July 4th Global Fireworks
Updates below FOR THIS LIST ONLY,
including those you may network this to.
This is the short version. The full version with
pictures and four videos is archived HERE.
by Christopher Rudy
Heartcom Network
Public fireworks in Egypt appear to be celebrating a military coup
and suspension of the new Egyptian Constitution after 3 days when
millions of Egyptians demonstrated in the streets for and against the
year's performance of their democratically elected President Morsi.
The whole Mid-East is a powder keg teetering on chaos and anarchy.
The fuse is short, fueled by U.S. intervention and destabilization in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now over revelations that the U.S. has
been covertly funding the Syrian opposition that is murdering the
innocent civilian populations where Christians, Jews, Muslims and
other religions have lived together peacefully for many centuries.
But these global 'fireworks' are bigger than that.
The 'fireworks display' has been set up well over the last month.
A politicized IRS plus NSA mass surveillance have been outed.
Loss of privacy is now a global issue, creating 'global fireworks'.
Witness the global media frenzy over the Snowden affair, showing
China and Russia aiding and abetting the protection of Snowden
while ' European Nations Are Angry' over recent revelations that the
U.S. "power elite insiders" (cabal, plutocracy/corporatocracy, etc.)
has been using their sophisticated PRISM surveillance and data
mining analysis techniques to monitor whatever they want to know
about virtually everyone in our global village... at least if they use
telephones, cell phones, e-mail or the Internet, just like in the U.S.
<cut> (for brevity). Continued at: 'Global Fireworks'
If ever there was a time when a compelling path to social justice was
needed, with social Conscience and social capital to make it so,
THIS IS IT! Global rEVOLUTION is brewing and its divine destiny
warrants the pure intention of kind men among mankind to fulfill it.
Ready or now, we are ALL participants in the big drama unfolding.
Like it or not, we will ALL be held accountable to 'Higher Power'.
Believe it or not, YOU can make a difference if not THE difference
in your family, "tribe" (social network), and worldwide conscious
evolution revelations and rEVOLUTION for the Family of Man.
This is a REAL CAUSE for celebration on July 4th,
and people worldwide hope it is successful.
Please consider the article links and short videos at
'Global Fireworks', and realize that hearts and minds
worldwide are uniting to fulfill the divine destiny of, by
and for 'The United Sovereigns of Earth', fulfilling
the intent of core Constitutional freedoms worldwide.
Big changes are coming to our world folks.
Ignite the Flame of Freedom and
Enjoy the Fireworks!
~ Christopher
PS: In good Conscience, please forward this article freely.
Network for a more enlightened global 'Net reality'.
Be the Liberty that holds the torch of freedom high.
Final note to long-time 'adepts' on this list:
This is an 'Urgent Alert' for all who are well aware of our
collective power as a network community 'prayer-field'
that brings light to dark places, neutralizing dark power
and the dark side's cult of secrecy now being exposed.
This Urgent Alert is in regard to 'spiritual warfare' against
'principalities of darkness', a call to action for building a
prayer field of pure intention as will focus global attention
on the universal power of love for worldwide ascension of
United Souls of, by and for the United S overeigns of Earth.
"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over.
If you are still alive, it's not."
~ Sir Francis Bacon
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