Thursday, March 6, 2014

RV Intel

FlPatriot59: March 4, 2014: Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would be expected to arrive.

WILDDUCK : putin pulled his troops back to barracks this is a non issue, check the drop in the ruble and stock market and breathe . then spell out BRIC Brazil Russia india, China These countrys are bringing you the GCR.

Gatorguy: The dates WRITTEN in ink for deadlines are March 7th (Budget) and March 14-17 (WTO MEETING) Just relax and know that these dates are in INK

Takenbythewind: I heard March 15-16th yesterday could be the RV from a banking contact. That meeting would add confirmation if that is the case, WTO.

GatorGuy:  Today (March 4th) was the ABSOLUTE earliest I was even looking at it happening.. 20% chance. The real deadline dates (Written in INK) are Friday March 7th and the 14-17th

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More relevant intel: