Sunday, October 18, 2015




By Anna Von Reitz


Reading the many comments on different websites, we realize that many remain confused by the difference in the two currencies. 

The (current) FEDERAL US DOLLAR (FRN) has nothing to do with the United States of America. The Federal Reserve Fiat dollar is owned by a private corporation formed in 1913 on Jekyll Island by private individuals. The “owners” of said corporation called it the US Dollar to cover up the scam of theft of the American people. If you have not realized this by now, we suggest a crash course into the history of the Federal Reserve.

When — not if — the Global Currency Reset occurs, the world will return to a “asset backed” system.

For example, currency baskets will obtain gold, silver, oil, corn, cotton or whatever resources prove valuable. This will enable each country’s currency to be “pegged” to a new value. These “baskets” will NOT have the country’s currency in it, for example – gold, yuan, British pound, etc. 

Right now the “SDR” (Special Drawing Rights) at the IMF is set up with “currencies” and that is not going very well, so that will change also. Each country has an audit of “assets” their country possesses and what it can support for a value to their currency. This “value” is not only gold bars in the vault, but also what is in the ground under their feet.

Back to the United States problem that people do not understand. Right now folks are saying that the US FIAT DOLLAR is going to devalue when the Reset occurs … WHO CARES!!! That is the privately owned fiat dollar.  Let it go down burning is what I say!!! The “true value” of the crap paper is about 3 cents. That is why a loaf of bread is around $4.00 at the store.

The USA Treasury will be sending out a NEW US TREASURY currency. If you do not believe this can happen…research what John F. Kennedy DID in 1963. Google 'Kennedy Dollar'.  Look at the $5 bill and the $2 bill…what is missing? I’ll give the answer at the end for those too lazy to look it up.

This is how it will play out — so nothing for us to worry about.

The Global Reset happens…announcement is made that the USA is getting new USA TREASURY bills. For those of you who “might” still have fiat cash in your wallet or tucked under your mattress, you will be able to take it to the bank and exchange it for new treasury notes or spend it at the store. When the store makes its deposit, the US Treasury will shred it.

It is my understanding that it will take approximately six months for all fiat bills to be collected from mason jars, mattresses, etc.

So far it will be a one to one exchange…no reason to freak the people of the USA out. The FEDS have not printed new fiat $1, $5, $10, or $20 bills since 2009. This is why they have been pushing the “debit” card to use instead of cash. If everybody suddenly went back to only using CASH…the banks would freak out because they do not have that much fiat cash on hand.

The new US Treasury bill will have, for example, a TRUE value of let’s say $1.80 value to each $1.00 new bill. So that same loaf of bread sitting at $4.00 fiat right now, will DROP IN PRICE to NEW USA Treasury price of $1.30 for example, or even drop back to 89 cents like it was 30 years ago. 

As ‘Poof’ used to tell us all, “we will return to 1950s prices” because the NEW USA Treasury currency “will have a “TRUE” value to it and it will be WAY HIGHER than that crappy fiat paper worth no more than 3 cents!!! 

Just understand that the NEW Treasury bills will have a HIGHER value and you will be able to buy more at the store…this is also part of the “leveling the playing field” for us all. We will get more “bang for the buck” — finally!!!

As for the OLD FIAT PRIVATELY OWNED CURRENCY that was called the US Dollar…Let it Burn!!! When it burns, so will ALL that debt that is in Fiat dollars that has been chained around the neck of the World and the American people for the last 100+ years.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What she said!