Thursday, July 4, 2013

CGI's Lady_Liberty: Spirit of America

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's Lady_Liberty: Spirit of America
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 4-Jul-2013 12:26:40

Happy Fourth to all. This article was published at by Michael Dunn. Sent by Drake Bailey.Thank you Michael, Drake and Jean.
The Echoes of Gettysburg by Michael Henry Dunn, July 3, 2013
by Drake
The Echoes of Gettysburg by Michael Henry Dunn, July 3, 2013
Posted on July 3, 2013 by Jean
Michael Henry Dunn returns today to offer us some thoughts to consider on the United States’ Fourth of July. I’ve just finished reading, and my eyes are filled with tears. Michael, as a nation we need so very much to hear these words – and any other words like this that you may have to offer us in the future. I feel deeply honored to publish this for you!
Welcome back, Michael
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies: the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe.”
– Abraham Lincoln, 1864
“The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial power of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw the tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the financiers, to the vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing. Therefore they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic.”
— German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, 1876
Otto von Bismarck knew whereof he spoke. The masterful Prussian aristocrat whose “blood and iron” policy of Realpolitick was so admired by Henry Kissinger, and who accomplished the unification of Germany in the latter part of the 19th century, was at the center of the high circles of power in Europe for most of his life. Here we have the word of an eyewitness participant to the unabashed agenda of the Rothschild-controlled international banking elite: divide and weaken the United States of America, and place the American people in debt-slavery to the financiers.
But they failed.
Well, for a while. Another few decades of comparative freedom were won for America when the Union forces defeated the Rothschild-backed Confederacy. The slow and remorseless undermining of American independence that had begun in the wake of the Revolution, the insidious efforts to install a Rothschild-controlled central bank on American shores, had been fiercely resisted by succeeding generations of patriots such as Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. The bankers finally succeeded in 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System into existence, placing a private, European-controlled banking cartel in charge of America’s destiny. But that precious interval of freedom, those decades of union and peace between 1865 and 1913, not only destroyed the cancer of slavery, it allowed the American union (and the American national character) to redefine itself in the image of Lincoln, the unlikely backwoods hero whose vision of the sacred value of government “of the people, by the people, for the people,” was burned forever into the national soul by his martyrdom at the completion of our bloody catharsis.
Before the war, the American psyche was a thing divided: an almost schizophrenic split between North and South; freedom versus slavery; unbridled (and often abusive) free enterprise versus a nearly feudal agragrian society ruled by a landed aristocracy whose vast cotton-empire was built on the sanctification of the concept of owning another human being as property. In other words, America was, as Lincoln observed, “a house divided against itself” which could not long endure half-slave and half-free. But this political division was also a division of the spirit, of values, of character – which sprung not from any moral superiority of Northerners over Southerners but from the values of the contrasting systems under which they lived, and from the pernicious effects on the human soul of the toleration of slavery. Americans bred and raised in the South were (and to some extent, still are) a different breed, and crossing the Mason-Dixon line from the North was described by many as a journey into the past, from a land characterized by energy, opportunity, and determination into a slow-paced and dispirited one governed by archaic concepts of a chivalric code which masked the brutal reality of “the freedom to oppress.”
This was the spiritually diseased America which existed before the Civil War, and which the Rothschilds and the “high financial powers” of Europe sought to make perpetual, so as to prevent a truly free Republic from defeating their plan for global domination. The triumph of the Union forces, guided by the uncanny political genius, by the superhuman patience and determination of Abe Lincoln, defeated not only slavery and secession, but cured America of what could so easily have been a fatal cancer, and allowed our national soul to begin to express its true nature.
That uniquely American character by which the world once knew us, the irrepressible American spirit, the clichéd Yankee “can-do” resourcefulness and determination that sparked an astonishing Age of Invention, settled the wilderness, survived the Depression, defeated fascism, and endured another national catharsis in the 1960’s when the Civil War’s grim legacy of racism was confronted by the Civil Rights movement – that America only came into being because of the sacrifices of the Civil War.
One hundred and fifty years ago today, tens of thousands of Americans died at a small town in southern Pennsylvania, turning back the brilliant Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia at Gettysburg, ending his plan to march on Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C, which would likely have secured foreign recognition for the Confederacy, which would have achieved the Rothschilds’ goal of a divided and indebted American people.
With the 20/20 perfection of historical hindsight, it is common to observe that Gettysburg was the turning point of the war, that the “high water mark” of the Confederacy’s chance for victory can be pinpointed to a low stone wall called “the Angle” where Pickett’s Charge almost breached the Union line. When the breach was quickly filled by reinforcements, and the encroaching rebels killed or captured, the Confederacy’s decline was inevitable, some say, from that moment. Other historians point to a key engagement of the previous day, July 2nd, 1863, when the Confederates assaulted the lightly defended Little Round Top with three successive charges. Had they overrun this small hill, they could have rolled up the Union line with a deadly flank assault, sending the Army of the Potomac in headlong retreat toward Washington, with Robert E. Lee in hot pursuit. A bookish professor-turned-soldier named Joshua Chamberlain commanded the 20th Maine defending Little Round Top, and his men knew they held the fate of the nation in their hands. They repelled charge after charge….and then they ran out of ammunition. And the Confederates attacked once more. And as the rebels advanced uphill, Chamberlain gave the only order left to him – “Fix bayonets! Charge!” The sight of this suicidal attack of bayonet-wielding Yankees charging downhill towards them, sounding a battle-frenzied scream, broke the fabled rebel nerve, and they turned tail and ran.
