Monday, December 12, 2016


The Khazarian mafia is planning spectacular false flag terror operations between now and December 19th in a last minute attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being formally inauguarated as President of the United States, CIA sources say. However, the military forces of Russia, China and the United States are all working together now to remove the final vestiges of Khazarian control, so these efforts will be no more than the final thrashes of a dying beast.

(So it is very possible that the Russian and Chinese troops seen in various parts of America over the past several years -- over which so many perversely pessimistic patriots have had their panties in a snit -- may be part of the planetary liberation-oriented Earth Defense Alliance, about which many government insiders/secret space program whistleblowers/informed lay people have long spoken hopefully, without so far being heeded. – REC)

There is also a very intense cyberwarfare campaign under way aimed at removing truth websites, so that the Khazarian corporate media’s false world narrative can be reasserted, the sources say. This is what is behind the ongoing attempt to try to label the current truth revolution and the election of Donald Trump as being done by “Russia.”

The recent widely publicized Washington Post article that featured a list of so-called “fake news” sites cited information compiled by US State Department and Obama administration fronts like Voice of America, the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The fact is, the real fake news outlets are propaganda organs like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, the BBC etc.
These are the outlets that still routinely report lies about 9/11, Iran, Saddam Hussein, ISIS, Russia etc. All of these lying corporate propaganda outlets will soon experience a change in management, and will be forced to either report the truth or be shut down. (Those who are falling for this corporate lamestream media farce are showing their ignorance of the open secrets of American conspiracy history; all they need to do is websearch the CIA's Project Mockingbird, that has been in operation since the mid-20th century. – REC)

Both Asian secret society and Western agency sources report that a major purge is ongoing, and that large numbers of people are “disappearing” in Asia and in the West. The outward sign of this has been the domino fall of Khazarian mafia-controlled governments and their various leaders.

However, Asian secret society sources say that information provided by the NSA claiming that Chinese President Xi Jinping reported to Evelyn de Rothschild was false. (Told you so, Fulford; so also was the disinformation about Putin you have recently been featuring. – REC) They say the Asians have been having a series of meetings where, among other things, it was decided that since Xi supports world peace, he will remain in power. Other world leaders, however, will continue to resign, the sources agree.

The most recent domino to fall was South Korean President Park Geun Hye who was impeached last week. South Koreans were infuriated to hear revelations from Wikileaks and other sources that Park took part in “satanic rituals” and allowed demonic spirits “complete control over her body and soul.” (Sounds familiar. Pizza anyone?! – REC)
There has been a strenuous campaign by the Khazarian Zionist mafia to deny any connection to Satanism, but more and more insiders are saying it is very real. The images of ritualistic cannibalism at an elite party run by “performance artist” Marina Ambramovic are a reflection of very real cannibalistic orgies that do take place, bloodline family sources say. (This is why it would have been most justified – not to mention far more effective -- had more than just one activist shown up to challenge her and supporters at Town Hall Seattle in mid-November 2016. – REC)

A list of celebrities who attended this Hollywood event can be seen here:

The truth is the ‘elite’ wouldn’t be doing public “mock-cannibalistic” Satanic rituals or “galas” if they were actually not being actively engaged in such sick and twisted, disgusting practices,” a CIA source points out. A lot of information about these elite horrors will be coming out in the war crimes trials that are expected to start in January 2017, several sources agree.

(It's about time, and none too soon, since the average American cannot seem to grock what has been going on, much less act courageously/effectively to do anything about it. The admirable exception to this seems to be the network of largely young, social media-savvy cyberactivists now pursuing/publicizing the ongoing citizens' investigation into the Wikileaked well-connected DC pedophile network, now dubbedPizzagate”. – REC)

A CIA source says that “Obama, as the CEO of the corporate United States, quietly signed the US by executive order into membership in the International Criminal Court in 2010.  Ten years ago, George W. Bush gave presidential immunity to the Bush/Clinton crime family. This immunity expires on 31 December, 2015.

On January 1, 2017 they can be arrested and brought before the ICC. This is the reason they are detained now, in house. This is being kept very close to source”. “They will wait for Trump to be sworn in for sure, then the shit will hit the fan,” the source summarized.

Pentagon sources say a Marine General John Kelly will head the Department of Homeland Security, who will purge it of Khazarian Zionist mafia before starting a campaign to close the US border to “drug cartels and ISIS.” The Pentagon sources were informed that, if they wanted to go after ISIS, the first person they should arrest would be Senator John “ISIS” McCain.

