Sunday, October 18, 2015

High insiders Vatican: Pope Francis resigns next year

Xander 10-13-15
Pope aims would have achieved New World Order 
Catholic leaders from Italy, Mexico and Chile state:  "Gays are the salvation of the Church'



“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV)
Like many people, I missed the message that the Pope preached at St. Patrick’s Cathedral because it was not streamed live as far as I was aware.  And honestly, I was much more interested from a prophecy perspective in what he was going to say to Washington and the United Nations.  So I did not bother to take a peek and see what he preached at St. Patrick’s.  When I did, I about fell off my chair.

“We need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”
First of all, Pope Francis gave a shout-out to his “Muslim brothers and sisters” when he said this – “I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters:  Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice.”  In case he doesn’t know, Islam clearly teaches that their god, Allah, has no son. None at all.  So for a Christian to be a spiritual brother or sister with a Muslim is impossible.  The Qu’ran boldly declares that Allah has no son:
It is not [befitting] for Allah to take a son; exalted is He! When He decrees an affair, He only says to it, “Be,” and it is.”  Surah 19:35,36
Pope Francis has been wooing the Muslims into the Vatican tent for sometime now.  In November of 2014, he prayed inside a Mosque in Istanbul, in December of 2014 Pope Francis defended Islam as a “religion of peace”, and just a few weeks ago issued the order for all Catholics in Europe to take in Muslim migrants to live with them in their homes.


Perhaps the most shocking, the most stunning words to ever come out of the Pope’s mouth had to do with him talking about the “failure of the Cross.”  What??  It is because of Jesus on the cross, that we have salvation.  It is because of the cross that we now have access to the Father and a FULL pardon for our sins.  It is because of the cross that Heaven, and not Hell, is our destination. This is what he said:
“The cross shows us a different way of measuring success.  Ours is to plant the seeds.  God sees to the fruits of our labors.  And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”
That was it, not another word. You would expect him to say something like “while it appeared to be a failure to His disciples, the cross was actually a victory…” or some such thing.  I have heard that preached many times before in church.  But the thing is, he didn’t say that.  He just simply stated that the life of Jesus on the cross “ended in failure,” which is a complete and total lie.  How he could just leave it there, in defeat, to declare the cross a FAILURE and not expound one, tiny bit more is beyond imagination.  The Pope, the self-proclaimed “vicar of Christ,” preaching a message of the FAILURE OF JESUS on the cross.  Honestly, words fail me at this moment.  Truly.
What better way could Pope Francis end a “sermon” whose opening remarks call Christ-rejecting, Hell-bound Muslims our “brothers and sisters,” and whose main point is the “failure of Jesus on the cross,” than by praying to Mary and asking for her blessing:
“Dear brothers and sisters, in a few moments, we will sing the Magnificat.  Let us commend to our lady the work we have been entrusted to do.  Let us join her in thanking god for the great things he has done…”
You can click here to read the full transcript of this sermon from the pit of Hell, but honestly, why would you want to?
Pope Francis, as far I am concerned, still retains his title of The False Prophet…and then some


Tracey Cooke said...

More like the pope will be getting arrested

Anonymous said...

Read What he actually said,..Talk about being quoted out of context. What kind of garbage are we being fed. Scared of this man they are. very scared. It is a shame John is not here to weed out this kind of garbage.

Anonymous said...

And, pray tell, what DID 'he' actually 'said'??? WHAT was quoted out of context? The author gave his account - were YOU there? What 'garbage' are you 'being fed'?? A shame 'John is not here to weed out this kind of garbage?" The man is unfortunately not in the picture any more. Can you not allow him to rest in peace instead of raising his name frequently as though John would have done things better and differently? So - this Dan again? So are you saying this article is 'ga'rbage'? Any student of prophecy for the 'last days' would find the information in this article to be of great interest - whether he/she agreed with it or not.. Any Bible student, anyone who considers himself a 'Christian', would find this article of interest. You must not be any of the above. So - move on and find something you CAN tolerate. There are amy other blogs out there - find one that suits you. By the way, some of us worked with John for at least a couple years or more before his untimely death. These are simply carrying on his legacy. Not much is different than when we are working alongside John - including not publishing vulgar and argumentative comments. The 'delete' button comes in handy and IS used.

Anonymous said...

