Friday, July 5, 2013

Obama to Nationalize & Confiscate Nation’s 401ks & Retirement Accounts

Obama to Nationalize & Confiscate Nation’s 401ks & Retirement Accounts

The plan to confiscate your 401k & pension gains steam and momentum as Obama’s Media preaches the need for government to seize all retirement accounts and redistribute them.
Some of us saw this coming awhile ago. My friend John Galt Fl saw this clearly back in 2007 and warned about it. Some poo-poohed that notion and told him that doing so would create a civil uprising and that such an idea would never happen. John laughed at the ignorance and continued warning the inevitability of the government being unable to resist the urge to steal billions of dollars just sitting in the hands of private citizens as the government behemoth goes broke.

It’s not that John was prophetic, he just understands tyrannical government and market manipulation when he gets a whiff of it. He writes about the steamrolling juggernaut movement being ranted about in Obama’s media, the first salvo to soften the beachhead of public opinion for the landing of government action to confiscate your retirement accounts.

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Anonymous said...

John, Who is the idiot that put these lies on here and why do you allow such crap ? John, you know this is a lie and total scare tactics! The fool that put this on here should go to prison !

Anonymous said...

#1 sounds like a commie bitch. If we were given a "fair" return on SS contributions we would not have a problem...SSA has stolen the funds and given it away to those whom have never contributed.
#2 our venerated gov. has been "stealing" the funds for decades....any retiremwent accounts with the sam contributions (including those of the employers) would net an acceptable retirement income. Hence the SS retirement is a fraud.
Thieves and liars!

Anonymous said...

#2 Right on...good job!

Anonymous said...

Lol after this is done #1 will be asking hey where is my 401k and the rest of my retirement?

Anonymous said...

Only 12% of the population has a 401k plan. This will be just another one of those "make the 1% pay their fair share!" plan rolled out by Democrats and will happen without much fanfare.

Anonymous said...

A true idiot you are! And Obama care was a good idea I bet too? Fool!

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot! And I bet your commie president's idea for nationalized health care was a GREAT idea? You fuck head. Kill all LIBS when the day comes...