Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 28, 2012 ‘Unlocking Earth’s Quarantine’
Do not look at life manifestations beyond this 3rd dimension as life manifestations that may resemble your human vessel and your spirit essences, as this is not always the case, and we will say that this is not frequently the case. There are many sentient and non-sentient beings throughout the vastness of space and through the multiple dimensions of existence. There are those beings and entities that do not resemble the human species in any way, and this includes their outer shell as well as what comprises the being within, including the spiritual, emotional and mental makeup of the being or entity.
Here in your world there is a mix of beings who are like one another and beings who are unlike one another. The beings that are unlike our human brothers and sisters are beings who do not belong here, as they are not from here and they have not taken the proper course of spiritual, mental and emotional development to get here. These beings took a shortcut to get here, and it is this shortcut that we mean, through our mission, to rectify. It is our intention to, in effect, send these beings back to where it is they came from and where it is they belong and have belonged for many, many eons of time. They have been permitted to dwell here on your planet in your reality due to a quirk of the mechanisms that govern your physical plane, and they have trespassed onto what is your land.
These beings have not learned to treat others with respect and kindness, love, caring and empathy. They have not learned the virtues of mercy, forgiveness and charity. They do not understand what it means to be a member of a community and what responsibilities this gift bestows upon one. They have taken so much for granted, and this behavior is only natural as they have not learned the lessons that would enable them of such gifts. All gifts must be earned, and they must be earned through trial and tribulation, hardship and struggle, and lessons designed to teach and to bring about the higher good and the best in an individual being. When shortcuts are taken, a being has not prepared themselves for an existence within higher dimensional states, and it is here where a problem occurred and allowed beings who did not learn the necessary lessons to enter this domain and thrive here, putting a stranglehold on this planet.
We the Galactic Federation of Light, detected a problem here many eons ago and we took fast and appropriate steps to quarantine this entire planet, not allowing these beings to spread to other worlds that exist within the same dimension as your Earth. This quarantine has been in effect for many eons of time, far longer than many of you may realize that civilizations have thrived here on this planet. We would tell you that there have been civilizations on this planet going back hundreds of thousands of your years and not just the few thousand years since your Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations which many today falsely believe was the launch of civilization on this planet. This is hardly the case, as your civilizations that thrived in your Mesopotamian regions were considerable latecomers on the stage of this planet.
There have been civilizations on this planet for so long that many who have called this planet their home at one time have ‘graduated’, if you will, to higher dimensions and are now Pleiadian citizens, Sirian citizens, Arcturian citizens, and citizens of many different star systems and even different galaxies. These beings who have previously called Earth their home, and who certainly can be considered your brothers and sisters, are now here again with you. They are at this very moment with us as members of our organization the Galactic Federation of Light. This is truly a homecoming for these beings as Earth is not a new planet to them, it is their ancestral home. They lived here for many lifetimes, learning the lessons and living through the experiences that garnered them their higher education and spiritual wisdom that now allows them the freedom to call the higher dimensions their home.
This is how it works, there are no shortcuts permitted. All of the beings that are members of our organization have earned their right to exist within the higher dimensions and have further earned their right to be members of our organization. They have taken no shortcuts, and if you personally meet the beings who are members of our organization you can be assured they are very advanced beings, fully developed in many different areas. You will never have anything to be concerned about in regards to your safety or well-being when speaking with or working with a being from a higher dimension and a being of our organization. We would like you to always remember this, and we would like you to remain cordial and polite at all times and show respect to all beings that you will meet, just as they will show respect for you.
We do not wish for you, our brothers and sisters, to insult the grace extended to you by exhibiting fear of any of the beings that are members of our organization that you may meet simply because they do not look the way you do. Not all beings can choose their own forms, and not all beings have ‘grown up’, if you will, with a human body. Please remember this always, and we are very confident that you will do your best to exhibit your best behavior at all times and demonstrate to beings from throughout the universe just how far the human species has advanced since we had journeyed here last many eons ago.
You have come so far individually and as a collective and have also come so far in a very short period of time. This is a rather stunning and sparkling development, and many worlds have sent representatives here to study you and find out just how you managed to grow so much in such a short time frame. Many worlds of this universe marvel at your accomplishment, and we say to all of you of the human family “Job well done and you can all be proud in how far you've come and what you have achieved together.” We will be with you soon and we will speak to you in more detail about your journey and what it has taken you to reach the plateau you stand upon today. We feel many of you will be quite surprised at what you have lived through and all the incredible experiences you have had that have made you the strong, wise and courageous beings that you are today.
Until then, always remember that you have all come so far and you have all come so far together, and it is this togetherness that has allowed all of you to become what you are today. As we have said, there are no shortcuts and none of you, our brothers and sisters of the human family, have taken any shortcuts and you all deserve recognition for your achievement and respect for all that you have accomplished to arrive at this point and the doorstep of an incredible new and glorious adventure.
We are your galactic and universal brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
1 comment:
These arrests are just sacrificial lambs for the elite. Not the big guns, that is not going to happen.
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