Friday, December 16, 2016

OUTRAGEOUS! New York Times Says Trump Is A Threat To Democracy


Freewill said...

I actually agree Trump is a threat to Democracy!
A Democracy is defined as "Mob Rule". Has anyone ever said they pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Democracy for which it stands? I never did!
It was to the republic! I hope Donald Trump destroys the mob rule Democracy! Democracy is NOT American! Democracy is Cabal!

Unknown said...

I was thinking of writing pretty much the same thing, almost word for word but Freewill beat me to it. So all I can say is ditto!

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he destroys the Democracy. Last I knew, we are a Republic, not a Democracy!

Anonymous said...

As Fulford calls it, The JEW York Times. "All the news to benefit Israel." Kerry or Gore recently exposed that 1/4 of All US Foreign Aid goes to Israel. Yet is it Silverstein and Mossad and Bush WH that bombed NYC (3 buildings) and the Pentagon. Anyone see anything wrong with that picture.
They are pissed that they didn't get their boy (dual-citizenship) Sander into the WH, or their puppet Hillary.

Freewill said...

Great minds think alike John!

Unknown said...

God have mercy on our nation,