Other such images from around the world may come to us today, of human beings placing their lives on the line in the hope of freedom: the lone protester facing the tank in Tienanmen Square in June of 1989; the fruit vendor’s self-immolation in Tunisia that sparked the Arab Spring; or the now-famous image of the calm Brazilian man speaking nose-to-nose to police through a phalanx of riot-shields in Rio de Janeiro’s massive protests.
(For myself, I will carry the image of Nelu Wibawa in a Jakarta prison cell, with Neil Keenan at his side, holding out against corruption for the chance to free the wealth of mankind to finally serve the good of mankind.)
In our collective American shame at the brutal injustice of the war in Iraq, of the horrors of Abu Graib prison, of the violation by the Bush regime of our long-standing national prohibition against torture, of the appalling truth of the false flag massacres of innocents by which the banking cabal has manipulated America into supporting their bloody acquisition of humanity’s resources for diabolical ends, in our shock at the unveiling of the heinous history of America the Beautiful transformed into America the Debt Slave, or America the Slothful, or America Asleep….despite the bleak weight of these grim facts, do not let us forget Gettysburg. Do not let us forget just why the Rothschilds and their dark sect were (and are) so afraid of a free America, or why they and their collaborators have labored so long to cage the American spirit.
It is because once upon a time we actually were a beacon of freedom to the world. In 1863, the United States of America was still a brave and lonely experiment, a lone bloom of democracy amidst the choking weeds of monarchy and despotism. While the criminal bankers helped foment our bloody Civil War, it was one war whose outcome they could not control, and in its wake the American spirit had a brief sunlit span of time in which to flourish. That spirit has gone deep into our bones, into our national DNA, and it is why we are finally waking up. But now, it seems, the world must set the example for us, and must give us these burning images of courage where once we gave it to them, as the echoes of Lincoln’s words at Gettysburg rebound across the canyon of the centuries to remind us of who we once were. You will find those words in the “Three Principles of The People” enunciated by China’s national hero Sun Yat-Sen, when the Chinese first tried, a century ago, to achieve self-rule, a direct quote of Lincoln’s truth – “of the people, by the people, for the people.” And in France, once upon a time, they too looked to Lincoln, and the French Republic quoted the Kentucky lawyer in their constitution – “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Can the sight of thirty-three million Egyptians standing up peacefully for freedom awaken the American conscience? Or millions of Turks? Or Spaniards? Or Brazilians? What will it take for the echoes of Gettysburg to sound in our own ears once more? We are presented with a mockery of democracy, a puppet show of left versus right, in which both sides are bought and sold, both sides controlled by the all-seeing blackmail of the NSA’s surveillance, which serves, not our national security, but the security of the criminal bankers and bloodlines. The NSA protects a government of the bankers, by the bankers, for the bankers.
It was a long, slow slide from the peace and union won at Gettysburg to the sad travesty of democracy we see today. But even as the war wound down to its conclusion, Abraham Lincoln saw the coming peril. A few weeks before his death, he wrote:
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my Country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed.”
Even though Lincoln’s fears were realized, we may hope that the Republic is not destroyed, but is rather in a deadly coma, wherein a flicker of life lies dormant, waiting only for the spark of our courage to resurrect it. But this time it must not be the courage to fix bayonets and charge. In our time, that would only play into the plans of the dark sect, which even now seeks a moment of chaos in which to impose martial law. We have the right to our guns, and we can be grateful that we have a disciplined and responsible network across the nation of community militias, but we must be wary of falling into the trap of violence. God knows the cabal will stage it themselves if they can, but we must expose them before they succeed.
We know that our militias stand ready to support the hoped-for legal actions which have been prepared to bring the criminal sect to justice – justice according to our founding documents, supported by local law enforcement, and backed where needed by patriotic units of the military.
What an amazing sight it would be for the world, to see the American people peacefully rise up to once more rid our nation of a deadly cancer, and restore the freedom that once made us beloved! To read of the sacrifices of Gettysburg, or of Valley Forge, or of Iwo Jima, or of Selma, Alabama, to read the words of Dr. King, of John Kennedy, still can make us proud to be Americans, despite the depressing bleakness of the last few decades. When our true history is known, perhaps we will hold our heads high once more. When we have restored the Republic, when the Federal Reserve is dismantled, when our currency is a thing of value and not a cabal slave-note, when our military is engaged in global humanitarian missions not phony wars, when the truths of the false flags are exposed, when journalists are free to write the truth, when our soil is freed of toxins and our skies are cleansed of chemtrails, when seed grows freely from seed as God intended, and we are finally ready to meet our hidden cousins above the earth and within it…
Will it be days, months, years? I don’t know. There are no guarantees, and there are formidable forces arrayed against us. But the men of the 20th Maine who fixed their bayonets on Little Round Top a hundred and fifty years ago had no guarantees. And they had no ammunition either. All they had was their willingness to sacrifice everything for an idea of freedom. And all we can do is look to their example…
…that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
(Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address)
Michael Henry Dunn

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