Friday, July 5, 2013


     On July 3, 2013, I called the man who had twice before talked to me about backing my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process. He had talked on two earlier occasions of potentially backing me with from $10 million up to $100 million. His figures and not mine! I was surprised when he said yesterday that he had not received any of the national email reports I had sent to him from June 1 to yesterday. I had assumed that after I exposed that Wash., D.C. under Obama had either NSA directly or else CIA intercept all the email reports sent to him. My computer said they were delivered to him. He said that he had seen none of these reports even though I had sent two copies of them per his instructions to two email addresses he was using for himself. I did send one report by alternate means and he reported that he got that report fine, but only report so far. I knew the answer he would give in advance, but asked him if he thought he knew who was intercepting these email national reports so it would be reported to me that these reports had been delivered to him whereas he said that he had received none of them. He said it was obvious that the federal government was intercepting these as he had expensive software to protect his internet access, so the dirty tricks had to be done from my end, not his. They did not want him and me to connect together and make a deal over my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process. 
     As a few last reports were emailed to him after we had talked a second time in June, 2013 and we both figured at the second phone call then that the federal government did not want him to see my national reports on my father's Vatican endorsed food process. I publicized on Nesara News after this with one of my posted national reports telling how obviously the federal government was trying to trick us so each would think the other was not bothering to contact the other by dirty tricks operations so we would be fooled by federal tactics. This was aimed at sabotaging a deal between us so my father's Vatican endorsed food process would not be financially backed in America. A federal operation of this kind had to be ordered by Obama at the White House. It was intended to try and block the passage of the Omni Law which would force Wash., D.C. to become an honest national government again and no longer run by gangsters who were posing as honorable federal leaders but were not. And it was intended to try and block the establishment of a world food industry in America that might well create millions of new jobs in America and greatly increase the national wealth of America in the process.
     As these federal boys don't run such dirty trick federal operations as these except by authority of the White House, that tells us a lot about Obama in the White House. If he thinks he can get away with it, he does not hesitate to use federal operatives against American citizens and it makes no difference if they are acting in legally approved deals, etc. or not. In simple language, he is a criminal in mentality and does not hesitate to use criminal tactics against others so long as he judges he can get away with it. Let us proceed.
      He does not like the proposed Omni Law as it restores honesty and integrity to the federal government in Wash., D.C. And restores serious control of the national government to the American people who have lost real control of it except in propaganda fiction. Since he thinks he can get away with criminal acts as Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, will protect him from legal investigation or criminal prosecution, he therefore breaks several key federal laws by trying to use the federal government to block the pending passage of the Omni Law as a constitutional amendment. We the American people have total legal right under the U.S. Constitution and its U.S. Bill of Rights to organize, finance, and pass a national constitutional amendment if we want to. Obama does not care in the least what the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights which he is sworn to uphold actually says. All legal oaths were taken tongue-in-cheek and without legal integrity behind them. They are a joke to him as his comments for the July 4th celebration heard by accident indicate that he thinks the 4th of July celebration to honor the birth of America as a nation as a bunch of "shit" according to his own words heard just this week apparently by his forgetting to turn his microphone off so his private words would not be heard by others. His private words show that he has no loyalty to America. His pretenses at loyalty are just for show so he can possess the authority of government. Nearly all his legal moves he makes in America now are so designed to make him the planned national dictator of America. He decrees new laws like he is already the dictator of America under Washington law. In his Executive Decrees he treats as final law for America, he has no legal regard for what the terms are for something to be law in America or not. Obama is the law in America in his own eyes, not the U.S. Constitution and its U.S. Bill of Rights.
     By his efforts using federal personnel to try and block the financing of my father's Vatican endorsed food process to become a new world industry for America, he shows indifference to scientific evidence that the human race may soon be extinct if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not established in time in America. When beginning to launch this serious drive to reestablish my father's great food discovery for a world food industry for America, I stated plainly in national reports posted with Nesara News (now 30 million visitors at latest count) that I acted by authority of the Genocide Treaty as well as as by the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. The Genocide Treaty which was ratified as a signed treaty by President Ronald Reagan clearly states that national laws may not be used for the purposes of genocide conspiracy. When national laws are used for that purpose, their legal authority is null and void and they are not laws at all under the legal terms dictated by the Genocide Treaty which became the national law of America once signed as an approved treaty by President Ronald Reagan and authorized by Congress. For trying genocide conspiracy in a nation, punishment includes lifetime imprisonment under American law called the Proxmire Act which is the statute law version of America for the Genocide Treaty. If any American political leader or federal agency official or employee, etc. tries to set up a genocide conspiracy  in America and gets tried abroad, they then are in the legal status where they can be executed under international law if tried outside of America. 
     With scientific basis for such statements made in national reports posted with Nesara News, etc. concerning this Vatican endorsed food process discovered by my father many years ago, it has been repeated many times that university tests and medical lab reports from all over the world predict the soon extinction of the human race on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not reestablished soon in America and elsewhere in the world. Obama not caring whether the human race survives or not, with callous indifference tried to block this planned world food industry from being established in America and the world which is most definitely genocide conspiracy according to the legal terms of the genocide treaty signed by America as national law under President Ronald Reagan.
      With a badly hurt American economy, Obama did not want the potential millions of new jobs added to the American economy if this Vatican endorsed trade secret industrial food process is established in America as a new world industry for America nor the national prosperity and national wealth it should add to the American economy once firmly established here as a new world industry for America as a nation. Such a position of intended sabotage by Obama of the American economy can only be legally defined as "high treason" against America according to the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution.
