Saturday, December 10, 2016

UPDATE: More ''news" on muslim atrocities


Major  Muslim  Terror  Leader  In  Russia  Slaughters  Thirty  Four  People,  Russian  Forces  Ambush  Him  And  Four  Other  Muslim  Terrorists  And  Kill  Them  All

2016-12-07 20:42:33-05

shutterstock_299415884-640x400Posted in FeaturedGeneral By Theodore Shoebat

Russian forces killed a major Muslim terrorist leader, responsible for the deaths of thirty-four people in Southern Russia. They also killed four other Islamists who were with the terror leader. As we read in one report: Russia has dealt a strong blow to ISIS’ presence in the country by killing the “emir” of […]

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Germany  Has  Already  Risen  As  A  Tyranny,  Homosexuals  Control  Politics , Stop  Fighting  Under  The  Banner  Of  Atheism  And  Stand  Up  For  Christendom

2016-12-07 20:59:14-05

shutterstock_132518903-660x350-1398887392Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat 

Germany has already risen as a tyranny, homosexuals control politics,  Christians must stop fighting under the banner of secularism and stand up for Christendom. This is what I discussed with Chris Garcia, a Christian who was thrown out of Calvary Chapel for daring to talk about Islam and Christian persecution at his […]

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Today  Is  The  Seventy-Five  Year  Anniversary  Of  Pearl  Harbor,  Remember  That  Japan  Is  Still  An  Enemy  And  Is  Not  Our  Friend.  The  War  Is  Not  Over

2016-12-07 22:47:17-05

FILE - In this Dec. 7, 1941 file photo, the destroyer USS Shaw explodes after being hit by bombs during the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Wednesday marks the 70th anniversary of the attack that brought the United States into World War II. (AP File Photo)Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat 

Today is the seventy five anniversary of Pearl Harbor. I did this video as a reminder that Japan is still an enemy, not a friend: In 1959, the infamous soldier of the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara, visited Japan with the objective of making trade deals for Cuban sugar. In a meeting, Che […]

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Wikileaks  Releases  57,000  Emails  From  Turkish  President  Erdogan’s  Son-In-Law  And  Minister  Of  Oil  To  ISIS  Terrorists  Showing  His  Support  And  How  Turkey  Was  Involved  In  Funding  Their  Smuggling  Operations

2016-12-08 05:33:12-05

albayrak1Posted in Featured

In a scandal as large as Pizzagate and the Spirit Cooking rituals in the USA, Wikileaks has just released 57,000 emails from Turkish President Erdogan’s son-in-law and Minister of Oil, Barat Albayrak, showing how he worked directly with ISIS terrorists to smuggle oil from the terrorists into Turkey: WikiLeaks has released a tranche of more […]

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CCTV  Catches  Group  Of  Muslims  Kicking  Random  German  Girl  Down  The  Subway  Stairs  Just  For  Fun

2016-12-08 15:30:11-05

muslimkick1Posted in FeaturedGeneral

In a shocking new video, Muslims men kick a German girl down the stairs and severely injure her just because they can for fun: This is an excellent video, for as we have pointed out before, this is how the Muslims really feel about non-Muslims people, that they can do what they want because they […]

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Is  Donald  Trump  The  Great  Monarch  Or  A  Cyrus  As  Predicted  By  So  Many  Prophecies?  Is  He  One  Of  The  Seven  Shepherds  Who  Will  Defeat  The  Antichrist?

2016-12-08 16:03:07-05

cyrustrumpsmallPosted in FeaturedGeneralHighlight
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Christmas Special) 

So is Donald Trump the Great Monarch, the Cyrus of our times (Isaiah 45:1,2) who was ordained in this hour to be a blessing to the nations? There has been much fascination over the rise the “great monarch,” a Christian King who is foretold to set up a new social order upon […]

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Muslims  Attack  Christian  Couple  And  Murder  The  Husband,  And  The  Father  Of  The  Wife  Suddenly  Disappears  And  Is  Nowhere  To  Be  Found

2016-12-08 16:58:39-05

635956173496360228Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat  

Muslims in Egypt attacked a Christian couple, murdering the husband; and the father of the wife has gone missing ever since. According to one report: Three Christians from Egypt are currently seeking refuge in Cyprus after they fled their Muslim-dominated nation because of the brutal persecution they had experienced because of their […]

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Major  UK  Muslim  Leader  Declares  ‘It’s  You  White  People  Who  Have  To  Integrate  With  Us  Muslims  Because  We  Are  The  Victims’

2016-12-08 20:19:16-05

mversiPosted in FeaturedGeneral

Miqdaad Versi is a UK Muslim businessman an notable figure in UK Islamic circles. His resume is impressive. However, in a recent article for the UK Guardian, he made the shocking claim that it is the job of ‘white people’ in the UK to integrate with Muslims while at the same time saying that Muslims […]

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Anonymous said...

Trump is literally not a lawyer, so I'd say Trump is Cyrus.

He has had everyone come against him and still stand undefeated.....this means God will use him as he did Cyrus.

Reluctantly at first, he will then defeat all the Democrats....including Warburg, Cheney, Snowcroft, David Cameron and Baraq Obama until all which is left is the Antichrist. He will be one of the Seven who will defeat the Antichrist.

I'm positive that God will use him for his own ends and accomplish all of these feats....rather than Trump the normal man.

archangel said...

This paper could also be titled the 21st century verses the 6th century. Islam what do you think you are doing and where are you heading? You want to destroy western civilization do you? All the progress of humanity erased by you? All the invention and innovations like electricity and common/natural law?
We are learning to treat our women with respect and fairness. You treat them like property. They might as well be pets. Your laws are draconian and oppressive in the extreme. You like cutting heads off of people with different faith and perceptions? Do you intend to cut off every head in the western world of 2 billion people? How about the heads of a billion and a half Chinese. One billion Indians and a billion Latinos? If this your planned Jihad?
You have another thing coming. America, for instance, has a 26 million man well armed, well trained militia. That is just the citizens. Do you feel lucky? Combine all the nations I just mentioned and you have a most fearsome force. All you are going to do is piss everyone off really bad. You will be destroyed like a lethal pathogen within humanity and erased from the earth as a toxin.
All Muslims who wish to join the 21st century, have a future and a future worth having and are tired of being bullied by the thugs among you, had best find new directions and learn the basic protocols of advanced civilization or be exterminated. The rest of the world is appalled at your treatment of women and children and of each other. We will not be bullied by you. We will defend our homelands and families and preserve our cultures.
If you wish to survive and thrive, you need to find your humanity and nurture it for all you’re worth. Time is short and the sands of the hourglass are almost done flowing. Pray to God for help and guidance before it is too late.
