Tuesday, January 1, 2019

SUN TZU: Thank you for your awesome encouragement

Walking owls look so odd. New Year'S Day, New Year'S Eve

I saw your post and comments on Freewills post. I did reply but my comments and reply's are not being posted so I thought I would post here to thank you. Happy New Year!

Research has found that 80% of New Year’s resolutions will have failed by February and there’s a simple reason for this startlingly high figure. Because the resolutions that we set are just too difficult and too unrealistic.
Completely overhauling your life takes significant effort, tonnes of willpower, and often a level of determination that many of us simply find impossible to achieve.
Don’t worry though, it’s not to late to use the New Year as an excuse to change your life for the better, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are ten awesome New Year’s resolutions that you can actually keep:
  1. Try A New Adventuretravel Lifestyle  | http://www.royalfashionist.comThe infamous pirate Captain Hook once said that death was the only great adventure he had left. But whilst we wait for that adventure to begin, why not resolve to go on the adventure you’ve always wanted to take?
We all have adventurous dreams: To travel more. See the world. Or simply visit your cousins in Florida for a couple of days. So why not stop putting it off and book that trip you always wanted to take.
Travel broadens the horizons and enriches the mind. It is a wonderful way to learn more about different cultures, to educate yourself about world history and international politics, or simply to meet new people and have a hell of a lot of fun!
This might seem like a pretty big resolution, but modern travel is actually much easier than you might think. All you really need is a loose plan, a passport, and the determination to see it through. After all, you’re only young once. What have you got to lose?
2. Have One Alcohol-Free Evening, Every Week
beers Lifestyle  | http://www.royalfashionist.comDo you like a drink or two? The number of alcoholic drinks you consume in a week can quickly add up, often without you noticing.
A beer with the guys at the weekend. A bottle of wine with your girl after work. A catch up in the bar with your team from the office. Before you know it, you’re drinking every day and dealing with the consequences.
Hangovers, headaches, dehydration, dry mouth…the list of negative side effects caused by excessive alcohol consumption can seem endless. But let’s not forget that it can also be very enjoyable too.
If you enjoy drinking alcohol and it forms a key part of your social life then resolving to give up the booze simply isn’t realistic. And, let’s be honest, it doesn’t sound like much fun either!
So why not make a more realistic alcohol-related resolution you can actually stick to? Why not resolve to have just one night off the booze every week? This will force you to take some downtime (which is actually beneficial for your mental health) and will give your body the chance to recover, refresh and rejuvenate itself.
It’s an easy resolution to stick to, and one that will do you a lot of good!
3. Get Off the Snack Train
snacking Lifestyle  | http://www.royalfashionist.comThere’s nothing better than a late night snack: particularly if you’ve been out to a bar or party!
But most late night snacks are laden with sugar, fat, and they also tend to be high in stodgy carbohydrates. That’s longhand for their not good for your body and they make you fat!
Resolving to give up all snacking is a resolution that is likely to end in failure. Instead, why not resolve to give up snacking at night? It’s a goal that should be much easier to stick to, and will also eliminate the excess eating that’s worst for your health.
The speed of your metabolism is linked to the time of day and, for most people, your metabolism tends to slow down at night. That means that when you eat after dark you’re more likely to gain weight: not the ideal time for high calorie snacks!
We’re not saying you should give up snacking altogether. But you’ll be amazed at the improvement you’ll see to your waistline if you’re able to give up snacking after 6pm. A realistic goal, and an easy resolution to stick to!...Continue here
Selfie, Monkey, Self Portrait   Lion, Roar, Africa, Animal, Wildcat
Funny Resolutions For New Year
  • Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store.
  • Remember to brush teeth with bristly end of toothbrush.
  • Don't eat medicine just because it looks like candy.
  • Learn what the hell "resolution" means.
  • Always replace the gas nozzle before driving away from the pump.
  • I will always "check for paper" when leaving the restroom.
  • I will try to drive closer to the speed limit.
  • I will keep an extra safe distance when driving behind police cars.
  • I will no longer waste my time relieving the past and instead I will spend it worrying about the future.
  • I will not bore my boss with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more excuses.
  • I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.
  • I will avoid taking a bath whenever possible and conserve more water.
  • Assure my lawyer that I will never again show up drunk at a custody hearing.
  • I will give up chocolates totally. 100%. Completely. Honestly!
  • I will try to figure out why I really need nine e-mail addresses.
  • I will stop sending e-mails to my wife (husband).
  • I resolve to work with neglected children -- my own.
  • I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher....Continue here

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