Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Public Law 105-855 chemical weapons on Americans

Public Law 105-855 
says U.S.A. 'government' can spray
chemical weapons on American citizens

U.S.A. Government Experimentation on Americans


Anonymous said...

I will call my Governor too as he has the duty to protect me and he is letting them spray in his and my state.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the Governor is the supreme authority over each state? Wasn't 'states rights' supposed to be the foundation for the formation of the states? If so, why don't the governors use their authority and stand up for the rights of their state and their people? It is a travesty that the states are under control of a crime syndicate out of Wash DC - part of the 1930's coup. Each state needs to withdraw from the Wash DC control, take back their states rights and begin to relieve Wash DC of all their control and manipulation over the people of this nation.

Anonymous said...

11:29 A.M.- Amen to that!!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 11:29 you must entirely shred the citi zen contract. Do not be a taxpayer. You are in reality a state national, live as one and remove any and all ties you ever had with the federal government, demand their arrest and arrest them yourselves!