Friday, July 15, 2016

Wear a Headscarf Or Be Raped, Swedish Women Warned

Stickers calling for democracy to be replaced with Islam and for women who do not wear a veil to be raped have appeared in public places in Sweden. They have been reported to the police.

Pictures of the stickers, which have been stuck to objects on streets in Nybro, Småland, have been circulating on social media.

One of the stickers reads, in English: “Women who don’t wear a headscarf are asking to be raped.” Another reads: “No democracy. We just want Islam,” Fria Tider has reported.

The stickers have been reported to the police who are currently investigating who placed them there, but admitted that at the moment they do not know who is behind them.

The appearance of the stickers comes just weeks after a number of stickers appeared in nearby Emmaboda bearing the message “Multiculturalism is bad for your children and your grandchildren.” However, those stickers were emblazoned with ‘Nordfront’, the Swedish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, a national socialist movement. They were also stylised, made to look like the health warnings carried on cigarette packets.

But unlike the Nordfront stickers, the Islamist stickers feature plain white text on a plain dark grey background with no logo or marking to indicate who placed them. Consequently, while some people have argued that they were placed by newly arrived asylum seekers with an agenda to promote Islam in Sweden, others have argued that they could be the work of Swedes seeking to “incite hatred” against the immigrants.

In that respect, the controversy closely resembles a recent case in which leaflets were posted through letterboxes in Manchester, England, calling on British people not to walk their dogs in public in order for the area to be kept “pure” for Muslims.

“As citizens of a multicultural nation, those who live in the UK must learn to understand and respect the legacy and lifestyle of the Muslims who live alongside them,” the leaflets read.

They were distributed by a group called Public Purity, who stated on their website their intention to have all dogs removed from the public sphere in Britain to keep Muslims pure. “If dogs are not permitted to be present in public, Muslims could live their lives with a burden lifted from their shoulders and without having to fear being tainted with no fault of their own,” the group argued.

But it was unclear who was behind the campaign, leading to disagreement online over whether it was the work of Islamic fundamentalists or British nationalists as a false flag operation.
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Anonymous said...

This is something many more americans should be aware of and prepared for!

Certain countries are more important than others to know how you got here. Recent events in Turkey: Coup cast to oust Erdogan

Why do you figure it is that this one Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not only hated by most secular muslim regimes, but also somehow has the backing of 70% of the turkish people and ISIS ?
Even the recent coup which saw many leaders tortured and executed - during the cou the parliament was bombed to death !

How is it possible that he has only acquired more power ?
How is it possible he has only become dictator for life ?
For this, he purposefully set an uprising in order to dissolve parliament ! Now with over 80% turkish approval he is dictator !

You should be thinking wide awake about this americans!
Tayyip Erdogan belongs to the Donmeh, a fanatical islamic sect spawned by the ancestors of Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and their radical fellow Wahabbists Bin Saud.

In fact, Tayyip Erdogan's entire family are ardent adherents of the original donmeh: A fanatical cult run by Shabatai Tsvi and the ancient mystics who themselves were half jewish/half ottomon. In ancient times his [religion] was combined with several others including sun worship, buddhism, christianity and wahabbism...where else do we find such profane magic ?

If you answered inside win a prize !! Vatican, Lutheran and even Presbytirian all show traces of this !

You want to know what he created during the uprising ?
Tayyip Erdogan created a Council of Peace !
You can't make this stuff up....Go read and look!

Want to know who sits on the head for army operations, the United Nations does ! Sure makes you wonder about all those so kind United Nations troopers don't it, arond Turkey !!

All americans better pay real close attention to this....a coming one world religion could sneak right up behind you !! And what is the first penalty for not obeying this ancient religion of the donmeh, well as in Islam, your eyes get gouged out !!!!

Oh boy, and you thought Israel was behind it all....yet just how many of those Israeli leaders are followers of the sultan !!

Anonymous said...

Yep nothing to see here.....Geezuz where the hell is the media talking about this?!

Anonymous said...

media is covering the kardashians and evil russians...