Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 21, 2012
More is happening behind the scenes at this moment than is being reported to you either through your worldwide media outlets or even through our trusted channels of information. We wish at this time to relay some of what is transpiring to you, but due to matters of security and safety concerns for our allies in the field, we must resist the temptation to share with you some of this rather exciting information. Let us just say that more is happening beyond your perceptions at this time and that these matters are of the nature of what we have assured you would take place. This information will be shared with you, you can be assured of this, as we do wish to keep you informed every step of the way and you have certainly earned the right to be included in all our discussions, however, as we have said we must protect our many men and women in the line of fire and as such must for now maintain an air of secrecy. This will not be for long however, and in time this cloak of secrecy will be removed for all that is transpiring to be revealed to your entire world.
We are continuing to apply the pressure to all those yet stubbornly aligned with the Cabal and their oppressive agenda, and the screws are tightening all around their leaders, officers, and soldiers throughout the world and even throughout space. These forces that remain to continue their resistance to your new system will also be taken into custody when the time is appropriate, but for now, we have them safely bottled up where they can do no further harm to our forces of light or to you, the citizens of Earth.
Our campaign against these dark ones has been fought for many ages and throughout many vectors of this universe. We have brought this fight to your planet you call Earth as this is where their front lines are and have existed for many eons. To defeat these legions of the dark here on their own turf is an important victory in this ancient and epic struggle, and when the last of their Army of darkness has been defeated it will not only be humanity who is freed from their tyrannical rule, but many other worlds throughout this universe as well. This is why we remind you often that what happens here affects this entire universe.
The day when you, as well as beings from other worlds you have little if any knowledge of, are finally freed from your oppressors is but moments away, and you will be the first to know before this incredible news reaches these other worlds. This is one of the reasons our campaign against the dark ones is so important, and why we do not possess the luxury of taking any undue chances such as divulge too much sensitive information to you when the timing for this is deemed inappropriate. We see a moment very soon when the latest updates to our campaign can more safely be shared with you, and we assure you that you do not have long to wait. Please extend to us this courtesy and allow us to conduct our business under the veil of secrecy for just a while longer and we promise you that you will not be disappointed at the results.
Today marks a triumphant day on many fronts, and we say to you that our operation is now proceeding smoothly and according to our carefully conceived plans. You will soon bear witness to how efficient our operation is being conducted, and we have promised you that certain portions of your media companies are covering these proceedings. Expect to be able to see some of this coverage in the near days ahead.
Moving on to matters concerning your personal advancements towards ascension, we monitor and detect your collective rate of vibration and we are pleased to share with you that your vibrational frequency has surpassed what we had hoped for at this present time. This is truly a most spectacular finding, and we see humanity well on their way to joining their ascended family in the higher realms when other factors beyond your concern at this time are met. The universe itself will take care of these details for you, and we wish to say we are so amazed at the progress you all are showing and thank each and every one of you for your hard work to share your higher vibration throughout your online communities and everywhere it is that you travel throughout your day.
This area will surely soon enlarge greatly once many of you begin to work with us as official members of the Galactic Federation of Light and you are easily able to traverse your entire planet within the time it would take many of you to commute to work. We feel this will be a very exciting time for many of you, and you will be able to see so much of your world you have until now only been able to view through photographs. What a wonderful view awaits you just up ahead when so many of your planet's beautiful locations come to life right before your very senses.
You have been deprived of so much, and we say to you that you will be shortchanged no longer as all the treasures of your world that have been kept from you will now be yours to share forever. What a special day this will be and we promise you it will be so very soon as all the obstacles standing before you today are removed one by one.
Our Earth allies are finishing up the last vestiges of the paperwork that will permit the implementation of your new financial system and we say to you that upon the initiation of this new system your lives which have been so governed by debt will be reborn, freed once and forever from the chains of lack and scarcity. Your new system is a system of sheer abundance, and each and every one of you will share its bounty as the natural wealth and prosperity of your planet will be yours, distributed equally among every man, woman and child, and your days of financial competition against one another will be a relic of your outdated and no longer viable past.
Can you imagine the joy that will spread like a great wave around your planet, bathing all in its splendid properties of abundance? This day will be yours, and today many men and women of your world work day and night finalizing your new system and we see that it will be ready for its launch as the last of the leaders of the Cabal are taken into custody. You also have many brothers and sisters working on that front and many other fronts as well, and when all can be safely shared with you we feel many of you will be very surprised at how many of your human family have been a part of your battle against the dark and how many allies you truly have.
The forces of light are great and we are many. Did you think it would be any other way? We have great leaders, and we are stationed all across this vast universe always engaged in our mission of protection and guidance. Many of you will soon join us as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look forward to this day when we can continue our service together on a more personal level.
Many more of you are already members of our organization, and your memory of this will soon be returned to you at the appropriate time. We have been working with many of you for many years and throughout countless missions, on many worlds and all throughout this universe. Your lives here throughout this lifetime have been so very brief compared to your existence beyond the veil of your current incarnation, and we are sure many of you will be quite taken aback at the discovery of who you truly are and what you have experienced.
What an incredible journey of remembrance this will be for you, and many of you have already begun on this path. Many clues have been sent to some of you through dreams and other means as well to help jog your memory and ease you back into the remembrance of who it is you truly are. Your Star Families have been assigned this trust to lead you back to your true selves, as it has been decided that it is your own families that know you best. Be on the lookout for these clues and pay close attention to your dreams, for it is here that many clues and reminders will be placed before you. Follow these clues, follow your heart, and follow your intuition wherever they may take you, no matter where in this universe this shall be.
You must know there must be a powerful guiding force behind all that is transpiring in and around your world, and we say to you to think big, outside of the normal realms of thought that you may have grown accustomed to here throughout your 3rd dimensional incarnations. There is so much to this vast universe and so many different levels of conscious awareness, and we would just like you at this time to begin to ponder these immense possibilities in order to prepare yourselves for what you are soon to experience.
What is in store for you is immense and what could be rather shaking for some of you. To transform from a limited 3rd dimensional being, isolated for so long from the rest of your universe, to then suddenly behold such vastness, such wonder, such beauty, excitement and surprise, will surely come as quite a shock to some of you and this is where we are concerned, as shocking your systems is not what we intend for you and is not good for you in any way on any level. What we wish for you is a slow and careful process, where increasing levels of knowledge are carefully administered, allowing you the time to process this new information well enough to then permit you to safely learn more of what exists outside of the world you have come to know as your only home.
You are all much more than you can possibly understand at this time, and you all have vast experiences beyond your current lifetimes. We wish for you to remember once again all of what you are and all your experiences as we are sure you do as well. We must tread so very carefully however, through these stages of remembrance as your safety and welfare is our greatest concern and it is we of the higher realms who have been entrusted with your care. We will make every attempt to see to it that you are well cared for and that you are all carefully and safely returned to your natural states of full consciousness and we ask for your patience at this time and allow us to proceed as safely and cautiously as is necessary.
We too wish for you to return to full consciousness so that you will remember us, your Star Families, and our reunion can be as intimate as is possible and we do see this day on the horizon. Please continue to pay close attention to your dreams, as many of your Star Families will be sending you gentle reminders of yourselves and clues to your past.
You all have many members of your Star Families looking out for you and assisting you at this time, and they would be heart warmed to know you are consciously looking out for their signs that they love you. We see so many of you searching diligently for these signs, and we say to you that if you search for these answers to your questions you will find them, for they are there waiting for you, sometimes in the most mysterious of places. Continue on in your quest, for you shall not be disappointed, and tomorrow you shall discover a treasure so great that today hides just beyond your reach.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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