Sunday, October 14, 2018

WHOA! Trump could be the most honest president in modern history.

shared by: Arnie Rosner at: 
Comments is GREEN are mine, Dick Anderson

When it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness -- keeping his promises -- Trump is a paragon of honesty. 
For better or worse, since taking office Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.


Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history.
Don't get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. He said that he "enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history" (actually they are the eighth largest) and that "our economy is the strongest it's ever been in the history of our country" (which may one day be true, but not yet). In part, it's a New York thing -- everything is the biggest and the best.
But when it comes to the real barometer of presidential truthfulness -- keeping his promises -- Trump is a paragon of honesty. For better or worse, since taking office Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.
Trump kept his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, something his three immediate predecessors also promised yet failed to do. (The CFR & all the DEEP-STATE went nuts!)
He promised to "crush and destroy ISIS," and two years later he is on the verge of eliminating the Islamic State's physical caliphate. (The CFR & the DEEP-STATE are in a state of panic.)
He promised to impose a travel ban on countries that he saw as posing a terrorist threat, and after several false starts the final version of his ban was upheld by the Supreme Court. (The LEFT is having fits.)
He promised to punish Syria if it used chemical weapons on its people, and, unlike his immediate predecessor, he followed through -- not once but twice.    (The UN is upset!)
Trump pledged to nominate Supreme Court justices "in the mold of Justice [Antonin] Scalia," and now Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh sit on the high court. (Perhaps Ginsburg will wake up long enough to realize she is now irrelevant and quit.)
Trump also pledged to fill the federal appellate courts with young, conservative judges, and so far the Senate has confirmed 26 -- more than any recent president at this point in his administration.  (The Senate is stalling on hundreds of his appointments.)
Trump vowed to pass historic tax reforms, and signed the first major overhaul of the tax code in three decades.   (The Economy, the stock market, employment, unemployment, disposable income all SET RECORD improvements.)
He vowed an unprecedented regulatory rollback, with a strict policy to eliminate two existing regulations for every new regulation.  Instead, in his first year he eliminated 22 existing regulations for every new rule, achieved $8.1 billion in lifetime regulatory savings and is on track to achieve an additional $9.8 billion this year.   (The Democrats are going crazy - they want MORE Taxes & Regulations - more control over every part of our lives.)
During the campaign, he told African American voters, "What do you have to lose? ... I will straighten it out. I'll bring jobs back. We'll bring spirit back." On his watch, African American unemployment reached the lowest level ever recorded, and his tax reform included a little-noticed provision creating "Opportunity Zones" to try to revitalize struggling towns and inner-city communities. (His approval rating among Blacks has doubled.)
Trump promised to cancel President Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan, withdraw from the Paris climate accord, approve the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to exploration. He fulfilled all of those pledges.  (The Tree-Huggers, the Global Warming nuts, the Sierra Club and certainly the DEEP-STATE are all really mad - he is making us sensible & richer that ever before.)
On trade, he kept his promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and impose tariffs on steel and aluminum. He also committed to renegotiating NAFTA and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement -- and recently signed new deals with Mexico, Canada and South Korea.   (The CFR, the DEEP-STATE and all the New-World-Order pundits are crying in their beer - not only is is re-instating our position as the biggest & best Economy & producer of EVERYTHING, but he is destroying their personal Billion$$ deals that had been making THEM Rich - at American Citizens' expense.)
He committed to imposing tariffs on China to force it to open its markets and stop its theft of intellectual property -- and is following through on that pledge. (This is not going over well with the Manipulators, the CFR, the Media and the Democrats - they see their Gravy-Train falling over the cliff.)   Whatever one thinks of Trump's trade policies, he is doing exactly what he said.
The president pledged historic increases in defense spending, and delivered. He pledged to bring back manufacturing jobs, and manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest pace in more than two decades.   (Obama and all his sycophants said it was saimply impossible - that he would need a Magic-wand to improve our GDP - the economic growth rate.)
He pledged to sign "Right to Try" legislation to give dying Americans access to experimental treatments, and did. He pledged to take on the opioid epidemic, and will soon sign a sweeping bipartisan opioids package into law.
Where Trump has failed to keep promises, such as building the wall or repealing Obamacare, it has not been for a lack of trying. Only in a few rare instances has he backtracked on a campaign pledge -- such as when he admitted that he was wrong to promise a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and reversed course. I'm glad he did.
But whether one agrees or disagrees is not the point. When Trump says he will do something, you can take it to the bank. Yes, he takes liberties with the truth. But unlike his predecessor, he did not pass his signature legislative achievement on the basis of a lie ("If you like your health care plan, you can keep it") -- which is clearly worse than falsely bragging that your tax cut is the biggest ever.
The fact is, in his first two years, Trump has compiled a remarkable record of presidential promise-keeping. He'd probably say it's the best in history -- which may or may not end up being true. It's too soon to tell.
Marc Thiessen is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Thiessen served as chief speechwriter to President George W. Bush and to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.


