Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Democrats & Tea Party In Virgiania???? Whoa!!!

This bill cannot be made law.   Please pass this info along to those you know in VA.   Also, when this type of legislation gets passed in ONE state, it has a way of showing up in a number of other states.  These homeowner abuses (some terrifying and violent, too) and intentional, malicious and fraudulent property theft and legal abuse like a disease.

Posted on March 4, 2014 by 
Will wonders never cease!
A hellaciously ugly anti-homeowner bill is about to end up in Virginia law books. It essentially does away with ALL Constitutional rights of people in Homeowners Associations. And I’ve warned people all over the country to quit thinking about HOAs as Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, liberal or conservative. HOAs are about communes (communism), flavored with a healthy splash of fascism (the lawn Nazis).
Well, Glory be! Virginia lawmakers from the Tea Party wing of the Republicans are joining Democrats in trying to wake their fellow-legislators up. This bill is beyond bad. This link to the Virginia bureau is worth reading!
This is a preview of Democrats & Tea Party In Virgiania???? Whoa!!!Read the full post (109 words, estimated 26 secs reading time)

Posted on March 4, 2014 by 
There was an interesting column from a blogger a couple of weeks ago about the bizarre proposed legislation in Virginia that would allow HOAs to fine ANY homeowner for ANYTHING as long as the CC&Rs didn’t specifically ban such fines. It has to be one of the biggest proposed power grabs in history. The column is fascinating and worth reading, in that it was written by an HOA president who opposed this fascist piece of legislative work.
But what really caught my attention is this columnist’s belief that this piece of legal outrage is supported by Republicans who traditionally oppose big government.
This is a preview of The Virginia HOA Power GrabRead the full post (251 words, estimated 1:00 mins reading time)

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