BREAKING ALERT: Huge Worldwide Cyber Bank Raid Ongoing, Confirmed €60M Taken By 1 Server, Estimated €2 Billion Taken By Another 59 Servers…This Is Huge!!!
UPDATE: 60 servers around world, €60m from just 1 server
, they estimate €200 billion could of been taken from the other remaining servers. Attacks are ongoing…..
Breaking on Sky just now…..
Momma coop further down has link. Also check sky news twitter feed..
Momma coop further down has link. Also check sky news twitter feed..
Cyber Raid..
McAfee Virus researchers have uncovered a series of attacks on financial services industry on high balance accounts, some transfers of over 100,000 Euros have been reported…….
Over 60 million euros stolen so far from Dutch, Italian and Germany banks……
Some guy talking about it before saying its China, possibly geeks in a warehouse he said, also said that the west, UK and US on the offensive…
Is this Cyber Robbery or Cyber War…
Guy on sky news again….
They have attacked UK and US , over 60 servers
around world attacking banks, attacks are ONGOING still, €60m confirmed from 1 server, they estimate over €2 billion from other servers.
This is Huge and explains what happed to RBS..[googlevid]
There is a blip about it here. you have to scroll down a bit
“The majority of attacks appear to have taken place across European banking systems, but McAfee warns that it has found evidence of attacks at Latin American and North American financial institutions too. The company is warning that 60 servers have been processing thousands of attempted thefts from high-value accounts over a period of months, resulting in attempts to steal at least €60 million (US$78 million). McAfee says that if all the attempted fraud attacks were successful then the total attempted fraud could be as high as €2 billion ($2.49 billion).”
Could this be our Military and or White hats going after te bad guys accounts as part ONE of the green lignt??? Seems funny this is happening just about the time the green ligth is on.... This all could be happening from 0ne computer somewhere and no one will be ABLE TO FIND OUT QUICKLY....
Hi John,
Just posted on Drakes he quoted......
"There are TWO green lights. One as stated about the above (tactical) and the other deals with financials. Two commands, both acting according to what was decided as the best way to handle both".
"Each being as complicated as they are, separation of these two was the best tactical maneuver because of the acceleration or move up of our enemies' plans of execution. This had been considered before, but left alone because both were to take place at the same time". Obviously that changed according to the enemy moving their plans ahead of their original schedule.
"I was told that a tactical GREEN LIGHT was to be called if asked about it, and I did so. We are still waiting for the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance. I look for this very soon".
I bet this cyber bank attack is the secondary GREEN LIGHT of finance is our Military.....
The house of cards is falling fast!!!
Forgive Me guys but I'v been doing this so long and having so many disappointments.The latest delays have been hard to take.I'v fought the banks and lost-long story-I'v fought the courts and lost dito. They are criminals and so are the judges.
This Cyber attack could also be CEO Bankers in a frenzy over the failed G20 due to a lack of funds, this might be an effort to clear out the remaining minimal amount of $$$ into the bankers private offshore accounts. Sometimes you have to think the way these criminals think in order to get the definitive answer. Jackie Blue
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