Monday, December 5, 2016

Pizza Gate Is A Diversion From the Greater Crimes in Podesta Wikileaks


Anonymous said...

Assassination Of Finnish Reporters Investigating Bizarre “Pizzagate” Plot Puzzles Russia ..

Anonymous said...

This guy is just being very careful and protecting his ass.

Yes, we know there is child trafficking. We know for a fact based on evidence John Podesta is a very clearcut pedophile, he's been counseled by his lawyers not to comment. We know beyond any doubt that it is likely James Alefantis is a co-conspirator.

We don't know anything else about the Pizza place or Comet Ping Pong in specific, that would prove any of the rest are involved. The staff may not know anything about it at all. Or they could know very little.

Jones took the right step here rather than censoring the news about this, to take the step of cautioning the public. Don't focus only on the Pizza place, since that part of the investigation is not as bad as the pedophiles.