Friday, July 15, 2016

FBI Whistleblower / On Muslims (more) / Islamic Invasion / True Gun Facts (7/15/16)

Important information for your awareness.  It is imperative to sink the Clintons now and forever and bar all Muslims from this country and from voting, since they are sworn to destroy our culture, heritage, and society and to install sharia cult law.  

Klaus Becker, Speaker
The People's House

"The more a truth is told, the more it is believed."
"Freedom starts in the mind, as does authority."
    "An armed society is a polite society."

1.  FBI INSIDER LEAKS ALL:  CLINTON FOUNDATION EXPOSED - INVOLVES ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT.  [The Hillary email garbage is a deflection - the Clinton Foundation is the one to look at.]

2.  CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN?  [This is short but a MUST read.]

    "A good Muslim, as far as Islam goes, cannot submit himself to the infidel laws of the Constitution of the United States.  He is permitted by the Sharia to obey them, for a time, as he works to overcome them, but he cannot pledge allegiance to laws that Allah did not consent to."

3.  A MOST DISTURBING VIDEO ON THE ISLAMIC INVASION OF EUROPE -  [This will be the picture of America if we continue to allow Muslims - the Islam cult - into this country.]


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