-Obama = his handlers from trilateral and 300 -Ukraine = homeland of Russia and Croatia
Obama's dumbest plan yet: The coup in Ukraine
Mike Whitney
Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:00 CST
(photo at source)
© Telegraph "Washington and Brussels ... used a Nazi coup, carried out by insurgents, terrorists and politicians of Euromaidan to serve the geopolitical interests of the West." - Natalia Vitrenko, The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine
The United States helped defeat Nazism in World War 2. Obama helped bring it back.
As you probably know by now, Obama and Co. have ousted Ukraine's democratically-elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, with the help of ultra-right, paramilitary, neo-Nazi gangs who seized and burned government offices, killed riot police, and spread mayhem and terror across the country.
Anti-Semitism comes full circle: Israeli Defence Forces unit led fascist militia in Kiev - How much involvement did Israel have in neo-Nazi coup d'état?
Cnaan Liphshiz
Times of Israel
Sat, 01 Mar 2014 06:49 CST
(Image at source)
© 'Delta'/JTA Delta, the nom de guerre of the Jewish commander of a Ukrainian street-fighting unit, is pictured in Kiev earlier this month. Delta, a Ukrainian-born former IDF soldier, headed a force of 40 men and women, most of whom are not Jewish, against gov't forces
He calls his troops "the Blue Helmets of Maidan," but brown is the color of the headgear worn by Delta - the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution. Under his helmet, he also wears a kippah.
Delta, a Ukraine-born former soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, spoke to JTA Thursday on condition of anonymity. He explained how he came to use combat skills he acquired in the Shu'alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev's street fighters. He has headed a force of 40 men and women - including several fellow IDF veterans - in violent clashes with government forces.
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'Pussy Riot', the U.S. State Department and Economic Shock Therapy
Joe Quinn Sott.net
Sun, 02 Mar 2014 12:32 CST

Useless idiots: ‘Punk Rock Band’ ‘Pussy Riot’ with token guitar, which none of them know how to play When the US government sanctioned the beating and arrest of US citizens for swaying from side to side in the Jefferson Memorial a couple of years ago, it provoked no response from the Western media (and therefore the Western zombie-citizens who rely entirely on the media for their 'opinions'). Yet the Russian government, sorry, 'Putin' (because everyone knows Putin is a dictator, right?) is broadly denounced as a 'tyrant' by these same Western zombies (again because their 'outraged opinion' was deftly inserted into their brains by the Western media) for putting a stop to the ugly spectacle of deranged Russian women sticking chickens up their vaginas in supermarkets, daubing outlines of phalli on bridges, staging 'orgies' in a museum and cavorting around like retards in Russian Orthodox churches as part of their three year long international attack on the Russian government.
Disconnect? For sure, but, like I said, don't expect any logic from the collective mind of the citizens of Western zombie nations. All you can hope to do is understand the psychopathic logic of Western governments and the way it infects the minds and manipulates the emotions of Western citizens.
'Pussy Riot', or 11 Russian women between the ages of 20-33, has received direct moral support from the US State Department and likely indirect financial support, and appears to be one aspect of the US government's decade-long attempt to undermine Russian society and its president, Vladimir Putin.
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