The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Message from Montague Keen - February 26, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 26-Feb-2012 22:23:29

Message from Montague Keen - February 26, 2012
This has been a stressful week for you, trying to deal with ordinary family matters as well as working with Spirit. Juggling the two roles is not easy. We told you to expect the unexpected but even you did not expect the secrets of the Vatican to be revealed by those who know the truth. Nothing can be hidden anymore, those days are over. The masks will fall and you will see things and people as they really are, not as they appeared to be. Those who have almost destroyed your planet will not be able to hold their shape as the energy changes. Life will become extremely difficult for them.
Bankers are running in all directions, trying to establish safe havens for themselves. Like rats, they are leaving the sinking ship. It will be interesting to see how your governments will handle the lies regarding the wars they still hope to start.
We have managed to block so much. We will continue to do so. As people wake up and refuse to cooperate with the excessive demands being made on them as costs rise, the fear of homelessness is spread to distract you from looking clearly at how the banks tricked you into such situations. We will sort out this problem as soon as possible. Please do not give in to the fear and stress as this is what they want. Our plans are being put into action. We will not abandon you. Learn to trust and ask for guidance when you are unsure. We will do our best. Your world is coming to the end of a very dark period in its history. As each of you awakens, a new light is lit. It acts as a beacon, thus creating the energy to bring about the change that is necessary for the darkness to be removed.
Those of the Cabal are seeking safe passage. How they deserve to be dealt with, is up to mankind. There will be no place for their kind in the Light. Love was what was preached by the ancient Druids; this is what they lived by. Your world is returning to this way of life. The Coptic church is the only relic of those days. There is a whole new way of life opening up for you and there is plenty for everyone when the manipulation and corruption ceases. There are just a few more bridges to cross, then you will begin to enjoy a life such as you could only dream about until now. All illness will be removed. Most illness is man-made to provide money for the drug companies. It is time to accept that all that you had accepted as good for you, is actually the exact opposite. If you are told that it is bad for you, then be assured that it is good for you. It is all part of their evil plan to control and remove you. But all their plans to reduce the population will fail; these are decisions that cannot be made by them. There is plenty of room for all men to live in harmony.
Everything is coming together nicely. All I ask is that you trust, and refuse to believe their lies. Demand proof or evidence, whenever necessary. Show you are in control. Be not afraid ! It is time to stand up for your rights.
We ask of people only what we believe they can cope with. Everything you are asked to do now, you freely agreed to, before your birth. You each have a mission to fulfil. See it as a labor of love. Listen only to the good people who are speaking out.
You are tired, my dear. Having family to stay is hard work. It is now time to take a well earned rest. We will continue our work later. I will take my leave of you now so that you can rest. I am your adoring husband, Monty.
The spaceship from Andromeda that I have been watching since before Christmas is now on YouTube. It was filmed over Essex (in the east of England).
Clear Footage Disc UFO Over Essex, UK 2012 Stabilized - YouTube
The Montague Keen Foundation
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