Thursday, June 20, 2013

RE: Why the TWA 800 cover-up?

FYI – there may be other issues involving certain passengers on TWA 800 who were becoming a problem for the spooks. I can’t put my finger on a reference for this at the moment.


Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:57 PM

Subject: RE: Why the TWA 800 cover-up?


Clinton did not allow the FBI to take over the investigation – he (and she) made it happen so the White House could control the investigation.

I am not so sure it was an Iranian missile. The independent investigator who called in to the talk show said the missiles were of U.S. origin. As I recall, he said that pieces of the missiles were recovered. Also Iran did not have shoulder-fired missiles that could reach the altitude of Flight 800, and there was no Iranian submarine capable of subsurface launch.

Who was the TWA captain who lived in Danbury and was chairman of the ALPA Air Safety Committee? I asked him repeatedly about the evidence that it was a missile, and he assured me there was no missile and that the  exploding fuel tank story was solid. I never bought it.  

There is another book titled “Night Fall” by Nelson De Mille based on the shoot-down of TWA 800. It presents a very plausible version of what may well have been the true story of TWA 800.


Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: Why the TWA 800 cover-up?


I never had any problem in understanding why the FBI and everyone above them in the Administration, along with the CIA and DOD,  would want to avoid concluding that someone was shooting down our airliners within sight of Long Island.  It would make them look even more incompetent and inattentive to National Security  than the details of the attacks of 9/11 make the Bush 43 Administration.

The American public would have demanded revenge and retaliation for the downing of TWA 800.... most likely turning the entire country of Iran into a radioactive sandpile,  and something slightly more surgical destroying major parts of Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.  Most American had little recollection of the U.S.S. Vincennes  bagging an Iranian civil  airliner over the Straits of Hormuz, but did vividly remember Reagan running away from Lebanon after Hezbollah killed 240 Marines.

Allowing the Super-egos of the FBI to take over the TWA 800  investigation was a mistake I never understood. (I never had significant respect for the FBI, and still don't.)  I could almost understand  the politics of wasting the first few days following the crash looking for bodies instead of recovering airplane pieces.  But allowing the aircraft pieces (evidence) to ferment in salt water several days did certainly  handicap the technical investigation. 

I never bought the "official" NTSB story on TWA 800.  I hope the documentary film on TWA 800 does force the NTSB to re-open the investigation.    

Subject: Why the TWA 800 cover-up?
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 12:05:21 -0700

Another example of government corruption.  But why this???  What would be their motive for hiding the truth?
TWA Flight 800 investigators break silence in new documentary, claim original conclusion about cause of crash is wrong



Jack Cashill’s theory, as laid out in his excellent book “First Strike – The Downing of TWA Flight 800 and the Attack on America” is that Bill Clinton was in the midst of a desperate campaign for re-election, with the vote just three months away in November 1996. He was reeling from the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Whitewater investigation, the appointment of Ken Starr as a Special Prosecutor,  the strange deaths of Vince Foster, William Colby, Ron Brown, and Chief of Naval Operations Jeremy Boorda, as well as the Khobar Towers bombing in June 1996.

(William Colby, recently retired as CIA Director, had started writing and publishing an intelligence newsletter. He had confided to colleagues that he had uncovered explosive new evidence in the Vince Foster murder case which implicated the Clintons.)

Bottom line – Clinton could not afford to have a national security crisis in the midst of a critical re-election campaign.

He was way behind in the polls. He was just beginning to gather in the bags of cash being delivered to him from the Chinese government to finance a massive TV political advertising campaign engineered by Dick Morris.

In order to get the attention he needed to turn around the polls, TWA 800 needed to go away. That is exactly what happened. As usual, Hillary was deeply involved in this mess, just as she was in every major Clinton scandal.


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