Sunday, July 10, 2016

ALERT! INTEL JUST IN ....... July 10 2016 7:40 AM


July 10 2016 

7:40 am

The Father just spoke and said, 'It has begun!!' referring to the civil war in America.
The prophetic message of an event "within thirty days" has been fulfilled.
There must then remain two more "events" to fulfill the number of events coming as stated on the 17th of June.
Keep in mind there is to also be a "false flag" strike which will eclipse in much greater magnitude than the events of 11 Sept 2001.
No doubt plans will be made for more than five.
The term "false flag," meaning the "shadow government," will pull it off but blame another entity or implicate an innocent party, thus escaping detection and thereby allowing them to "skate"' as happened on 11 Sept 2001,  at Waco, at OKC, TWA Flt 800, AA Flt 587, Swissair, EqyptAir, Vince Foster, Chandra Levy, Tammy Wynette, Joan Rivers, Jim Keith, Bill McDougall, ad nausem.  
Additional Note: There was an email note that a BLM operative had been arrested. Where? Not sure yet.  If anyone can provide information on this, please send it to us.
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet that the confiscation of Americans' guns will now be targeted, and the UN troops will now be released upon the streets and neighborhoods of America to remove the guns - whatever the UN troops have to do will be sanctioned as OK - including the murder of Americans to get their guns - Christians, constitutionalists, patriots and the like will be considered and treated as 'the ENEMY'

Shining Light said...

He was arrested in Baton Rouge Louisiana

Olive Oyl said...

Shining Light: I am assuming you are referring to the BLM agent. Did the report give his name and any other information? A website address on this? Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Keep an eye on the ball amerikka!!!

These false flag attacks are the only ammo they have left, trump needs to expose them on national tv and point out the obvious links between H. Bush, Clinton, Obama et. all to the DNC coordinated psy-op attack...

Get this treasonous scum out of here.....Pivot and the congress initiate impeachment charges and contempt!!

Anonymous said...

How long would 'mercenary' UN troops work for delayed pay?

According to Neil Keenan's recent article about
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's recent funds begging
trip to China, he may very well have come away
empty handed.

With slim to no prospect for achieving either of his
two goals, it seems this reversal of fortune
may have caused him some 'dietary indiscretion',
aka (irritable bowel syndrome).

Skirmishes may erupt; but guns given or guns taken
is unlikely without them.

Besides, General Dunford stated to the equivalent of
'there's going to be 'a new sheriff' in town..

There may be a couple of threats lurking,
but the scales are beginning to tip our way.