Sunday, March 9, 2014

Possible "influence" in the HOA, POA, COA legislation process in North Carolina - "Dark money comes to light" -, by Mark Brinker.

 Please read the article and tell me what you think! This is why innocent people are being made homeless in these groups, due no fault of their own.  Sure, no checks and balances and no books and records enforcement, so it is what they "allege," and add on, legitimate, or not and in violation of the FDCPA, to say the very least!  In fact, if an innocent homeowner stumbles over a board stealing, or as little as asks to see the records, or about the records, or another impropriety on the part of an HOA board they are typically arrested, or sued, driven from their homes, or are unsafe in their homes due to attempted violent acts, harassment, property damages and/or terrorizing. Their careers (futures), finances, families, health, reputations and character maliciously destroyed, to cover up the criminality of the perpetrators and ultimately the theft of their home and equity, by the perpetrators.  Illegal, sure, but who is the wiser, if no one will investigate, or prosecute the perpetrators?  I believe this type of "activity," is not limited to North Carolina.  In fact I believe areas of Pennsylvania may be worse.  Areas like Monroe County, Pennsylvania, in my opinion.  How about some investigations and help for those who deserve it, the victims of these apparently criminal personal abuses, legal abuses and property thefts.
Thank you.

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