Saturday, January 5, 2019

The GoldFish Report No. 295: California Fires: How and Why - A Message of Hope from St. Germain

The GoldFish Report

On The GoldFish Report No. 295- Louisa and Scott Werner, M.D., discuss the devastation of the California fires and how the video and photographic evidence suggests the cause may be man-made and whether smart meters played a role in the seemingly spontaneous combustion of homes in their foot-print without burning the surrounding trees. Scott brings forth a message from Saint Germain about what the spiritual cause might be and what we can do to help the people left homeless from this tragic event. The message focuses on being the Good Samaritan and in doing so, how quickly our difference fade. Please look for evacuee resources on for information about clothing drives or meals for the evacuees as that info will be posted as it is provided, so please check back frequently. To receive notifications of our Reports you can subscribe to our YouTube Channel, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, you can also follow us and like us on our 24/7 research news page at and to help support these and other programs please visit to make a donation. Thank you for your support and Thank you for viewing! DISCLAIMER The following videos were created for educational and or general health purposes only. The content of this material strictly for research purposes, and readily available to the general public via the Internet. Viewing of the GoldFish Reports acknowledges that senders and recipients hereby agree to this disclaimer, thus releasing the source author from any and all personal liability. Also, individuals who alter or deviate from this source material, may be exposing themselves to the full extent of law. THE OPINIONS AND HYPOTHESES OF OUR GUESTS AND GUEST CO-HOSTS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE GOLDFISH REPORT. AN OPINION AND HYPOTHESIS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH NEWLY PRESENTED RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE. THE GOLDFISH REPORT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION THAT MAY BE UNKNOWINGLY INACCURATE, ALTHOUGH WE DO OUR BEST TO PRESENT FACTS, OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THE CONVERSATION ABOUT DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES OF WORLD EVENTS AND HOW THOSE MAKING THE DECISIONS MAY IMPACT OUR LIVES. VIEWER DISCERNMENT IS ADVISED. Copyright 2018 The GoldFish Report. All rights Reserved.

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