Thursday, June 20, 2013

“Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule.

The charge that Snowden helped our enemies is hogwash

They are lying to us!

“Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule. Ignore the fact that you violated the existing rule, by talking about what the perfect rule might be.”

On June 18 NSA chief General Keith Alexander answered “no” when asked if NSA has the technical capability to monitor the content of the private telephone conversations of U.S. citizens.

An article published today at American Thinker by Jonathan Moseley argues that General Alexander is the traitor and Edward Snowden is the hero in the so-called NSA spy scandal.

After reading this article listen to the June 19 interview of Doug Hagmann by Rick Wiles at:

Go to 15:00 in the audio file and listen to Hagmann describe his encounter with the NSA, an experience which clearly confirms that General Alexander and James Clapper are liars.

Also keep in mind that the issue that has the Obama administration seriously concerned is the Benghazi cover-up. All this other stuff has been put out there to distract us, as in  "Look over there! A cloud shaped like a bunny!"


June 20, 2013
Will the Real Traitor Please Stand Up?

By Jonathon Moseley


… President Barack Obama, leading student of Clintonian double-speak, tells us that we need to strike a balance between our privacy and keeping the country safe.
We already struck that balance. It's called the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Our Founders struck a balance between privacy and national safety and protection from crime.
The Fourth Amendment speaks eloquently for itself:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
But Obama plays an old Clinton trick. When your violation of a rule is exposed, change the subject and demand a conversation about developing a new, perfect rule. Ignore the fact that you violated the existing rule, by talking about what the perfect rule might be.
Some are trying to cry "Look over there! A cloud shaped like a bunny!" to distract people from the real issues. Do you have privacy rights in telephone call data, since that data belongs to the telephone company?
Well, is your social security number private? Heck, yeah! But your social security number is issued to you by the U.S. Government, by the Social Security Administration. Yet it is very clear in the law that your SSN is private information that you have a right to have protected.
Then on June 18 Alexander joined James R. Clapper, Jr., Director of National Intelligence, in committing perjury in a Congressional hearing before our very eyes. Snowden claimed that NSA technicians -- like him -- can listen in to anyone's telephone conversations any time they want. He announced this in his now-notorious news media interview from a Hong Kong hotel.
Yet on June 18, Gen. Alexander denied in the Congressional hearing that NSA staff can listen in on phone calls.
Or did he?
The Obama Administration is answering that question in terms of what is legally permitted -- not what is actually possible…
Many say Snowden helped our enemies. Hogwash. Anyone engaged in terrorism, espionage, or crime already knew that the government can get a warrant -- based on probable cause -- to wiretap their phones and even plant a hidden microphone. This changes nothing for people engaged in "probable cause" eligible behavior. And, they will never know if the government is on to them.
So is Snowden a scoundrel or a political savior? When faced with the same violation of the U.S. Constitution, Edward Snowden chose the Constitution over his job and his life. Gen. Alexander chose his job over the Constitution. This is why Snowden inspires (hesitant) admiration. But perhaps there are no angels in this story.


Anonymous said...

F*ck Obama, f*ck Holder, F*ck every single one of those crooked, unctuous, double-talking purveyors and proxied lackeys for the Alphabet/Shadow Gov/NWO, whether elected, appointed, or proclaimed. We know that NONE of the genuflecting, self-serving bastards and bitches truly represent US at all, and most of them never intended to in the first place. The whole of DC is a blighted, cabalistic/masonic sepulchre, whose sole reason for existing is to conceal all the officially sanctioned pederasts, confidence men, pundits and cockroaches of Orwellian class hatred from ever seeing the light of Trut. It is a city-state geographically removed from REALITY, no longer relevant and desperately needs to be powerwashed into the Potomac...every last friggin' BRICK.

Anonymous said...

We need to arrest ObAma for he is an enemy to this country and each day he is allowed to fraudulently sit in control he does damage to us as a country. The latest scandal not widely reported is Russia is blackmailing he that if he doesn't give them our military technology capabilities then they would expose him on his non-eligibility to be president and Obama is complying. When the founding father wrote up our government they didn't think we would be stupid enough or that a conspiracy would take place to allow an unqualified person to go unchecked on our ballot. Here we have a situation that this vetting doesn't even take place in his reelection campaign. Heads lots of them need to roll and our death row should be filled up before this is over. Anyone complicit in this crime against our military troops and the American people needs to pay to the full extent for this horrific nightmare that we are being forced to endure.

Anonymous said...

We need to disassemble this government that has gotten out of control. Obama is a outright Nazi Dictator that the lame stream media which is owned by the criminal cabal is aiding him in his take over of our country illegally. If it was not for this criminal media who ignored vetting him he wouldn't be sitting in our White House. Our country has been taken over because there is no way that a sitting president could continue with the scandals that he has been involved in. He is a traitor working with the Muslim Brotherhood and putting our troops in danger and holding Muslim funerals for our dead soldiers. Having our military stand down Benghazi while our men get killed, sending SealTeam 6 in to die on a mission that was a set up. Our troops need to get out of the military because their life is in danger because the commander in chief is on the wrong side.