Saturday, May 6, 2017



    “Something  For  Nothing?”
Thousands of Muslim refugees have already left Arizona on their own accord and many more will follow because of one VERY simple thing the Arizona residents are doing. This comes after hordes of Muslim refugees invaded the US and Arizona became a top destination for the immigrants.

At least 7,500 Somali refugees resettled in Arizona have moved out of the state because there are not enough welfare and government benefits to meet their demands. The state also requires them to learn English and find jobs in order to get food stamps. Apparently, this move doesn’t please many of them so they are moving out.

From USA News Flash
Here’s more… Each immigrant in Arizona receives $925 from the US Department of Health and Human Service every month.  
(More than most ENTITLED Americans receive in Social Security monthly!)
After this payment, each migrant is expected to foot the rest of their bills. The state of Arizona doesn’t offer additional funding unless these welfare recipients earn them.  For many of them that is too much to ask.
All the refugees are required to complete a monthly report proving that they are learning English, and looking for jobs. If some of them skip language courses or refuse to apply for job, their food stamps are cut off and they are denied all other state benefits. 
Here’s what one Somali refugee said about Arizona’s system: 
“The one thing that Arizona does very well is making sure that at least these families will not go hungry,” Somali asylum seeker Mukhtar Sheikh says. “But sometimes these families don’t get enough help — they come in saying, “Oh, my food stamps have stopped,’ so we have to call DES and ask them why.” 
He then admitted that he and his family were leaving Arizona for better benefits.  “If that money runs out and they don’t have a job, then there starts to be pressure for them to find a way to survive,” Sheikh says. “There’s not a lot of programs to help them with employment here.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a native born white American male I have been declared an enemy by Congress under the USC and the Amendatory Act of 1933. As an enemy, I cannot buy, sell, or trade with other Americans without specific written permission from the President of the Unites States according to the Trading with the Enemy Act, USC Title 50. I can't get a job or health insurance unless I violate these Federal laws and commit a Federal felony. I have been denied a passport repeatedly by the State Department so I can not even leave the country to find work and have a fulfilling life helping other people with their soul journey because it's the law and everything in America is illegal. These piece of S..t satan worshipping muslims are getting $925 a month and there are veterans that are homeless!! The nukes can't start flying soon enough. I'll reincarnate on another planet next time. I'm fed up with this one, and so is God.