By Frosty Wooldridge
October 20, 2015
October 20, 2015
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society,” - French historian-philosopher Voltaire.
Within the next 24 months, John Kerry and Congress, abetted by Barack Obama, expect to import 200,000 Syrian Muslim refugees into our country.
That’s on top of the usual 1,000,000 (million) legal refugee immigrants expected to land on our shores in 2016 and another 1,000,000 (million) more in 2017.
That’s on top of the 100,000,000 (million) total legal immigrant refugees projected to land on our shores within 30 years. (Source: US Population Projections by Fogel/Martin; PEW Research Center)
Ironically, you won’t hear a peep out of the American people.
Not a word of protest!
Not a whisper of objection!
No complaints from talk show hosts or journalists!
No discussion from governors, mayors or newspaper editors.
No marches or demonstrations in defiance of the sheer lunacy of importing the human mob that created the third world into our first world country.
Americans prove Voltaire’s words prescient.
Just keep poring every kind of immigrant into America without the slightest discussion as to the final outcome! They can be illegal alien migrants, anchor babies, Visa overstays, ISIS terrorists and/or religious homegrown extremists.
How do Congress and a few 'elites' like John Kerry get away with it?
Answer: the majority of the American people collectively could care less.
No interest!
No concern!
No understanding of the final result!
That’s on top of the fact that our country staggers under $18 trillion in national debt.
That’s in addition to 48 million Americans subsisting on food stamps.
Consumer debt stands at $2 trillion.
That’s in addition to 10 million unemployed Americans---begging for jobs that aren’t available.
That includes 1.5 million homeless Americans.
That includes hundreds of thousands of unattended American veteran soldiers.
That includes 1 out of 6 hungry children in America.
That includes 13 million American children living below the poverty line.
That includes 73 percent of African-American children born illegitimate and living on welfare.
That includes our national infrastructure decaying beyond repair.
That includes paying out billions for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
That includes $1.3 trillion owed to China in “Free Trade” debts and more to India.
That includes our illiteracy rates skyrocketing through the roof.
That includes our racial strife whether it’s Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland and Chicago, Illinois drowning with violence, joblessness and hopelessness.
That includes Muslim confrontations manifesting in Lewiston, Maine, New York City, Minneapolis, Denver, Miami and more to come.
That includes proven Muslim-American terrorists at Fort Hood, Boston Marathon Bombers, New York City Times Square bomber, Denver subway bomb maker, Oklahoma Muslim beheadings and more to come.
Does anyone see a problem with adding 200,000 Muslim Syrians into our country?
Am I one of the few journalists in this country who understands that we slice our throats with this latest monumental refugee injection?
Am I the only one to see Europe collapsing and destroying itself via Angela Merkel and other leaders?
Why aren’t Americans marching and screaming for a total halt to all immigration. It’s our country. Why give it away?
Why lose the foundation of our heritage to a horde of third world people who failed their own societies?
Why overwhelm ours with their cultures, languages and incompatible religions? If we save them, we destroy ourselves. Their line never ends.
"Any culture that will not defend itself against displacement through mass immigration faces extinction. That includes both time-tested and successful cultures.
Embracing diversity is cultural suicide. America’s multicultural path guarantees its destruction via cultural clashes and conflict such as Islam, Mexican and African cultures that diametrically oppose American culture. The more diverse a country, the more destructive and broken-down its future.
The more people, the more it destroys its quality of life and standard of living.
The more it adds immigrants, the more destruction to its environment.
The more it imports refugees, the faster America, Canada, Europe and Australia lose their own ability to function.
Exponential growth of any civilization cannot be sustained. It leads to ultimate collapse. You are seeing it in Africa, India and China today. You will see it in Europe, Canada, Australia and America in the coming years, IF Western countries don't stop all forms of immigration.“ FHW
Fellow American, you either lift your voice today or the immigrants of this invasion will drown you out tomorrow. Our country will be swallowed up by this invasion invited upon us by Obama, the United Nations and Congress.
Definition of slogan: "Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration.
That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens.
We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them.
We want English mandated as our national language.
We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life.
We can’t save the world but we can destroy our civilization.
We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children." FHW
That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them. Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers. We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!
Share these videos all over America: ; ; ; ;
Thanks for this post! You're right! Everyone would be amazed to know that when a whole bunch of people send this report to their Congress, House Of Representatives, Senators, etc. they start to do something about it. What the Cabal are trying to do is start a civil war and sit there and laugh at the people as they kill each other and the Cabal gets their rocks off on all the blood and fear. The biggest problem here in America is that none of the people who are "Mis" leading this country are people that We The People have actually chosen and they certainly haven't been working for "We The People" which is how the foundation of our government was originally set up, and the Cabal is trying to remove all history from the people so they won't know what the hey is going on. We need a leader who actually is honest and cares about the people of America and about America itself. We also need the Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America passed into law as an Amendment because this would obviously help quickly stop all of the deceit of the Cabal.
Why would we allow this INVASION? I have called and written my Governor and my Conressman and my Mayor and my council woman. NOT A PEEP. We need to stop this on our own. We need to start at our Legislature by marching on every Capital. Then we need to be in the streets. What is it going to take?
First of all, when I tell people this info they give me a look like I have 3 eyes. THEN the9y ask why I believe anything on he internet! Third, they say it's not true! SHUTDOWN! They just insinuate it's a lie. If you get any further than that they will say that wasn't in the news. THEN..that will never happen in America. Fearmongering, they reply.
That is why the PTB are trying to shut down Trump cause he dares to speak the truth!
The people will NOT believe media will lie to us.
And everyday we hear the conservative talkshows graze and skirt the real truth. And I am real tired of Hannity pushing for Gingrich (weasel) to be reappointed as speaker! Ugh! NO. My pick would be Jeff Sessions.
Anyway, I keep speaking to people about what is going on and they feel sorry for me. 8 years of arguing with people and it has Not helped one bit.
I totally believe we MUST have access to a media outlet that goes nationwide truth with IMPACT fast.
I don't know anymore. I am alone in my, whatever.
God ONLY knows.
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