Ok,.. So right from the article above:

That was it, not another word. You would expect him to say something like “while it appeared to be a failure to His disciples, the cross was actually a victory…” or some such thing. I have heard that preached many times before in church. But the thing is, he didn’t say that.

Then if you go to the link provided above also,.. to where the actual speech text was recorded. This is what he Actually said.

The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.

That is the context,.. and it closely resembles what the author claims he does not say. Double speak. Not the Pontiff's best selection of words but look "honestly" at the context and decide what was being said.

Kind of funny how the author gives the link to the speech and then says:

You can click here to read the full transcript of this sermon from the pit of Hell, but honestly, why would you want to?

Actually the author doesn't want you to read for yourself as you may see the actual context and realize the author is misleading at best.

In this day you need to do more than scratch the surface to find the truth.

This man,.. Francis has been the most misquoted and misrepresented man I have ever researched. I will admit he walks on the razors edge and thereby almost inviting this type of misrepresentation.

Anonymous said...

OK - Got your points. However, I have to disagree for whatever it is worth - the man is (1) a 'catholic' (study the mass - they are worshipping SATAN and NOT the Lord Jesus Christ), (2) a Jesuit, recognized for hundreds of years as the primary warmongers and troublemakers on the planet, and (3) a war criminal with arrest warrant out for him and he surrounds himself with 7,000 Jesuit bodyguards so he cannot be arrested. As for him being misunderstood, I don't agree with you on that, either. However, I don't want to pursue this any further. Was just interested in your take on the man and on the report, and I thank you for taking the time to express your viewpoint. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

You say you don't want to pursue this any more but then drop a bomb like the mass is not worshiping Jesus.

Study the mass?,.. What part of the mass do you have trouble understanding? I am not talking about some idiots doing black masses in certain areas,.. but the normal Tridentine mass that is celebrated in most localities. In a billion people you can always find a few that are evil.

If the Mass is evil then you are indicting not just the Catholics but most of the Orthodox churches throughout the world making up almost 75% of Christendom.

Bearing false witness or do you really believe what you have written? Maybe you saw some bs video.

And when did the mass go evil,.. has it always been this way,.. Funny Martin Luther never mentioned it. Neither did Calvin or Zwingli. I hope you know who they are.

It should be no surprise when people in high places are not good people as Christ when he faced evil, it was the high positions in the church (temple). But Christ never said to turn away from the Temple or the Jewish Faith. Just something to consider. Darkness entered the church while Christ was still with us. Is this somehow new now.

holy cross said...

1. - He claims to be Catholic - he violates the condemnation of "modernism" frequently (ie. double speak - forked tongue) As to the Mass, then you are calling all the apostles satan worshipers as they all said the Mass BUT not the one that was changed at Vatican II by protestant/masonic infiltration. Your ignorance of Truth will doom you I am afraid
2. - He is a Jesuit whose order has was taken over by the modernists early last century.
3. - This war criminal business by Kevin Annett is the pot calling kettle black.

Unfortunately you have swallowed the lies of Satan yourself regarding Catholicism which you show you know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Check out these websites for TRUTH about the catholic church hypocrisy:

siriusvoid said...

I think the question that needs to be asked is... Did Jesus Christ sacrifice himself for 'the Jews'?.. For all mankind?? Or was he simply being obedient to his Father in Heaven, with no care for his fellow man??? Just guessing he loves all of us just as he loves his Heavenly Father...
The Pope may claim close contact... and to 'speak for Christ', but I'm pretty sure he hasn't identified himself as God on Earth... So maybe 'Christians' should be cutting him some slack... Maybe also, the Muslims, who derive from the indigenous Christianity of the Middle East.. NOT the Vatican, NOR Constantinople, NOR the 'Holy Roman Empire' brands of Europeanized Christianity... Before we form a circular firing squad and begin to eliminate any chance any of us has at entering the Kingdom of Heaven, Let's consider that we, ourselves might not have all the answers, and must turn to a higher authority. A Heavenly one.

Anonymous said...

First - Do No Harm
Second - Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

That Is The Whole Law....

Then examine the possibility that the 'Actor' Jonathan Pryce/Price
Is 'Playing' Pope Francis..

Why, I'm not sure.

I do know that absolute power corrupts absolutely,
and where the lust for money and power exists,
the Rothschilds and Vatican are never far behind..

He who has, and has had the GOLD, always makes the rules.

We will always be the slaves we've always been
until the 'Freedom' bell rings and someone says
'The Curse Has Been Lifted'....