It gives an impression of distribution of energy depending on the distance between a transmitting antenna and an observation point. Vertical radiation pattern is responsible for radiation to the area in the proximity of the antenna. So, changes can be done in VRP by introducing changes in the feeding arrangement (changing cable length). So, an optimisation of VRP will result in reduction in radiation level.
6. Changes in HRP. HRP is a function of azimuth angle, representing distribution of energy in a horizontal plane. It is possible to reduce the radiation level by using an antenna with a narrower horizontal beam. A narrower horizontal beam (means higher antenna gain) accompanied with lower transmitter power will result in lower radiation level without the loss of coverage area.7. Multiple methods applied simultaneously. All methods described above are independent and can be applied either individually or in combination to achieve the required decrease in radiation level.
Placement of signage
It is the responsibility of the wireless service provider to ensure provision of proper signage, warning entry of general public to the exclusion zones. Samples of different signboard are shown in Fig. 5. The danger signboard should be placed on the tower structure. Warning signboard should be placed at the entry point of the exclusion zone and the caution signboard should be placed at the entrance of the base station compound in case of ground base tower (GBT) or at the entry point of the roof of the building in case of roof-top tower (RTT).
Operators providing wireless communication should seriously consider this study and ITU-T recommendations in order to keep the operation of base-station transceivers in compliance with regulations concerning environmental protection against non-ionizing radiation. Further, it is important to note that the present threshold limits prescribed by ICNIRP are considered to be rather too generous. Hence, there is a need to review and remedy the situation and not wait until it becomes the subject matter of a public-interest petition in the light of possible environmental adverse effects.
In order to minimize possible health hazards, some recommendations are: minimization of mobile phone usage, limitation of use by at-risk population (such as children), adoption of mobile phones and microcells with as low as reasonably-practicable levels of radiation, wider use of hands-free and earphone technologies such as Bluetooth headsets, headsets with ferrite beads and headsets with air tube, adoption of maximal standards of exposure and greater distances of base-station antennae from human habitations, and so forth.
The author holds a Ph.D. in electronics engineering from IIT (BHU), Varanasi, and is currently assistant professor at Lovely Professional University, Pubjab. Previously, he was associated with BSNL. He has received senior research fellowship of UGC.
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Lots of luck.
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