Wednesday, June 19, 2013

U.S. Constitution Declared an Absolutely Worthless Document?

Subject: U.S. Constitution Declared an Absolutely Worthless Document?
To: <>

Western Journalism
  Please give your attention to this important announcement from Capitol Hill Daily. From time to time, we send you content on behalf of third parties we believe may be of interest to you and we believe this one deserves your attention.

Dear Proud American,

Take a long, hard look above...

These are the people who represent you... who represent America.

How does that make you feel?



Personally, it makes me feel sick.

This isn't the America I know and love. This isn't the America my ancestors staked their lives for.

Today, Big Government reign is enslaving our freedoms.

It can punish you for your political affiliation...

It can listen in on your personal phone calls, read your emails, spy on your every move without court authorization...

Big Government reign decides who lives, and who dies.

It can even kill you right where you stand, without trial.

Worst of all, it's so easy to get away with.

Take another look above... think about all they've gotten away with... all the blood on their hands.

Now let me ask you one last question - will you help me do something about it?

I can't stomach our "leaders" lying through their teeth one second longer. It's time to tell Congress enough is enough!

It's time to demand that Congress impeach this pack of corrupt, degenerate thugs, before it gets any worse. Because personally, I don't want to see what "worse" looks like...

Let's take a stand in favor of America's restoration. The America our forefathers built.

Sign Capitol Hill Daily's petition to impeach Barack Obama and help us put an end to the destruction of civil liberty once and for all.

The Constitution is worthless if we don't do everything we can to enforce it.



Martin Biancuzzo
Senior Political Analyst, Capitol Hill Daily
  The Center for Western Journalism 42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086


Tammy L said...

who declared or decided that the US constitution is A worthless document? I mean that is a heavy statement no? Did the government come right out and say that?

Anonymous said...

Why even bother to tell Congress they're all a bunch of corrupt crooks!!! I'm wondering the same as you Tammy who decided that the US Constitution is a worthless document???

Anonymous said...

READ!!! We are under a CONTRACT, and OWNED for what we are worth, $, paper, trust, bank accounts, businesses...SIMPLE! The America is a COPRORATION!

Anonymous said...

When 2nd amendment rights are taken away, when the patriot act came into play, and when the government censors news, and when people can't say something without the risk they will be charged as a terrorist and jailed without cause, then, yes, the constitution is worthless. Unless you've been in a cave for the past 40-50 years, the constitution has become worth less and less as rights are taken away one by one.

America used to be the country everyone wanted to live in. Nowadays, other countries laugh at the idea of freedom in the US. And when you allow people that are breaking the law, such as those illegally entering the US, to be handed a drivers license, this country has proven to have gone to hell. If you get pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, you can have your license suspended for 'breaking the law', which means, you are not responsible in the eyes of the government. Yet, an illegal can get one, when just being here is 'breaking the law'.

There is so much more, but I'll leave it at that for now. America is no longer the greatest, freest country in the world. The national anthem is a joke, as we are not free and definitely not brave when we give up freedoms in the name of fear (aka terrorism).