Thursday, June 20, 2013

CGI's Liberty_Lady: NSA Overreach

CGI's Liberty_Lady: NSA Overreach
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 20-Jun-2013 11:17:39

This article at Veterans Today by Stephen Lendman is a 'must read'. If anyone today still thinks we live in a democracy, they should go back to their mindless favorite TV show. They are beyond hope. In view of the recent events of the last couple of months,as well as a few scandals from last year that refuse to be safely buried, there is hope of exposure and a return to what this country was founded on-principles. Look at the growing list: Benghazi still under investigation, as well as Fast & Furious, the AP scandal, the IRS scandal and then the NSA outing by Snowden. Stay vigilant. Question 'accidents' like the one that just befell Michael Hastings. Also, as reported on RMN, another brick in the wall of exposing Obama of fraud in holding the office of President with more information about his supposed birth in Kenya. Our beloved republic isn't dead yet. I believe there are patriots everywhere in every branch of government and agency. Let's see if our Congress and Supreme Court have any real patriots left in them or if we are indeed heading for a slippery slope into a police state.

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