Thursday, July 14, 2016

Congressional Staffers Refuse To Put Gun-Free Zone Signs On Their Property


Anonymous said...

Fly on the wall at Bilderberg meeting - have a good chuckle

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the Praetorian Guard, aka the Police...

A cops job is always first and foremost to protect the state. That isn't in argument. If you can immediately prove they have no jurisdiction over you, you can remove the situation entirely (that's true) and get them to flee for the hills.

But that doesn't get them off the hook at all because I'm the least concerned about a golden rule book, when it comes to THEM.

If a cop regardless of how noble their original intentions were, decides to be an armed praeloriat killer of the state who pays their salary....then they shouldn't be alarmed when they get shot.

If an armed badge and thug for hire decides to be so nervous he shoots at anything that moves, then he shouldn't be surprised when I rig the jury pool...and convict him/her for murder.

If an armed socialist parasite who only de-escalates situations when off the clock decides to be a thug, then when I shoot them and/or escalate so they're out cold...there should be NO shocks!!

Cops are NOT the law, they are no different than common crooks with a gun and a motive to murder. The law is the law, not whatever some bureaucrat claims it is.

They should think about this reality long and hard before they go back on that job, because much sooner than later it will be them disappearing, the grunts for the UN armed auto-drones....

All (Citizens) should think long and hard, about something...
By wearing such a label you are a slave....The rights you believe in are lies, and if you wonder why you get ambushed or shot at because of it, you best really start examining why..

There is no greater lie than a lie told for public consumption.
We do not need killer cop police unions or armed guards at all if you are able to defend ourselves. So why do you have them?