Dear John,
Today we went to court to defend Nevada's wild horses and burros from a
legal assault by ranchers who want these national icons removed from public
lands and sold for slaughter. 
We're up against the powerful and well-financed enemies
of mustangs and burros. Can we count on you to back us up?
We seek to intervene in a lawsuit filed against the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) by the Nevada Association of Counties and the Nevada Farm
Bureau on behalf of ranchers who enjoy cheap, taxpayer-subsidized livestock
grazing on public lands where wild horses graze.
These ranchers want to clear BLM holding pens -- where 50,000
mustangs and burros are stockpiled -- by opening their gates to slaughter
kill buyers and then go out and round up thousands more wild horses.
Make no mistake; the BLM is on the side of the ranchers. With holding
space filling up and no funds for roundups, the agency is getting
desperate. It already got away with selling 1,700 wild horses to a known
kill buyer, Tom Davis, with no consequence.
This is why we're acting to defend our wild horses and
burros in court. Are you with us?
The timing could not be more critical. Last week, the
Associated Press obtained an internal BLM memo detailing a plan for an
"aggressive" sales program with "reduced" checks to
find out where the horses end up. This is a backdoor slaughter program that
will end in suffering, terror and death for our iconic wild horses and
We can't let this happen. Not on our watch. Please help
us fight back by contributing to our legal fund.
Thanks for standing with us and our cherished wild horses and burros.
- Suzanne Roy
You are subscribed to the
American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign email list.
The American Wild Horse
Preservation Campaign is dedicated to preserving American wild horses and
burros in viable free-roaming herds for generations to come, as part of
our national heritage.
Ranchers and Farmers need this grazing land.
There wouldn't be such a high demand for food, if there weren't so many people. Of course the planet is being spoiled and used up. We are already living in each other's filth. Japan is an island 8% smaller than the size of CA and yet has 127 million people living there, that's why their filth is now on CA shores. People need to stop friggin' breeding! Why doesn't someone start a campaign to promote not making more people! No one even has the guts to suggest this.
The Earth is more than capable of supporting the human population, (Yes, I am well aware of the Life Boat ethics taught by the Archonic social engineers who feel that a culling of the world population is needed but you are only telling what they have put into your head. You do not know the whole picture.) It is the Archon controlled governments and corporations that create the lack of food, the toxins in the food, and all the suffering that death that goes with it) The are the ones who are destroying the planet and they are the one who insisted that many nuclear power plants be built next to the oceans just so they can contaminate the planet. They caused the tsunami that damaged the nuclear plants. They need to cull the population to maintain control and enslave the people and maintain their low vibration energy source. They have started a campaign of eliminating us, the "useless eaters" via radiation poisoning. But no one has the guts to stop their genocide. Do your research.
Said like a true brainwashed person of the Global elites, You are clearly a product of the socialized government hyjacked public school system and its embracement of the social engineering ideals of the early 20th century. There would not be such a high demand for food if the elite controlled corporations did 'nt make it so hard to obtain. In California, I have seen acres of food allowed to rot because of the corporations when it could have been used to feed the people. Instead of parroting what someone else taught you, do some research outside of the peer reviewed (elite approved) sources and get a clear picture. We are being eradicated...let that sink in and the scope and extent of this attack against humanity by the elites knows no limits. More people is not the problem like you have been taught, Power in the hands of the few at the expense of the many is the problem and there is much wealth to be gained by creating and maintaining a situation between those who have and those who have not. Too many people as far as the elites are concerned are a threat to their power and control and they could care less who eats and who does'nt, who live and who dies, who suffers and who does'nt BECAUSE THEY DISPISE US ALL. Stop reading what everyone else is reading and read what the elites don't want you to know. Perception Deception by David Icke is a good place to start if you are not afraid to think out of the box that the elite controlled education system tries to put everyone in.. If you are afraid, stay in your mental box. You can see what the former head of the US Department of Educational Research said about the takeover of public education Charlotte Iserbyt. It's your choice and no one else's. The eyes are useless if the mind is blind and that is where the elites want us because it makes us so easy to manipulate, control and eliminate.
How can you comment such clap trap. This is one of the most uninformed brainwashed replies I have ever seen. The Globalists will love you man. They could give you a gun and you would shoot your family to decrease the surplus population just so they would not have to breed. You even use the elites phrasing "People need to stop friggin breeding" where you have reduced humanity to the level of animals to be slaughtered just so the elites can maintain their wealth and power. The globalists are growing people in test tubes bro and these people have DNA from more than Mom and Dad. but another Mom or Dad. The Transhumanists elites want to breed us in test tubes and merge us with technologyand get rid of all us normal humans. You would like that solution. No more normal humans because there would be no one breeding as everyone grown in a test tube and everyone would be feed through a tube via recycled human remains and filth (no wasted materials) Everybody programed to think alike and all tied into a computer. Yeah, man you would love that would'nt you. Dude, read up on it. Those elite folk want us all to be cyborgs and they get chills up their spine thinking about it. But nobody has the balls to expose this let alone stop the transhumanists wackos least of all our leaders who are bought and paid for before they take office.
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