"We Serve, and Collect" was the old saying in Chicago by those who "knew" ...
~ ~ ~ Seriously Folks, What Do You REALLY Expect? ~ ~ ~
My early years were spent in the company of the Mafia, and their partners - law enforcement.
My personal attorney was the former governor...
Many things have changed over the years, naturally.
The FBI came into Chicago and broke up "the mob" in the early 80's because they were interfering with the CIA/DEA drug running business conducted on behalf of their Masters, the Bushes, Clintons, et al.
Greylord effectively put an end to Daley's "city that worked" with the institution of tickets in triplicate - it was hard to disappear them, after that.
My friend, and legal counsel went on to make license plates...
Although the "evidence room" continued offering the very best selection of weed anywhere in the city... (at the best prices, too)
Confessions that used to be beaten out of people with rubber pipes, are now extracted by "stacking" - plus everybody makes money on the whole transaction of getting that conviction.
Public defenders rarely prevail anymore, although they used to sometimes get actual murderers acquitted.
The criminal injustice system no longer offers any opportunity of "justice" as everyone has sold their soul for a sheckle.
Admiralty Law has completely replaced Common Law, and
...kids are "sold for cash" to the privately owned jails.
But...here is the BIGGEST CHANGE of all previously mentioned above -
The "COPS" used to be chosen for their intelligence and wit...
........ Now, that's an automatic EXCLUSION from hiring
Only the STUPID, low IQ ones get hired. This started about 20 years ago.
Don't take my word for it, though - research it for yourself...
" IQ limits for police "
Very unfortunate but true, especially in rural areas. We have four deputies that were in special needs education in high school in a school that has a 38% drop out rate and graduates at a fourth grade level. It is so bad that any student that graduates from this high school has to take mandatory remedial courses for a year before any of the surrounding colleges let them apply as freshman. So being special needs in this school is really special. As a paralegal that has worked in the court system, it is especially frustrating because the cops are in fact dumber than dirt, but have a do anything and get away with it badge. All the deputies now carry throw down weapons in their cars so they can justify a murder they commit before the TBI shows up to investigate. It has already happened several times. These are white on white shootings. Several police and county officials run the drug trade and have never been prosecuted even after being caught on film. Too much money involved in entrapment and protecting local drug families. The courts are a joke. Attorneys won't even take cases in this county anymore because the Court does not recognize any laws on the books. In 12 years as a paralegal only two cases came across my desk that were not related to unlawful abuse by police or government service providers. Should people wonder why even white folks now rejoice when a cop is killed? When the system the police are partaking in is unlawful, and is in fact legalized extortion, maybe they need to be educated to the point that the smart ones see the light and quit. I don't travel any more. I don't own a car. I don't have a bank account or credit cards as the entire system is unlawful under Constitutional law. I also see the police as public enemy number one, because I know what their real purpose is in enriching the slave masters. A little revolution is not a bad thing. To the "Good" officers out there, however, we thank you and salute you for your service and we are sorry your ranks have been infiltrated by morons. Be safe.
It is a protection racket for the state.
Any intelligent officials or officers should quit right now while they can still get somewhere. Either that or blow the whistles and blow it down.
Justice is coming and it won't be a nice sight...
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