Remember the back channel communications censorship I talked about? I bet this is why!
America suddenly stopped all fuel supplies to Mexico, and it has created a crisis. This would be done in a run up to an ENORMOUS WAR.
Mexico suddenly ran out of gas this evening. There was no warning. Due to government policies, Mexico decided to remain dependent on American oil and gasoline. Pemex does not do much (if anything at all) with actually getting oil out of the ground. So Mexico is dependent completely on foreign oil and TODAY, WITHOUT WARNING, EVERY SINGLE GAS STATION SUDDENLY RAN COMPLETELY OUT OF GAS. THIS WOULD HAPPEN IF AMERICA SUDDENLY STOPPED SELLING OIL TO MEXICO TO BUILD UP SUPPLIES IN AMERICA FOR A HUGE WAR AND THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT SAID NOTHING ABOUT IT. SINCE WORD ON THE STREET IS THAT THE NEXT GAS WILL COME FROM CHINA AND THEY HAVE TO WAIT FOR IT TO ARRIVE, THAT SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY POSSIBILITY. In the city I am in, Claudia and I went from station to station and arrived just as each station ran out of gas. And then panic set in, people started freaking out and mobbing whatever gas stations had any left. So I figured the neighboring state might have some, and have an old Fiat that sips gas like a mosquito (seriously, it is amazing) and had enough gas to drive into the neighboring state and back and still drive for a while if we found none. And it was obvious we were leading the pack out of town in a panic to find gas elsewhere.I got to the first station in the neighboring state, and it had gas. So we topped it off totally. And then I drove into a medium sized city, bought 10 liter water bottles, found another station there AND GOT THE LAST GAS OUT OF THAT STATION. The pump was blowing air bubbles into the last bottle but we managed to get enough gas to drive at least 1500 KM. Then all the stations ran out of gas there too. We got word from that station that there will be no more gas until next year for the entire country.
AMERICA STOPPED SELLING GAS TO MEXICO ALL OF A SUDDEN AND MEXICO NOW HAS TO WAIT FOR TOTALLY UNSCHEDULED TANKERS TO ARRIVE FROM CHINA BEFORE THERE WILL BE ANY MORE GAS. There were street explanations made by common people, such as one of the refineries is having a problem but I know what refinery it is they were talking about and it has numerous cracking facilities and there is no way it could just go down. So that story is B.S. Mexicans are also tweeting everywhere that it is just a game the government is playing and that they want to get the gas from China because it will be cheaper and the government will sell it for more and make a pile of cash. But that does not wash AT ALL because you don't just suddenly hang a country with zero fuel. THE FIRST CARS WERE ALREADY STALLED ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD WHEN WE WERE COMING BACK. People are ALREADY running out of gas because you can't buy it anywhere. Mexico is heading straight into an enormous crisis.COLD HARD FACT WITH ALL OF THIS: This is a total hairbinger of war on the horizon. You could not get a better early indicator of an impending war than this, because absent the need to keep all the gas in preparation for war, why on earth would America just suddenly cut off the supply? War is the only plausible answer. WAR TO KEEP TRUMP FROM TAKING OFFICE. THIS IS YOUR EARLY WARNING, GET READY NOW.
Final comments (for now)
I just spoke to other Mexicans, and they said this has never happened before EVER. There have been times when individual stations ran out of a particular grade of gas, but not all gas, and NEVER at all stations. This is a totally unique situation that has NEVER happened before EVER. Trolls will hit this topic and poke fun at Mexico and they will tell you to ignore this. DO NOT IGNORE THIS, it is a HUGE situation and a genuinely unique occurrence. Even taxi cabs are stalled now, this is HUGE. It is like someone just suddenly pulled the plug without warning, family in another city tweeted they could not get gas, so we checked where we live and stations were closing left and right as their pumps suddenly ran dry (because the ones that still had gas were getting mobbed and drained) and then we drove out of state and the stations there were running out of gas also. We got the last of it out of the second station we got gas from (fortunately) right when we maxed out what we could get. We're set for months with careful driving because that Fiat eats so little gas, and no, I feel lucky, not selfish because though for us it was a lot of gas, we only got enough to top off a large SUV. our gas is not just going to blow out a 4 inch exhaust pipe.I am worried, because if gas really is going to take as long to arrive as they say, people are going to FREAK OUT. It might be dangerous to have a car that is still going.
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