Dr. Eowyn posted: "Michael Shrimpton is a British barrister (attorney), an adviser to British intelligence, and a serious person. He also is a contributing columnist for the blog, Veterans Today. This is his biographical sketch on Veterans Today: Shrimpton has his"
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Michael Shrimpton is a British barrister (attorney), an adviser to British intelligence, and a serious person.
He also is a contributing columnist for the blog, Veterans Today. This is his biographical sketch on Veterans Today:

After you've read this post, you'll know why Wikipedia scrubbed its page on Michael Shrimpton.
Shrimpton was a speaker at a recent forum (date unknown). He made references to certain recent and contemporaneous events: Prince Harry having left his deployment in Afghanistan; the unprecedented snowfall the British Isles had this winter. Then, Shrimpton dropped a bombshell about Obama.
The video below is an excerpt from Shrimpton's presentation, in which he makes the following startling claims:
- Although Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) is said to have been born on August 4, 1961, he actually was born in 1960.
- Obama's alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was not pregnant in July 1961.
- Although BHO is said to have been born in Honolulu, Hawaii, he actually was born in Mombasa, Kenya, which was then British territory, which means British intelligence has his records.
- The C.I.A. surreptiously took a DNA sample of Obama at a fundraising dinner and ran a test, but could not match Obama's DNA with his [maternal] grandparents, the Dunhams.
- Former New York governor and GOP presidential aspirant Rudy Giuliani told Shrimpton at a recent lunch that he (Giuliani) knows all about this. Giuliani had hoped he would be the GOP presidential candidate and he'd then use the information against the Democrats.
- The Clintons (Bill and Hillary) also know about this.

Here's the full 1½ hour video from which the excerpt was taken, but you should know that Shrimpton does not talk about Obama in the rest of his presentation:
So who commits Perjury?
So who is an Accessory for keeping this as Classified Material for Perjury?
On the page Heading it says O could face Treason charges IF HE RETURNS... HE IS ON THE RUN..... When will it happen..? He was to have had a meeting with young men today at the White house! Someone is either wrong... or snall slow..... I am with YOU... just anxious....
Grow up old news, same old stuff year after years .Years ago posting stated he also flew kites in the rice fields.This Nesara Is becoming to much,Signing off over and out Space cadets,may the force be with you.Think i will take chances in the real world where at least you know you are abuse as slaves.but fighting for a real cause,and a real change. But to see and read the same old things year after year on these sites GET REAL. Its better to place one foot in front of the other in the real world and stand with two feet on the ground against them, then wasting time on things that go back and forth year after year like a swing in the wind.To bad its just a game.WARP SPEED AHEAD .Signing out SPACE CADETS.David has a GIANT to stand against and its NAME IS GOVERNMENT.
Shrimpton is LYING.
He is one of MANY birther liars in the past. He is like the LIARS who said that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya---when the tape recording shows that she said that Obama was born in HAWAII, repeatedly, but the birther sites simply did not quote her and cut off the tape recordings on their sites just before she was asked where he was born (I wonder why they did it).
In his blatant lie Shrimpton is like the other birther liars, like the ones who forged three “Kenyan birth certificates” (One of whom was shown by a convicted felon, one of whose past crimes was forgery, and who claimed to have gotten Obama’s BC in Kenya but refused to show proof that he, the forger, had gone to Kenya). And birther sites LIED when they said that the current governor of Hawaii, Abercrombie, said that he could not find Obama’s birth certificate (he never said any such thing, and three separate Hawaii officals of the two political parties have confirmed that Obama’s BC is in the files where it is supposed to be.
In fact, Obama has shown the birth certificate of Hawaii, short form and long form, and the officials of Hawaii of both parties have repeatedly stated that they sent them to him. Even the Kapiolani Hospital has confirmed that Obama was born there---twice (birther sites did not show either of them to you). Among those who confirmed Obama's BC was the former Republican governor of Hawaii, a friend of Sarah Palin's. And Obama's birth in Hawaii is further confirmed by the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send notices to that section of the newspaper, and it only did so for births in Hawaii).
In contrast to the FACTS above, what is Shrimpton alleging?
He alleges that Stanley Ann was not Obama's real mother (although she treated him like a mother all her life). It alleges that somehow Obama's Kenyan father was able to smuggle a child from Kenya to Hawaii without apparently getting a US visa for the child (You know we don't allow children to be just carried into the USA without papers) and then somehow got the officials in Hawaii to issue the birth certificate in 1961---and in 1961 the Hawaii DOH was only allowed to issue a birth certificate to children born in Hawaii.
Shrimpton has claimed that three or four British prime ministers were secretly appointed by the German government and that one of them was a child molester. And yet you are trying to make a few gullible believe Shrimpton and not the former Republican governor of Hawaii, and the Index Data and the birth notices and the teacher who wrote home, to her father, named Stanley, after hearing about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.
Nearly a YEAR has passed since this was posted, and there has not been a particle of confirming evidence to this story.
Here is one reason why:
Here's the latest on Shrimpton:
(Why does the far right wing keep falling for the claims of such nuts?)
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