Friday, July 5, 2013

Obama's open mic

Subject: Obama's open mic.

Friday, July 5, 2013
Obama's "hot mike" comments
(WASHINGTON) — A “hot mic” has apparently picked up some very unflattering words from President Obama this Fourth of July, and may plunge him deeper into some very hot water.

“Hot” or “open mics” frequently catch public figures unknowingly expressing their true feelings, usually with colorful language (prime example: in 2000, then presidential candidate George W. Bush was caught complaining to vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney that a reporter covering their campaign was a “major league asshole”). However Obama’s “slip” while exiting the balcony of the White House after his fifth Independence Day address may well exceed the average “hot mic faux pas.”

The smaller of Obama's two microphones, which was clipped inches below Obama’s shirt collar, was supposed to have been turned off immediately after his closing remarks to guests and reporters on the White House lawn. But the microphone remained “hot,” catching the President muttering:

“God, this holiday sucks! All this national pride shit get’s on my nerves.”

Obama’s candid comments are sure to further drag down his approval ratings, as recent scandals involving the IRS, the Benghazi terrorist attacks, and massive spying on average citizens by the NSA have sunk Obama’s approval numbers below that of former president George W. Bush. It took Obama thirty seconds before he completely exited the White House balcony and removed his microphone, during which it picked up more utterances by the Commander-in-Chief, none of which pundits view will help his ratings any time soon.

“You’d think we’d stop celebrating the birth of the worst imperial power in history –but nooooo…we have to do this flag-waving bullshit every year,” Obama muttered more as he made his way from the podium. “I can’t believe I have to miss a good day of golf for this crap!”

Although Obama’s presumably inaudible words were not heard nearly as loudly as his official Independence Day speech, a few reporters and attendees close to the speakers beneath the White House balcony heard him distinctly. Obama tacked on a couple more self-pitying quips before removing his clip-on mic,

“...Could have been at Oakmont with Jay-Z now trying out that new Callaway set Alec (Baldwin) gave me last year! Damn this day sucks!”

- See more at:


Anonymous said...

I shamed you into taking this down once before, but you're a fucking tool, a little kid that can't help yourself. Fuck you for being a sensationalist rather than a truth-sayer.

Anonymous said...

This cannot be explained better


Anonymous said...

dead link? wish I could listen in!

Unknown said...

Sorry to say that the originator of all of this information about the "hot mic" crap is just that- crap-from a site that even states that they do spoofs and satirical posts. In other words, yeah, O probably wanted to say what they say he did, but didn't actually verbalize his thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Obama is absolutely right, all this national pride sh*t is disgusting. He knows things you don't and cannot say to the people because of the predicament he is in with the illuminat,,, who are very obviously working totally against anything good for the people.

What he knows is that you have been effectively assimilated because you have been mind controlled with the idea of Patriotism and the Red, White and Blue for the divide and conquer agenda for the separation of all of humankind in wars without end and he cannot do anything about it and knows the national pride idea is keeping the sedated Americans dumbed down and he cannot say anything about it in public, so you simply hear his frustration on an open mic.

He cannot change what you do not like just because you might protest and complain loudly and are disgruntled. He is doing the job for the illuminati to keep himself alive and cannot get out of what he is in, unless he wants to go missing from the physical plane of existence.

He did not know what he knows, until he took the oath of office and could not get out of it after he found out what he was into with the job. No one would in their right mind would run for president if they knew and were told before hand, what they were really getting themselves involved in, because you cannot do what you might have promised while on the campaign trial, none of the presidents ever have been able to follow through with their campaign ideas.

Anonymous said...

duhprogressive is a political satire site.....

Anonymous said...

If you dislike something you are going to get more of it. If Obama commented off the air as reported here then July 4 Independence will continue to be celebrated. If only humanity can understand how powerful each and everyone is. We are seeing the results created by the collective intent as expressed in the thought and emotional patterns of mankind. That part of humanity that is being controlled by the matrix and its instruments such as movies, music, TV, education, to name but a few is unaware of the contribution made by it to the current state of affairs in this world. This is why it is of paramount importance that everyone wakes up and start taking responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, actions and understand their reason for being. The intelligent power that rules this world knows how to capture, steer and employ the creative energy of mankind to further its evil objectives. The problems we are experiencing is not solely caused by the powers that be but by all of humanity. Insofar as Obama's remark about playing gholf and not politics which would you choose?

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it...Go somewhere else punk

Unknown said...

This site was taken down. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...
We are now aware that you make up anything. How lame can you be?? The only thing worse in life is someone like you who is so low you have no shame make stuff like this up.

Anonymous said...

9:47, you make some good points. However, if your defense of the President is valid and he didn't know what he was getting himself into, please explain why he ran for re-election.

Based on what others have written, it appears that these off hand comments are a spoof, but they are well done because they ring true and are probably very close to Mr. Obama's true sentiments. I just wish that spoof sites would write the word "spoof" at the top and bottom of their articles. Deciphering the truth is hard enough without people intentionally misleading others just for a laugh or to make themselves look clever.

Anonymous said...

It clearly states that some of it is real whilst other parts are false, offering zero evidence to prove or disprove. Therefore you offer an opinion and nothing more. And quoting snopes like it is the authority that trumps all authorities on anything real and factual is like quoting quackwatch for big-pharma justification rhetoric.

The psychopolitics is so easy to see these days, it practically stinks through the screen. :-)

Anonymous said...

You really believe what you just wrote

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately...I believe he's right. I despised the current potus goober, but after much research, he's simply a pawn. If you dare to "change IT", bad consequences have been known to happen. This didn't just start though. It goes back years and years. The last president to buck the system was Kennedy and only 4 prior to that. ALL except one was assassinated and the only reason that "one" wasn't..??? two failed attempts to do so of Mr. Andrew Jackson. Do a little research people...its there and its not pretty.