Hal Turner Radio Show
Hal Turner Radio Show
November 14 2017
The King of Saudi Arabia has admitted members of the Saudi Royal family helped Orchestrate the attacks of 9/11 upon the United States, and they have now been ARRESTED.
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman recent ‘anti-corruption’ crackdown on the powerful elite has included dozens of powerful 9/11 conspirators, including Osama bin Laden’s brother and royal family members.
The new purge that saw the mass arrests of royalty and billionaires saw dozens of elites placed under house arrest, including 38 cabinet members that were accused of being the architects of 9/11.
President Donald Trump is said to have had a significant influence on the recent purge, which saw the Clinton/Bush globalist era come to a sudden close.
Clinton allies and donors, along with 9/11 conspirators, have all been arrested signaling the end of the globalist influence on the world.
Many Americans have been aware of the role Saudi Arabia played in the 9/11 attacks; 5 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis.
In 2002, the bipartisan Joint Congressional Inquiry conducted an extensive investigation into the intelligence failures in the lead-up to 9/11. President George W. Bush sealed the section covering Saudi Arabia's possible involvement, presumably to avoid damaging relations with one of America's closest Middle Eastern allies.
Since then, the 28 pages have been locked in a basement room at the U.S. Capitol; lawmakers can read them, but are forbidden from revealing their exact contents. Spearheading the campaign to have them declassified is former Sen. Bob Graham, who co-chaired the inquiry. "The 28 pages primarily relate to who financed 9/11," he said last year, "and they point a very strong finger at Saudi Arabia."
But before Trump, weak leaders like Bush, Clinton, and Obama failed to stand up to the Saudis, thus selling out the American people.
Then the Massacre at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas took place. According to radar recordings from the nearby McCarren airport, at least seven helicopters appeared to have been used in that attack. Three of them hovered over rooftops near to both Mandalay Bay and to the Country Music festival which was attacked. The hovering was presumably done to drop-off shooters.
Regardless of whatever shots may have been coming from Mandalay Bay, video from Las Vegas clearly shows MUZZLE FLASH coming from mid-air, away from Manadalay Bay - which could only have come from a helicopter.
It turned out that certain Saudis owned the top five floors of the Mandalay Bay, and according to highly confidential information, members of the Saudi Royal Family were in Las Vegas the night of the attack. Perhaps even the King of Saudi Arabia himself!
This has lead certain investigators to conclude the "worst mass shooting in US history" was actually an ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION of certain Saudi Royalty. The hit was financed by certain members of the Saudi government. The people killed at the concert . . . . were a DIVERSION from the real target: The Saudi royalty in Vegas that night.
President Trump dispatched Jared Kushner to Saudi Arabia via commercial flight on an UNANNOUNCED trip. My former colleagues in the FBI confirm Kushner brought with him, highly classified investigation materials showing who paid how much to whom in order to carry out or facilitate the attack, and telephone/email intercepts proving the Vegas massacre was a cover for an attempted "hit" against the Saudi Royals.
72 Hours after Kushner departed Saudi Arabia, "the purge" began, with round-ups of Royal Family members, current and former Ministers and others.
Apparently, many of those arrested - BUT NOT ALL - have been financing/using terrorism for years to implement THEIR goals worldwide. Most of them were wrapped-up in one fell swoop when the Crown Prince had so many arrested. The cabal is out of business. Their compatriots in the AMERICAN federal government, are next.
The last 16 years have seen the Saudi regime continually block information that could lead to a full investigation of 9/11, leading implications for the wealthy orchestrators.
Trumps election promise to investigate 9/11
Many see the recent mass arrests as a sign the Trump’s election promise to investigate 9/11 is coming to fruition, which will deliver a long overdue justice to the Americans.
Trumps said: “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened,” Trump said during the election campaign, to widespread mockery from the press.
But whoever laughs last, laughs best. And Trump is developing the habit of getting the last laugh. During a February debate, then-candidate Trump took a crack at former president George W. Bush.
“The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush,” he said in a February debate. “He kept us safe? That is not safe.”
Trump is no longer playing the cozy game of the deep state, hence the reason we are seeing such a backlash against him.
“Why did the administration at the time not take legal means against Saudi Arabia? Weren’t 19 of the high-jackers from Saudi Arabia?” Trump questioned February. “Americans deserve answers and I will definitely request a new investigation so that this horrible tragedy never happens again.”
9/11 conspirators in custody
Following the mass arrests, which now sees prosecutors working on cases, there may soon be light at the end of the tunnel.
“I’ve got to tell you, for all the elites out in the world, the Party of Davos guys are sitting there today gobsmacked, absolutely shocked,” Steve Bannon said.
“The largest financier in the Arab world, the Muslim world, is Prince Alwaleed. He’s got stakes in just about every high-tech company. He’s a huge partner of Rupert Murdoch. When he came to the United States back in the early nineties, he was actually a client of my firm as he got into Hollywood; he got into media. He owns a huge stake in Citicorp, he saved Citicorp from going bankrupt.”
“People are stunned today that he was put under house arrest, put under arrest yesterday in Saudi Arabia, in this situation of what they called corruption, money laundering, et cetera. People are thinking this is directly tied to the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood, this whole thing about cleaning up Saudi Arabia to take care of this.
“You’re going to see a lot of changes. This thing is far, far from over. You’re at the top of the first inning. You’re probably at the first batter,” Bannon said.
