Wednesday, March 26, 2014

BIG NEWS !!! Judges are going to jail. Who doesn't applaud that

 BIG NEWS !!! Judges are going to jail. Who doesn't applaud that
 Monday, March 24, 2014 7:34 PM
BIG News that's Not Getting the Shares it Deserves
2012thebigpicture posted: " There have been two stories aired in the past
week or so that in my opinion should be shouted from the rooftops, but to
my knowledge have not been acknowledged sufficiently. You will NOT hear
about this on the lamestream media for awhile, that is for " Respond to
this post by replying above this line
New post on *2012 The Big Picture*
< > BIG
News that's Not Getting the Shares it Deserves< >by 2012thebigpicture< >
There have been two stories aired in the past week or so that in my opinion should be shouted from the rooftops, but to my knowledge have not been acknowledged sufficiently. You will NOT hear about this on the lamestream media for awhile, that is for certain. 
Poke! Poke! We have been duped, but the revelations are rolling out. For some reason, they don't seem to be recognized for what they are.  Disclosure. DISCLOSURE!!! 
These stories weren't new to me, but the updates were most welcome. Perhaps it wasn't news to a lot of Lightworkers and Truthers, but don't we want to ensure that those coming out of their trance-like state know about this? 
    New readers are flooding the Internet to learn more about Malaysian Flight 370 and the Ukraine crisis. Let's give them equally vital information to read while they're here.
Both of the following are the result of The People going ahead and doing what is necessary to return Humanity to a free, sovereign state. They will cast off the controls of the Illuminati over our history and shine a light on our bright new future. 
    [image: Great Pyramid of Giza Project, The Farsight Institute]
The first revelation is the announcement by Courtney Brown, Ph.D. at the Farsight Institute that Remote Viewing Research has revealed...
*ONE*: how the pyramids were REALLY built - using vibration technology to "float" or levitate the stones into place by slaves (Humanity)
*TWO:* that two extraterrestrial races were involved  Don't people think it's important to learn how man was enslaved to built these pyramids and that we remain enslaved today? 
I really thought that story would have gone viral, but perhaps it was overshadowed by the disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370, or the crisis in the Ukraine---or both. Pity.
Hell, maybe that's why the incredible disappearing plane trick was foisted on us, I don't know, but I really feel people need to take this information seriously. 
    Remote viewing isn't some woo-woo, esoteric trick. It's verifiable science practiced by the military and American alphabet agencies for decades.  People need to understand that this is an ability that we all have if our belief system will accommodate it. We can all access the past or the future if we learn how. 
    AND... people need to start thinking about the presence of extraterrestrials on planet Earth, because the mass flyovers will be taking place and they're going to be down here before long, up close and personal. 
    You can visit the Farsight web site here
[image: Home]  *Citizen Grand Jury* 
The second story gave me a thrill because it, too, is the result of ordinary people taking the reins and allowing us to participate in the emancipation of Humanity globally.  We can't wait for anyone to give us permission to seize what is rightfully
ours, be it free energy, the truth about our origins, the Extraterrestrial presence, or the right to a fair trial for significant crimes. 
    The Citizen Grand Jury will enable The People to have a hand in the roll-out of our new Common Law judicial system that will free those who have been wrongly incarcerated, and ensure that the corruption in the courts and law enforcement is ended. Judges can no longer be bought or get bonuses for sending non-violent people to prison. 
    We're not talking only of the USA here. Those who have spearheaded the initiative have been in contact with people in Canada and many other countries.  Corrupt judges have been notified that the old system is no longer in effect and the new system is being rolled out. Sheriffs, bailiffs and clarks have been notified that the Common Law system is now the standard. 
    I posted a video a couple of months ago about the Power of the Grand Jury, and I found out about this current update on Drake's Thursday, March 20th Blogtalk show quite by accident and it was incredibly uplifting to hear John Darash expound on what they have done so far. I had no idea they had advanced the process to this stage. It's awesome news. 
    In the USA each county will take responsibility to hear cases and resolve them according to the "crime". In the case of victimless crimes, there is no crime. Where someone has been harmed, the one responsible will provide restitution. 
    There will be no more sending people to jail over parking tickets, bogus charges and setups, or anything that is not honest.  It's not about putting people in jail. Jurors will use honour, justice and mercy to decide what is appropriate. 
    The People will be trained and educated about the common law system and will sit on a Grand Jury and decide the outcome in fairness. Statutory Law is going the way of the dinosaur. You can contact these people if you would like to be a juror.
    The entire justice system will undergo a reform and will once again be FAIR.  I urge everyone to visit the web site to learn more about the Citizen Grand Jury. Knowing all this, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Major progress is under way to seize control of the corrupt legal system in America and the world. < >
If you would like to listen to John Darash explain the details, you can listen here< >,
beginning about the 68 minute mark. It was interesting and exciting to hear John tell us what his group has done thus far and what it will mean for Humanity. I highly recommend it. 
    Judges are going to jail. Who doesn't applaud that?!  This is rolling out across the USA. Get informed and share this information. Volunteer to be added to the jury pool. This is HUGE news! 
< >* | March
24, 2014 at 7:33 PM | Tags:
aliens< >,
BAR association<  >,
Bill of Rights < >,
Blogtalk < >, citizen
grand jury < >,
codes < >, common
law< >,
constititution < >,
corruption < >,
courts< >,
Declaration of Independence< >,
Drake < >,
Egypt< >,
estraterrestrials< >,
ETs < >,                                         Farsight Institute< >,
frequency <  >,
Giza<  >,
honour < >,                                 John Darash< >,
jury pool < >,
justice< >,
levitation < >,                     Magna Carta < >,         March 20< >,
mercy < >,
militia< >,
new world order< >,
New York < >,
politicians< >,
prosecutor < >,
pyramids < >,
Statutory Law < >,
vibration< >|
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