Fed Plan is to Print Money Until System Blows.....
Bix Weir
Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 2:29 PM
Bix Weir
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release)
Financial writer and analyst Bix Weir is not surprised by the Federal Reserve’s policies because it is all part of the long term plan. Weir explains, “The goal, since we went off the gold standard in 1971, has been to run the financial system as long and as hard as possible, sucking up all the benefits of fiat money, and there are very few attempts to slow this mess down. The idea is to put as much money as you can . . . until you have printed so much money the system implodes. This was a Nobel Prize winning paper in the 1960’s called “On the Road to the Golden Age.” It basically says if you have this freedom and flexibility with the monetary system, run it as hard as you can until people stop accepting the unbacked fiat money, then crash the system and go back to something safe and sound after it all blows up. . . . What they need is a big enough bubble so when it crashes, it take out all the derivatives, the malfeasance of the banks, the good guys and the bad guys and all the things going on behind the scenes. They need the bubble so big, and that’s what they are doing right now is blowing the bubble so big everybody feels the effect of a crash.”
When is the next crash coming? Weir says it will all unwind before “the end of this year.” Weir contends, “The decision will need to be made this year. The banks will, once again, come to Congress and say we need money for a bailout. That decision will be made by the U.S. people, not by Congress, not by the Fed and not by the banks. It’s going to come to the people, and I believe they will say no to bailouts.”
So, is inflation or deflation coming? Weir says, “It’s not really inflation or deflation. It is a ceasing of the system. After the system crashes, no one is going to accept a Federal Reserve Note. So, I wouldn’t call it deflation. I would call it a restart. What they call it at the Fed is a ‘creative destruction event.’ Meaning, in order to move on to the next step, you have to destroy all the bad that has built up, and there is a lot of bad. We see the derivatives, and we say oh, that’s bad. There is so much more going on behind the scenes. We’re talking hundreds of trillions, if not quadrillions, of dollars in electronic assets that need to be wiped away, wiped clean completely. Otherwise, where all these assets are concentrated, they will have control over us, and that’s what we need to get rid of. We need to get rid of their control of us.”
So, is a “Mad Max” world a possibility? Weir says, “That’s a possibility because of the way they have built up these bubbles. Remember, there are different groups of ‘they.’ There is ‘they’ the bad guys, the banksters, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, that type of group. They want the system to implode because they want to implement their one-world government. That’s what they want, and they want to erase all their bad deeds from the last 100 years. There are good guys who want the system to implode to take back control of the monetary system in the United States from these bad guys. So, we are at a situation now where they both want it to happen, and that’s why they have built these bubbles so big. They seem to be making decisions completely off the wall, but truthfully, it is all leading to the same thing. Blow the bubble as big as possible so that it implodes. Then, you will see a fight to get control of the monetary system after the implosion.”
On war, Bix says, “The bad guys right now are trying to start World War III. That is the real dark side of how this thing might end. It will be China and Russia against us, and that is not a good thing.”
(There is much more in the video interview.)
1 comment:
Hell, they don't even bother to print the stuff any more. They just type numbers, with dollar signs, into accounts and people just write checks on the accounts. They know the physical paper is no good anyway, so why bother printing the stuff when there are plenty of digits out there in thin air.
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