Many of you may be aware that a group calling itself ANTIFA (Anti-Fascist Action) had planned a massive "uprising" for November 4, with the publicly stated goal of forcing President Trump and Vice President Pence from office.
For months, these "rallies" were touted as "Nov. 4 It Begins . . . ."
Well, November 4 came and went, and ANTIFA couldn;t even muster a thousand people (total) from all of the cities they planned their uprising in. It turned out, the money never arrived!
Why? Because three days earlier, a whole slew of Saudi Billionaires ended up under arrest.
So this ANTIFA nonsense that has plagued the United States since before the Presidential election . . . . was obviously being financed by certain rich foreign elements . . . . who are now under arrest and their money impounded.
A lot remains to be done.
There are AMERICANS -- some of whom hold high federal offices -- who were involved in 9/11 and a slew of other monstrous atrocities since then. They are reportedly on the list of "things to do" for the Trump Administration.
Want some hints as to who they are?
The ones in government screeching the loudest against President Trump will give you a really good idea; Republicans, too.
In one case, a guy with a track record of betraying our country, has continued to do so for years . . . . and the son of a bitch dares to hold himself out as some sort of Honorable man.
It is going to be a really wonderful day to see that one taken away in handcuffs.
God Bless Donald J. Trump and God Bless the United States of America.
Many see the recent mass arrests as a sign the Trump’s election promise to investigate 9/11 is coming to fruition, which will deliver a long overdue justice to the Americans.
Trumps said: “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened,” Trump said during the election campaign, to widespread mockery from the press.
But whoever laughs last, laughs best. And Trump is developing the habit of getting the last laugh. During a February debate, then-candidate Trump took a crack at former president George W. Bush.
“The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush,” he said in a February debate. “He kept us safe? That is not safe.”
Trump is no longer playing the cozy game of the deep state, hence the reason we are seeing such a backlash against him.
“Why did the administration at the time not take legal means against Saudi Arabia? Weren’t 19 of the high-jackers from Saudi Arabia?” Trump questioned February. “Americans deserve answers and I will definitely request a new investigation so that this horrible tragedy never happens again.”
9/11 conspirators in custody
Following the mass arrests, which now sees prosecutors working on cases, there may soon be light at the end of the tunnel.
“I’ve got to tell you, for all the elites out in the world, the Party of Davos guys are sitting there today gobsmacked, absolutely shocked,” Steve Bannon said.
“The largest financier in the Arab world, the Muslim world, is Prince Alwaleed. He’s got stakes in just about every high-tech company. He’s a huge partner of Rupert Murdoch. When he came to the United States back in the early nineties, he was actually a client of my firm as he got into Hollywood; he got into media. He owns a huge stake in Citicorp, he saved Citicorp from going bankrupt.”
“People are stunned today that he was put under house arrest, put under arrest yesterday in Saudi Arabia, in this situation of what they called corruption, money laundering, et cetera. People are thinking this is directly tied to the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood, this whole thing about cleaning up Saudi Arabia to take care of this.
“You’re going to see a lot of changes. This thing is far, far from over. You’re at the top of the first inning. You’re probably at the first batter,” Bannon said.
Many of you may be aware that a group calling itself ANTIFA (Anti-Fascist Action) had planned a massive "uprising" for November 4, with the publicly stated goal of forcing President Trump and Vice President Pence from office.
For months, these "rallies" were touted as "Nov. 4 It Begins . . . ."
Well, November 4 came and went, and ANTIFA couldn;t even muster a thousand people (total) from all of the cities they planned their uprising in. It turned out, the money never arrived!
Why? Because three days earlier, a whole slew of Saudi Billionaires ended up under arrest.
So this ANTIFA nonsense that has plagued the United States since before the Presidential election . . . . was obviously being financed by certain rich foreign elements . . . . who are now under arrest and their money impounded.
A lot remains to be done.
There are AMERICANS -- some of whom hold high federal offices -- who were involved in 9/11 and a slew of other monstrous atrocities since then. They are reportedly on the list of "things to do" for the Trump Administration.
Want some hints as to who they are?
The ones in government screeching the loudest against President Trump will give you a really good idea; Republicans, too.
In one case, a guy with a track record of betraying our country, has continued to do so for years . . . . and the son of a bitch dares to hold himself out as some sort of Honorable man.
It is going to be a really wonderful day to see that one taken away in handcuffs.
God Bless Donald J. Trump and God Bless the United States of America.

This is the old shell game of deceptions. It was the Bush WH, Silverstein and Israeli Mossad who planned and executed the bombings of 3 buildings in NYC and the Pentagon, and then stole the NESARA gold reserve ( some vans filled with bars were found abandoned in the tunnels). See: CIA ASSET SUSAN LINDAUER 911 TRUTH - EXTREME PREJUDICE, on Youtube, and reports on Veterans Today.
Bloomberg (jewish) is also complicit for failing to investigate during his 12 years as Mayor, and let Silverstein collect million on the insurance claim on the 3 WTC towers!!
Be patient, justice will be served on all perpetrators of 911, Saudi ruling elite clan is 'Jewish' as well.
smart comments from both people. it is amazing how americans are the only ones who really don't question these things like other countries do-no wonder this country is falling too pieces. Hegelian dialectic is what we are being fed. trump has no more power than our votes.
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