We're - In - The - Midst - Of - A - Global - Currency - Reset
Let's attempt to clear-up most of the rumors (and misinformation)
that's floating around.
1.) World-Wide Broadcast Announcement across all communication
air-waves that The Republic together with the Common Law and Sovereignty of the
People being Restored. N.E.S.A.R.A. - Law with many more world wide broadcast
of these Announcements.
2.) World-Wide Broadcast that The Fed Reserve will be dissolved,
the FRN will be discontinued, (FRN will be exchanged 1-for-1 with the new UST
currency) the Introduction of the New Revalued United States Treasury Currency
and that the IRS will merge or be absorbed into UST (with only an accounting
fiduciary capacity).
3.) There is a global event that has been unfolding during the
twenty-plus years. The Basil III Protocols (which include the Global Currency
Reset) have required the cooperation of many nations – 198, to be exact.
4.) What gets in the way from time to time with regard to this
Global Currency Reset (as has happened the entire month of July) is the
security of the entire world, along with the security of the people across the
globe and the security of the new systems being implemented and readied all
across the globe to happen in unison once the various Announcements are made.
5.) All Fiat currencies will become a thing of the past due to
ongoing pervasive fraud and devaluation of paper currencies; each Nation's new
Currencies will be backed by assets (precious metals, oil, commodities, etc.).
6.) Basil III (or Third Basil Accord) is a global, voluntary
regulatory standard on bank capital adequacy, stress testing and market
liquidity risk. It was agreed upon by the members of the Basil Committee on
Banking Supervision in 2010-2011, and was scheduled to be introduced from 2013
through 2015; Basil III was supposed to strengthen bank capital requirements by
increasing bank liquidity and bank leverage.
7.) Precious metal (gold and silver, etc.) prices are manipulated.
Currently the precious metals prices are dropping. Why? Something big is
about to happen. What? The Global Currency Reset will take those 198 Nations
Currencies and Revalue up based on that Country's assets (among other things).
8.) So instead of a crash – which is inevitable given the current
fiscal structure, there will be a Global Currency Reset, which is underway as
we speak.
This aired on Bloomberg TV on July 25th 2012. It is the
FIRST time it has been mentioned in the mainstream media… http://youtu.be/3w4jx9Hpjzw
If and when it happen, it becomes truth (fact). Until then it is just rumor or speculation. Do I want to see this happen? You bet your bippy! But I'll believe it when I see it. Until then it is just wishful thinking, for me.
wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!!
How long have we been reading this story? I for one sure ain't holdin my breath. The planet is coming apart at the seams as it appears while we keep getting reports of how this is all changing for the benefit of the people. Who and where?
I believe all the stories about global reset, RV, world currencies, etc and all those reporting on this have lost their credibility, so give it up until it actually happens if it ever does.
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