Subject: Dr. Oz was right, and Vega joins protein heavy metals limits
NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletterDr. Oz was right to warn his viewers about heavy metals in protein products. It seems this message is really gaining traction in the mainstream all of a sudden:
Also, the Vega company is now officially joining the Natural News heavy metals limits for protein products!
Roundup herbicide may be linked to celiac disease, says a new study:
Must-see documentary: Red Reign exposes China's organ harvesting industry:
Good news: Fast food chains are really struggling as consumer choose healthier foods:
More news continues below...
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Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: A new painkiller drug is about to hit the market. Just how dangerous is it? RSB will discuss your many options for safe pain relief not subject to FDA approval. Listen in at
Today on
- Water kefir, the delicious natural (fermented) soda
- Can glucosamine really help with arthritis?
- Salt reduction produces huge health benefits
Why Dr. Oz was right to warn consumers about lead in
Shakeology Greenberry protein powder
(NaturalNews) The health industry is suddenly buzzing with more findings about heavy metals in protein products, and Dr. Oz is beginning to warn viewers about lead in some products. This is on top of Natural News finding substantial concentrations of... |
Roundup herbicide linked to celiac disease and gluten
intolerance, new study suggests
(NaturalNews) A new study has found that the world's best-selling herbicide is linked to the global rise of celiac disease, gluten intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome. According to the U.S. peer-reviewed study, the details of which were published... |
Red Reign: China's horrific nonconsensual organ harvesting
and religious oppression unveiled
(NaturalNews) Imagine being arrested, imprisoned and tortured simply for holding religious beliefs that run contrary to what the government considers acceptable. And every day having to worry that you might be murdered at a moment's notice for your vital... |
Author says Tyson Foods keeps farmers in state of 'indentured
(NaturalNews) The author of a new expose on the chicken industry chastises corporate giant Tyson Foods while claiming that farmers who supply meat to the company are locked into a sort of "indentured servitude" of which they are unable to free themselves... |
Avoid eating dangerous, genetically engineered foods at your
dining table
(NaturalNews) The growth of genetically modified foods continues to rise in the U.S. and around the world with the aggressive tactics of the biotech industry. This growth has contributed to an increase in invasive superweeds and rising challenges for... |
Fast food chains struggle in wake of healthy eating trend
(NaturalNews) Heightened awareness surrounding the dangers of commercially processed food is hitting McDonald's, the number one global fast-food chain, where it hurts, their wallet. Due to a decline in company sales and an attempt to remain "relevant... |
Uninsured Americans suddenly realize they were conned by
(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act - Obamacare - has always had its opponents, but as more Americans become familiar with the law and begin to experience its ill effects, the more it is hated. And now, in perhaps one of the most compelling ironies... |
Optimal cholesterol ratios not only good for the heart, but
also lower Alzheimer's disease risk
(NaturalNews) Volumes of current research now clearly demonstrate that Alzheimer's disease, though influenced to a small degree by genetic predisposition, is largely caused by a confluence of lifestyle indiscretions over the course of one's early and... |
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in rivers affect fish heart
(NaturalNews) Mass-produced man-made chemicals that mimic estrogen should be a major concern for humanity, as they can go undetected in water and affect the reproduction and gender identity of various life forms. Lurking in the water, these chemicals... |
Wheatgrass: a chlorophyll-rich superfood bursting with
(NaturalNews) Wheatgrass is a gluten-free food prepared from the young shoots of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, which grows in temperate regions throughout Europe and the United States. Consumption of wheatgrass only became popular in the... |
California residents and officials to monitor radiation amid
growing fears about Fukushima
(NaturalNews) Concerned about the effects of radiation still being released from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan, towns and cities all across California have begun enacting monitoring programs to deal with what many agree... |
Top ways to keep stress at bay
(NaturalNews) A high level of stress is not good for anyone. When a person is constantly exposed to stress, the individual can develop anxiety disorders. People suffering from high levels of stress can exhibit uncontrollable behaviors related to acute... |
Electrocardiographs detect heart rhythm changes from lead
(NaturalNews) It may seem odd to associate lead toxicity with cardiac health issues. But there has been considerable research put into that association. Health experts seem to agree that there is no safe level of lead in our bodies, and... |
What's missing from the effort to stop the GMO threat to our
food supply?
(NaturalNews) The effort to stop Monsanto and its league of corporate monsters from ruining our food supply should focus more on what gets planted than what gets labeled on retail shelves. "GMO seeds should not enter the soil" should be the mantra instead... |
The Seven Countries Study hoax and how the politics of food
policy keeps the USA in the dark
(NaturalNews) This is the true story of an American scientist named Ancel Keys who studied saturated fat long ago (in the 1950s) and made the cover of the illustrious Time magazine, although in that "infamous" way that we later learned of. The... |
VEGA joins Natural News heavy metals limits for protein
products; company's blends already test among cleanest in industry
(NaturalNews) Over the last month, Natural News rocked the dietary supplements industry by publishing laboratory research results which found significant levels... |
FDA deliberately allows animal drugs to stay legal even when
they threaten humans with superbugs
(NaturalNews) The FDA allowed 18 separate animal antibiotics to remain on the market even after concluding that they posed a "high risk" of leading to antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause disease in humans, according to a new study by the Natural... |
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1 comment:
Don't know if I would trust Dr. Oz. As I recall he was one of the people that participated in that fake interview with the young boy on his show regarding Sandy Hook. And if anyone cares check out the image of our Natural News guy down the right hand side column on the page link below.
Do yourselves a favor and spend some time checking out the website and your eyes will really be opened wide.
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