Saturday, March 8, 2014


March 2, 2014 at 10:57 pm

Politicians and oligarchs will find we are not so forgiving as they think, and none of any of them is immune.
For those who do NOT know, the people of this planet are at War.
This was declared long ago, and is the product of no one doing anything about it.
This is The Place to take action.
And NO! We ain’t goin away or givin up for any reason.
It has been a dream of mine to see our Country restored to what it was when I was growing up. A place of Freedom, Rights, and the personal integrity of Free Will.
Our efforts are designed to do just that, and in that process, also set those in other countries Free as well.
What our founding Fathers gave us is a legacy that should be a guide to the whole world.
>Think of the extraordinary privilege of living in the time of the Second Birth, or Rebirth of our great nation!
That the focus on the human condition will finally take precedence over everything else.
I do this for those who are young, our kids, grand kids, kids of this entire Earth.
The condition of being able to know that children may be free to enjoy the real safety, a world that no longer shoots, bombs, and kills… So mothers and fathers no longer have to worry, but can let life develop as The Creator intended, in peace.
Yeah, been at this for awhile.
As long as I draw breath, I intend to hold those who act as if they were/are above the law, personally responsible for their actions.
Join with the many who have decided to right the wrongs these crooks have loaded us with.
Nuf said…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Drake the snake and Keenan have joined up. You know it's all bullshit now. A VA med dope head and a slobbering alcoholic. It's amazing people follow these two con artists.