Anonymous said...

Mainstream Media Refuses To Air This Surprising Leaked Video Of Trump – Now We Know Why -

Anonymous said...

The Two Big Promises have yet to be fulfilled.
1: Arresting those behind 9/11 (Bush WH, Silverstein, Mossad0.
2: Putting Hillary behind bars (preferably in Gitmao)
(imo: if ever water-boarding should be used, it would be for these criminals

HRC belongs in Gitmo for treason and endangering National Security. Same for Comey, Rosenstein, Muller, et al for covering up her crimes.
Hillary’s #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders —
btw: Were not Muller and Rosenstein’s fathers Officers for Hitler? (And Bush Sr (actually Shref(f) – a german family), hid dad, Prescott, was a Hitler supporter. see veteranstoday for that.)
Not to mention that HRC is a pedophile and pedovore and child-killer, sacrificing little boys to her satan god Moloch. More crimes that the corrupted heads of fbi/cia cover-up. So when will Jeffie Sessions take action?

Anonymous said...

Mr Trump most honest man? Please, he is not citizen of the United States. He is native born anchor baby. He has no loyalty and excellency records. He violated his oath lied to whole nation. More foriegn countries threats against USA are growing because behavior overactions. Look like no peace to all nations.

Freewill said...

What does it matter anyways? He is a president/CEO of a defunct illegitimate bankrupt corporation! Whoop-de-doo!

Anonymous said...

Not sure where you dug up that crock of ***. Nothing compares to gay Kenyan-born Obama. A confirmed muslim, who "hates white people" - as per his own words to African leaders. Who has a fake "wife" - tranny Michael/Michelle, and bought kids.
Or Vile Hillary. A lying lesbian pedophile, a pedovore, child-killer, and traitor. She sold access to her Server to China, then claimed it was hacked. She sold US Uranium to Russia, then got corrupted Muller and Rosenstein to falsity 'Russian collusion". Who has left 100+ dead, most who worked for her, inclusing 12+ bodyguards.
Or fake Bush family. Bush Sr started his Hitler Fourth Reich, installing puppets in cia and fbi when he was cia director, and part of the pack that whacked JFK and RFK.
Or corrupted Congress. 46+ members have dual citizenship with Israel, and give Billions to Israel in free Foreign Aid. And more than half are pedophiles and satanists, who drink the blood of the children they kill.
The time is up for these traitors of the Republic. They will swing from the gallows. See: Q

Anonymous said...

Like him or not, it could have been someone else. Was he not ASKED BY THE US MILITARY to run? IF he is that dishonest, corrupt, and a dummy, do you seriously think the US MILITARY would have asked HIM? I doubt it.
Is he perfect? Who is? I personally don't give two s***s about what happened in his past that was not. Who has not had something in their past they weren't proud of? Obviously, it really didn't matter if the military still asked him to run.
I will admit when he first got in, I thought "WTF?" on some of his statements early on, but I figured out how and why. Chess and the book titled Art Of War.
He didn't want to run, and was surprised how well he did. Even though he ran officially as a Republican, he was an outsider. The people, starting with the 60+ million people who voted for him, were so sick and tired of the BS for the last who knows how long, when they got wind he was an outsider, they latched onto him like flies on s***. At long last, finally had hope maybe the BS would end, and he would get the job done, aka draining the swamp. With help from the military, you can bet the job will get done.
Do you seriously believe if SHE got in any of this would be happening? Not a f***ing prayer! We would ALL be seriously screwed. With her, it would be the last half of the plan to destroy what is left of America as we know it. Obama was the first half.
Many have yet to understand and appreciate just how close we all came to being in the exact opposite place where we are now, and we should ALL be thankful.