Such arrests are taking place, with the bigwigs scheduled to go down in the new year, CIA sources confirm.

In the meantime, financial warfare is raging. This was seen in a Bloomberg terminals outage last week, Pentagon sources say. Hedge funds also got a body blow last week, as the US Supreme Court ruled 8-0 that insider trading is a crime, even if the tipper gets no financial benefit from family or friends, the sources say. This ruling will make it much easier for law enforcement folk to clean up Wall Street, they say. (Not to mention the US Congress, where many more of such profitable tip-offs originate. – REC)

Also, Wells Fargo Bank has been purged of hundreds of cabal bankers, and will likely be taken over by HSBC soon, the sources say.  In a related move, the private Swiss bank magnate Edmond de Rothschild was kicked out of China, after many Khazarian proxies in that country were rounded up, the Pentagon sources say. The Chinese military, for their part, say the only Western banks they fully trust now are HSBC and Standard & Chartered.

The US and Chinese military are negotiating a deal that will help bring on a global currency reset, sources close to the negotiations say. The deal involves trading US dollars for Asian gold, but is being blocked by the Rothschild banking clan, the sources say. For that reason, both the Asian secret societies and US agencies have been given the precise coordinates of the homes of Rothschild clan leadership. But the White Dragon Society says that missiles and aerial bombing should be avoided in order to prevent the destruction of priceless art work.

However, positive CIA sources who have long been battling the bloodline families take a harder line:

Do they worry when they bomb & demolish historic ‘priceless’ treasures in the Middle East? NO, because their goal is not to acquire or save treasure but to attain total and absolute control. Didn’t the Cabal use strategic nukes on 9/11? If we want to take the control back of our beloved planet, only an equal show of force will get their attention. That we’ll send a strong enough message that we mean business and that enough is enough, and that it is either their total surrender or face total annihilation…their choice!”

The Gnostic Illuminati is also definitely leaning towards “total annihilation,” so bloodline surrender to the more moderate WDS forces is recommended, before it is too late.

There already has been a Khazarian surrender in Syria. Here a ceasefire and evacuation of Aleppo has been agreed upon, after Syrian government forces and their Russian allies took over 93% of the city. In a definitely related move, the Rothschild-controlled company Glencore and the government of Qatar agreed last week to buy a major stake in the Russian energy company Rosneft.
The Syrian war was started to force Syria to allow Qatar and Saudi Arabia to build a pipeline there in order to export gas to Europe. The Syrians refused, because they preferred a pipeline controlled by Russia. So, the fact the Qataris have reached a deal with Russia means they have broken with Saudi Arabia over Syria.

The Saudis, for their part, have rushed to save their assets by sending Softbank’s Masayoshi Son to visit Trump to offer to create 50,000 US jobs using $50 billion of Saudi money. The Saudis are going to have to fork over a lot more than that just to pay the blood money they owe for all the horrific crimes their regime has carried out. Just ask the Yemenis.

The Saudi regime will be “taken care of,” as a part of an overall settlement of ongoing conflicts that is unfolding, as the Trump regime heads for “triple entente,” with Russia and China.

This is why Russia and non-OPEC oil producers agreed to cut supply in order to raise prices and stabilize energy-dependent currencies. The move towards more harmony can also be seen in the Aleppo cease fire, was well as in a Russian agreement to supply Ukraine with the gas it will need this winter.

There is also expected to be some sort of breakthrough involving North Korea. A rare glimpse in the true nature of that regime came out last week when it “accidentally” revealed there are only 28 domain names using the North Korean .KP registry.
If you look at some of those 28 sites you can see clearly they are not managed by North Koreans. This disclosure may, together with the downfall of South Korea’s President Park, be a sign some sort of Korean Peninsula peace agreement being in the works.

On a final note, there is more weirdness emerging from Antarctica. Last week a “large glowing blue cloud” appeared over Antarctica, according to the Christian Science Monitor.

Does the Vatican know something about this cloud that we do not?


The image of a cannibal feast sent to me by a member of the bloodline families was taken from a Hollywood production of a satanic thanksgiving directed by Eli Roth. We were fooled and apologize for the mistake. The photograph will be taken down. (If it was “fake”, then it was likely “fake” in the same way that “Abramowitch's” Hollywood production of that mock-satanic cannibilistic feast was. – REC)


Seeker said...

That's the most encouraging thing that I have read all year! And so it is!

Anonymous said...

Here comes the swamp draining...rougher than it looks.
"A Federal Reserve Audit" sounds about right on time.