Friday, October 23, 2015

Earthquakes Progress across WHOLE North American Plate in 1 Weeks Time

New post on

10/21/2015 — Breakthrough : Earthquakes Progress across 

WHOLE North American Plate in 1 Weeks Time


This is what I consider to be a breakthrough finding that professionals need to make note of immediately.
Earthquakes are now progressing across the North American plate, literally traversing the edge of the craton from the West Coast (Pacific Northwest) to the East Coast / Southeast Canada.
A picture speaks a thousand words, this graphic below shows the past 7 days of M2.5+ earthquakes across North America (as recorded by the USGS).   The progression of earthquakes is obvious in its path along the edge of the North American Craton.
yellowstone idaho cern-SPACEWAR-LCH 69

It is currently accepted teaching in most institutions that earthquakes DO NOT progress across entire plates in short periods of time.
I have personally had professors come to my public pages to tell me that one small earthquake can NOT cause another small earthquake elsewhere far away.
Contrary to dogmas taught in today’s Universities , the facts speak for themselves , and we can now certainly say that the old teaching is incorrect — that earthquakes DO indeed progress across great distances over short periods of time.  Furthermore, we can say beyond any shadow of doubt, that one “small” earthquake can lead to another earthquake of equal magnitude elsewhere (far away).
Examples from the past 11 days of earthquakes up to October 20, 2015:  Each event spreads out over a few days time, spreading Eastward..
M4.5 in Oklahoma on 10/10 is followed by a M3.5 on the New Madrid to the East on 10/16
M3.0 in Colorado on 10/18 is followed by a M3.1 on the East Coast / Southeast Quebec on 10/20
Over 1 weeks time the progression passes from West to East, reducing magnitude as the pressure spreads out and releases as multiple points along the way Eastward.
The points of release are the “weak” spots, such as fracking / pumping operations, deep aquifers, and dormant volcanoes along the West coast.  The weak points are acting like perforations along a rigid surface, the pressure seeks the weak spots out like water seeking out the lowest point to flow to.
Instead of “low points” for water to flow to, the pressure flows to the caves / fissures / fault lines / magma chambers / lava tubes / or drill shaft locations.
Another way to imagine it would be like a sheet of glass… you cannot bend the glass without it breaking– but IF you try to bend the glass, it will break at the weak points in the glass — usually you have to hit glass to create a weak spot / fracture zone, which then spreads out to other parts of the glass along the inner lattice structure of the glass.. which really could be likened to fault lines.
If the glass has been drilled out at certain points, or if you were to cut a line with a glass cutter across the surface of the glass– if you applied pressure to the glass the fracture would occur along the weak zone you created with the glass cutting tool.
The pressure will always find the weakest spot in the region to release.  Sometimes those locations are drilling/pumping operations, other times they are dormant volcanic locations — every time they are known crustal puncture zones — whether they’re natural (from lava tubes off magma chambers) or whether they’re man made tubes from oil / gas pumping — the pressure finds those zones, and releases at those locations BEFORE transferring Eastward to other weak zones for further release.
The pressure can move across thousands of miles in a matter of hours to days (at the most), thus again, like the broken glass analogy — the fracture spreads across large areas rather quickly.

All of the aforementioned has been denied by professionals as being “possible”.  Meanwhile, science is starting to show these people to be wrong.   The past weeks earthquake locations prove everything I’ve said above to be accurate.
Feel free to search the USGS archive to compare for yourself, this week, or any other week you wish… this isn’t the first week of progressing earthquakes.  I’ve been documenting this for nearly 5 years, only making the official claim of discovery now that I personally consider it proved beyond any reasonable doubt. | October 22, 2015 at 3:47 pm |

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