Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monsanto, The Most Evil Company In The World, Just Got Another Nail In Their Coffin


By Kristen Anderson

A subgroup of the World Health Organization has just released a study that suggests that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.”  

Farmers across the United States are lining up to give their testimony and medical evidence for lawsuits that are being organized in cities across the country. 

Roundup, widely used on everything from wheat to grass to corn, is touted as a safe herbicide with a “very good environmental profile” according to Trish Jordan of Monsanto. But consumers and health organizations feel differently and have been suggesting for years that glyphosate causes everything from autism to cancer.

Personal injury lawyers are gearing up for a mass tort action suit against the agrichemical giant, and they have the support of millions behind them. Marches against Monsanto have drawn millions of participants worldwide and dozens of countries have entirely banned the use of not only their products, but the import of any foods treated with their products.  

While this initial suit will ultimately focus on farm workers, a victory could open the door to further suits involving consumers of products treated with Roundup and other Monsanto chemicals.

Suits have been filed in at least 3 states threatening to prove that Monsanto knew that glyphosate causes cancer, a claim the company vehemently denies. “Glyphosate is not a carcinogen,” company spokes woman Charla Lord said in an emailed statement. “The most extensive worldwide human health databases ever compiled on an agricultural product contradict the claims in the suits.”

Do you believe Monsanto’s spokeswoman? Or the World Health Organization, independent researchers and millions of your fellow consumers around the world?

Opponents of the giant point to the shikimate pathway which is disrupted or destroyed when it comes in contact with glyphosate. While animals and humans do not have a shikimate pathway, every bacteria does and that is central to understanding how Roundup and other herbicides containing glyphosate destroy human health. By disrupting and killing bacteria found in our gut, glyphosate damages every system in our bodies and can lead to depression, Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, infertility, autism, and many other diseases.

Monsanto won’t go down without a fight.  The company has faced over 700 suits in the past, mainly related to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but they continue to manufacture their deadly products to rake in their enormous profits. The company had over $15 billion of net sales in 2014. 

Intent on disowning responsibility for the damage they have caused, they continue to lobby and try to persuade farmers and consumers alike.  A suit filed last month involving several states claims that Monsanto “led a prolonged campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general population that Roundup was safe.”

How can you join the movement and help bring down Monsanto?

  1. Join organizations such as March Against Monsanto.
  2. Insist on pesticide-free produce.
  3. Support locally grown food and organic co-ops.
  4. Share this article and spread the word about how deadly glyphosate is.


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