      A man so indifferent to the survival of mankind as Obama is as the examples above clearly document can only be legally described as a man without a conscience or legal integrity. He is a very major criminal in character according to the usual standards of national law. But we go beyond just a legal stand of criminal action and policy here. A man so willing to kill off all races of mankind as this legal policy of Obama documents can only be described as mentally insane in thinking. And willing to kill off all mankind on earth if Obama's policy was successfully carried off can only be described as the very legal and medical definition of being very insane. Under such legal circumstances, it is the required legal duty of the U.S. Congress to remove Obama from the White House as medically incapable now of the responsibility of being the claimed President of America at this time. I state so-claimed President Obama as the legal evidence is overwhelming on the internet now that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii,  is not an American citizen having lied to the maximum to bluff his way into running for the White House in maybe the biggest legal con ever pulled in American history as a foreigner was elected to the White House, not an American citizen. This means that he legally cannot now nor never has been legally President of America. 
      He does not believe in the founding legal principles of America in 1776 and is basically alien to the belief values that America was founded upon as a nation. Also, the potential exists as to national famine three years from now and Obama is doing all in his power to make sure that this national famine will occur three years from now in America. Those raising bees in America are predicting the basic collapse of bee colonies in America in the third year from now based upon the fast collapse of bee colonies now occurring across America. They predict one-third of the current food raised in America will disappear once the bees are no longer around to pollinate the affected food crops in America. With other factors thrown in, if this happens three years from now, the potential exists that from 90% up to maybe 98% of the entire American race will be dead by the end of the third to fourth year from now. Obama is fighting to maintain the agricultural policy that has threatened America with biological extinction starting in the likely third year from now. He has to be removed from the White House and as soon as possible or else if we lose potentially nearly the entire population of America which would likely also mean the permanent end to America as a nation and race on earth.
       If Obama remains in the White House, he will continue the policies intended to block the reestablishment of the Vatican endorsed food process in America and the world.  University tests and medical lab reports from across the world indicate the entire human race on earth will soon collapse biologically and cease to exist on earth unless this Vatican endorsed food process is reestablished on earth before it is too late to save the human race on earth from final extinction as predicted here.
     Let this report be mass circulated by the public to all the nation. And let all elected officials both state and federal see this report sent to them by the public or other sources. And the situation requires fast action or else indecision can be fatal to the survival of America as a nation. Pass the Omni Law written by me as it contains the legal angles to end this genocide conspiracy being carried out by Obama. Also, I studied special angles of agriculture while in military school, university and for years after that studied special angles of agriculture that can be used to save the bees of America and save the crops of America from collapse in the predicted 3 years from now. My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and my own I.Q. had once been  tested in Wash., D.C. to be they claimed one of the two highest ever tested in Wash., D.C. up to that time. I know the angle of agriculture that can save America. Wash., D.C. does not. For this angle to work, it has to be set up as fast as possible, not start setting it up three years from now.
      So remove Obama from the White House as fast as possible, pass the Omni Law fast as possible, and let me act as the temporary agricultural czar of America long enough to head off this pending collapse of American agriculture threatened for three years from now. Of course smart men or women in any field always gather around them the smartest brains in the nation to work with them in solving the assigned problem or problems of the nation or world. I have powerful answers, but I am a team leader and as a team we will save America from agricultural collapse. 
     People, this is the hour to back me. Support the movement with promotion and finances, and put your shoulders behind it to make it win America and fast. Our national website is  Our email is  Our mailing address for orders or financial backing is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what any payments are for. And showing the total criminal corruption of Wash., D.C., I had a few months ago several murder threats by sources claiming they threatened murder in the name of Obama, this was reported to Eric Holder at the U.S. Justice Dept., and as I knew in advance, they never acted to arrest the guilty parties and instead legally protected them from investigation, federal fines, and federal imprisonment. With all that, maybe they were for real issuing threats in the name of Obama over the internet and recorded by me and others their threats that I must stop my drive to pass the Omni Law in America or else be murdered by order of Obama. And I must stop my drive to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America or else be murdered by order of Obama. And the clincher showing how crooked and criminal Wash., D.C., they wanted me shut up when I legally demanded return of the federally stolen $525,000 to me which was to be my starting fund to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. I have witnesses to the federal theft of the $525,000 and when it occurred. 
     To save American agriculture from national collapse, I may ask for a temporary alliance between America and Canada or else Australia or even Russia to outflank the threat to American agriculture which is bigger than I reported here. When the crisis is over, any large nation in alliance with America may find that their own national capacity for raising food increased due to working with me when it was necessary. Two crucial foods that need to be saved separate from bee pollination are heirloom wheat and corn. This is to save America from pending agricultural collapse even separate from bee pollination. This is a brief report and does not show how vast now is the pending collapse of American agriculture. 
      People, show this report to all in America. This is not the hour to deny the deadly threat that exists now under Obama and caused by Obama to American agriculture. 
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the son of one of the most brilliant researchers in American agriculture who was my father. He showed me many angles to agriculture not learned in regular college courses. In his wisdom, he had favorite quotes. One of them was, "If we want good health, we have to work with God, not against God." And "Disease is caused by malnutrition." I learned much from him.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Libyan Intelligence: Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi Involved in U.S. Consulate Attack

According to a Libyan intelligence document, the Muslim Brotherhood, including Egyptian President Morsi, were involved in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, where several Americans, including U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, were killed.

Image of the Document:

www dot raymondibrahim dot com]