Thursday, July 18, 2013

Clocks Continue to Tic

Clocks Continue to Tic

Woke up this morning with a knowing in my heart
Something just doesn't feel right but can't point out why
With our food, water pumped with drugs from the start
Using fluoride to dumb us down like stupid flies.

But once awakened, everything becomes surreal
Looking at the world connected by all the lies
Monsanto's GMO seeds have killed farmer's meals
Corruption through the legal system spins the crime.

Knowing that telling the truth isn't their game plan
While this Blue Planet moans as millions simply cry
Patriots around the world unite as one clan
To fix this mess, as "Big Bro" continues to spy.

Free markets no longer exist as its all rigged
Corrupted are so entangled it blows your mind
Anonymous for the truth has to wear a wig
Those who stand for freedom respect those who have died.

Whistle-blowers exposing the goods with all risk
Bogus legal procedures hide every damn lie
Days turn into years, back up your computer disk
As clocks continue to tic, whining is not fine.

Good guys behind the scenes speak through many shows
While the cabal strategies and drinks the best wine
Mis-info, dis-info no one really does know
Instead quiet your mind, meditate for true signs.

Time is the other big illusion we have bought
Along with war being about people's freedom
Wicked web of deceit cast, stiltedly their caught
Discover the truth, co-create your own kingdom.

Awakened American For Freedom



Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...
dolphins 3

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