Finally! It's here – The 'American Made' Stores
Across the political spectrum and in all walks of life in the U.S., everyone bemoans the decline in American manufacturing. Ordinary Americans buy foreign goods, but wish they could find U.S-made products of equal or better value. With the popularity of cheap imports, some patriotic Americans have given up even looking at labels anymore, assuming there’s just no way to make buying American a regular practice. But now someone is doing something about all that. Meet the American Made Stores. Today it’s a website – soon the first brick-and-mortar store will open in Blue Springs, Mo., right outside Kansas City, the home of the American Made Stores, a partnership between WND and REKO, WND’s heralded online shopping fulfillment company – the one noted for its top-notch customer service at the WND Superstore. “The concept is very simple,” says Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. “If we sell it, and if you buy it, U.S. manufacturing will return. It’s a ‘Field of Dreams’ vision. ‘If you build it, they will come.’ And we have faith in the American people that they will come – first to the American Made Stores website, later to the brick-and-mortar store in Missouri and, ultimately, to a nationwide chain of retail stores selling only American-made products of all kinds.” This is not just a business for those involved. It’s a mission. And here’s the mission statement behind it: “To rebirth American manufacturing while educating Americans about the importance of a strong and vibrant U.S.-based manufacturing economy by offering a unique, convenient, cost-saving and fun shopping experience for those wishing to find American-made products in one place. By rewarding companies who employ Americans working in factories on American soil, you can direct your purchasing power in a way that will not only benefit you and your family, but stimulate a manufacturing renaissance that will benefit your descendants and your country.” The American Made Stores will provide an opportunity to honor companies which have remained and/or are returning to U.S.-based manufacturing. They will be a destination to showcase American ingenuity by displaying new patents and products. They will serve as a launch platform for American start-up companies and products. They will serve as a place to expose companies and individuals who make false claims about American content through fraudulent labeling and claims. |
This is great! Glad to see this. I hope Americans will support this and get off their apparent complacency that they have to do nothing, and things will just change on their own.
If we start here, we have it made!! If ALL AMERICANS can see the vision here, OMG!!! Together we stand, have a chance to bring back AMERICA! America as we knew it, as our Parents shared their dreams and their dreams for us!
Just to see, feel, dream their dream once again, brings us closer to much needed reality! I dream as they dreamed, always have! Born in the 50's, I can say this, I WANT IT BACK! The feel, the vision, the dream's of a prosperous AMERICA! As a child, I saw all this in people, how getting up was a pleasure. How making it by hand, was the way to get it done! How helping the man, neighbor, a friend, a family member, made all the difference at the end of a day. And God bless, was more shared than it is today. People were Laborer's back in the day, even I. I will never forget of the feeling I had, helping parent's with daily work. We worked for mankind, people we never knew, helping the little man, small businesses succeed and grow. A beautiful feeling to say the least. It all made me who I'm today.
So yes, bring back the way of life our Country needs, America needs so desperately! What we hear today, in little bits and pieces, is how our Country is failing, how the heartless is stealing from us. How our Constitution is gone, stolen from us. And we VOTE THEM IN!! This is the future for our Children, NONE? We been fooled, IM SURE! But, thank God we can turn it around. Can we make that pledge to them, to ourselves, to our Country? TIME FOR CHANGE-YES WE CAN!! As Mr O said!
Our republic can be restored if we stop allowing MONEY to decide who will serve us...we can rebuild our ability to produce if we get GOVERNMENT out the way and all it's monetary regulations for big CORPORATIONS that kills small businesses....the mom and pop stores that made this country a great republic.
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