Monday, October 22, 2018

They’ve Been Here for Thousands of Years: The UFO and Alien Phenomena

shared by OOM2

Ancient texts and depictions from cultures all over the world refer to advanced beings flying in the sky and guiding humanity.
YouTuber, Universe Inside You does a great job of bringing together Neolithic petroglyphs, Medieval paintings and modern-day videos of UFOs and gives a reasonable assessment of what’s going on.
Since the late 20th century, hundreds of credible witnesses from the military, law enforcement, academics, etc. have publicly stated that, according to their observations and privileged information, there are crafts and beings from other worlds visiting the Earth.
Since 2008, the UK, France, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada and Brazil have been declassifying their UFO files and there are thousands of these documents publicly available – yet the topic of UFOs remains taboo and ridiculed.
The psychological elements of bias and denial are at work and these are harnessed expertly by the US military and by other interests who continue to claim that UFOs amount to atmospheric anomalies. Because the topic is off-limits to scientists, the UFO phenomenon has become the purview of cranks.

Not even the Phoenix Lights mass-sighting on March 13, 1997, with thousands of eyewitnesses and millions more on television managed to take this topic mainstream. By the time disclosure becomes official, human awareness will no longer require officialdom or disclosure.

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